港鐵銅鑼灣站 E 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 22:00
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食評 (7)
等級4 2015-01-20
1171 瀏覽
對於任何國家的菜也感興趣的我,今次試印尼菜,銅鑼灣一帶有很多印尼餐廳,因為有很多印尼人,所以今次收工與友人去了這一間較為出名的印尼餐廳我點了什錦的,是店員推薦,友人點了炒飯,上台時賣相很吸引,因為是用像便當的碟子上,有配菜,賣相已經很有風味,友人的炒飯果然不錯,因為很香,其實跟香港的炒飯味道差不多。前菜想不到也是辣的,但是因為我很喜歡辣,加上白飯同吃,所以剛剛好,用來送飯很好吃,還有用濃濃醬汁煮的牛肉也是辣的,雖然這一餐很辣,但是吃得很過隱 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-11-21
866 瀏覽
So these guys have both dining and take out, but I did the take out. Not sure how their priced the meals, but the lady told me it cost 32hkd for 1 meat and 2 vegetable dishes. They have a variety of dishes you can choose from. The meat that I got was pork and it was only alright, because it was a little too saucey and cold. However, I really liked their vegetable dishes - especially the eggplant one. It was good because it was soft, and flavourful. Their food here isn't spicy even though there are a lot of seasoning and spices.For lunch, I thought that it was a really bomb meal that I got in hong Kong! It was portioned just right, priced very well, quick, and I would definitely come back again for lunch! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-10-18
455 瀏覽
這裡的門口常常都聚滿菲律賓同印藉人經過時人山人海多數會想箭步插過人堆冇幾耐之前留意到原來係間印尼食肆雖然以橙色為主但唔多起眼地方都好細但就充份咁用哂做座位之前因為趕時間所以簡依到食個快餐可惜因為太多人等既關係而放棄左今次再試過。雖然唔係食飯時間但都係多人既。不過都有位坐本身想食羊。不過出奇地佢冇咩羊既菜式只有咖哩羊主要係雞同魚既為主有唔同既煮法蕉葉啦。酸甜汁啦。炸啦都有其實好多都想試當然仲有十五夜。印尼炒飯依D招牌今日簡左炸鯰魚配生菜飯上到枱係一整條完整鋪滿辣醬既魚有頭有尾炸到好脆好硬另有好新鮮既生菜蕃茄青瓜片飯呢就一小堆算係成碟中最唔好食的因為又硬又乾。似隔夜/風乾了條魚好平均咁鋪滿薄薄一層辣醬鮮紅色的都幾辣下對我地唔好辣既人好快就食到咀唇麻麻地但果隻辣係惹咪同易入口的而且係整個菜既靈魂鯰魚個身好扁。細細條冇咩肉自己食都唔會太多。送飯岩岩好魚肉唔嫩唔滑正正常常最緊要都係佢炸到卜卜脆既皮最鐘意食埋個頭同尾太脆太硬冇番咁上下牙力就唔好搏因為辣既關係搞到心思思想叫凍野飲冰凍既飲品真係好難介 ORZ佢飲品選擇好多同食物一樣佔餐牌一頁心大心細下叫左珍多冰貪佢有野咬下其貌不揚個心一沉,因為只係見到綠色一條條既JELLY仲記得童年時好鐘意珍多冰果個年代既珍多冰係有三隻色!!紅黃綠唔同口感同味道既JELLY好好食好多野咬,最好食係黃色依加事隔咁多年冇飲亦都見唔番咁既珍多冰永遠都係得番綠色今次都係一樣,攪下佢原來個底成層糖槳!甜到呢。。。。。真係差D唔想飲但食完辣野,飲到D勁甜又凍既野原來好正會有種一路想啜哂佢既衝動可能因為解到辣整體黎講依到既食物幾有風味水準都還可以,下次想試下佢D什錦飯應不錯 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2013-06-05
467 瀏覽
I came to Chandra Food Restaurant expected to have authentic Indonesian foods; after all it is located in Sugar Steet, where the area is frequented by Indonesians/Philipinos/South East Asians. I had 巴東牛肉飯 & 海鮮喇沙. And I was impressed!For the 巴東牛肉飯, I liked the presentation of it, with a little cup of steaming white rice, 巴東牛肉 and two servings of seasoned vegetable on the side, the portion of the whole thing is reasonable for its price ($40 or $45). The aroma is fantastic. I found the beef to be tender and sweet. The sauce is perfect to go with the rice. I would say the taste is dead on authentic! Even the seasoned vegetables are nice. Each one is individually seasoned and cooked with care; unlike most plane-boiled veggie that they serve you as a "bonus" at most local outlets. For the 海鮮喇沙 ($40), I am a bit disappointed here, for calling it "喇沙" is mis-leading. It tastes nothing like 喇沙. It seems to be a Tom-yum-kung flavored instant noodle (I believe it is) added with seafoods and herds. However, it is still quite tasty. The seafoods are fresh... shrimps, fish pieces, fish-ball slices. With fresh, sliced, crunchy vegetables added for an extra flavor. still quite enjoyable!On top of that, the service is good. The Indonesian (or Philipinos... I don't know) waitress actually smiled to. Unlike most local waiters at local outlets that they show you poker faces. Deco is good. There are paper napkins on the table so you don't need to ask for such basic ammenity. Would definitely re-visit this place and try out their other offering! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-09-07
290 瀏覽
成日食黎食去都果幾間...有時都食到怕今日終於去試下d新野~~o係公司附近既一間小餐館...試一下印尼菜間舖好細,今日星期五,仲諗住好多人,點知咁好彩唔駛等位,一入去就有位個menu有好多選擇~~所以一於叫4樣野share黎食巴東牛肉OK,不過汁少左d印尼炒飯好食過JP果間,味道濃d,而且個飯好好食,有咬口,加埋隻半生熟既煎蛋~~正海鮮o刺沙d料都幾多,個湯底亦夠濃味,唔會太稀,不過個麵就....好似係公仔麵..indomi??如果換左個麵~~會加多d分上面塊蝦片好搞野...好似朵花海南雞飯個人唔太好,因為個雞好似淡左d,無乜味d野都ok,不過細碟左d,如果係男仔食未必夠食p.s. 佢係無set lunch食,所以嗌埋野飲,都唔平~~因為平均一款野都$40-$50,野飲就around $20-$30 繼續閱讀
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