無肉餐單詳情: 逢星期一供應「Green Monday」餐單,另每天供應少量素食菜式。
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食評 (38)
(非會員) 2010-09-03
415 瀏覽
今日係我LAST DAY,唸住同個同事揾個好D嘅地方食LUNCH,見呢度價錢唔算貴,又幾多人排隊,唸住OKAY啦。點知原來係惡夢嘅開始。LUNCH MENU選擇好少,得八個,都算啦,就點左個"肉碎茄子飯",加左個雞翼,但係飲品無得簡唔知係一杯咩汁,再算啦都。佢話無得轉咖啡,要加"$15"。我心唸,嘩,你唔好去搶,仲要迫人飲D唔知咩汁。D野食到LA,賣相奇差之餘,得果四"粒"茄子,我心唸,不如去街市買一條比你煮啦,我呢世仔都未食過一個茄子飯係咁"多"茄子架囉。個飯味道都頗差,好鹹。個雞翼叫OK,正常水準。杯野飲就真係粗製濫做,好難飲。我同我個FRIEND食完傾計啦,有個WAITRESS跌左支我食完GEI叉落我隻鞋度,佢都有講唔好意思,所以無問題啦,最多返去洗下隻鞋啫。到埋單,走啦,先發覺找少左錢,返去問返個好似經理咁GEI人啦,後尾CONFIRM左係找少左,跟住佢就好大聲問我話"幾多呀???",我答佢啦,佢就好"興"咁比返我,唔好意思都無句。原本LAST DAY以為開開心心,點知食左餐連茶餐廳都不如GEI餐廳,唉。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-08-14
192 瀏覽
今曰突然咖啡癮發作,路過一間叫鈴木珈啡館,聽個名應該是曰式西餐廳,於是入去試一試!入到去當然叫了我最喜愛的咖啡之一嘅熱焦糖咖啡啦!估不到杯咖啡除了樣子漂亮外,還十分之好飲另外我媽媽就叫了持濃咖啡,其實間間咖啡店買的持濃咖啡都是極細杯的,這問咖啡店也不例外,只有很喜歡coffee的人才會鐘意飲,因為咖啡味極濃厚今曰並沒有叫到食物,因趕住今晚去食私房菜,相信下次有機會也會再來試吓呢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今日響維德廣場食晏,前前後後左左右右嘅食肆統統迫滿人,唯有 Suzuki Cafe 尚有少量座位,於是冇得揀啦。午餐餐牌分為飯類粉類,每款價錢不同。而我點選了焗龍利柳南瓜汁螺絲粉。先上餐湯,以咖啡杯大小的小杯盛上,份量夠晒「的骰」,味道清香都算可以。螺絲粉好快亦送到,嘩!細到丫!一個小鐵鍋,份量只比飯碗大不了多少。份量雖少,味道頗佳。焗龍利柳有十足芝士味,香!南瓜汁更充分滲透著縲絲粉,好入味,好食!餐飲送杯叫凍蕃茄什麼冰的...我想改咖啡,但午餐配咖啡卻要另加 $15,搶錢麼!?價錢 $68 加一後 $75,略貴。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-07-23
77 瀏覽
I had to buy somehting from Wing On and passed by Suzuki Cafe today. Since I needed to get some takeout for lunch anyway, I thought I will try this place.I had the eggplant and minced pork over rice set lunch and it came with a celery & apple juice and a pumpkin soup.I must say the portion is very small (even though it's cheap $65) and all I can see is minced pork and a few small cubes of eggplant. The pumpkin soup seriously has no taste and all you can taste is starch. The celery & apple juice is the only thing that is at least normal but how can one go wrong with juice right?Anyway, despite the cheap price, I don't think this place is worth any of us wasting one meal in our life. I checked out their website and I think their emphasis on being healthy and tasty is a mismatch with the real thing. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-06-27
68 瀏覽
Have afternoon tea for two in the coffee shop.Ordered two sets, one red bean pancake and one Hot Dog.The compliment drink for the afternoon tea set is Orange Juice (seems to be from diluted Mr Juice) or cucumber with apple special cold drink. For coffee, an additional 20 is needed. American coffee and not worth that extra. A lot of people ask for Hot Tea with milk but this coffee shop doesn't serve it in the set. I don't know if they offer any tea at all.Pancake is not outstanding, cold and with only 1 cubic cm of red bean on top. The Hot Dog is good comparatively.People go there seems to be after shopping from nearby Department Store. Fine if for a short stay, too crowded if for chatting with friends. 繼續閱讀
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