食評 (17)
等級4 2012-07-17
469 瀏覽
6月14日(星期四)晚,是晚又和內子來新都城中心裡面的百貨公司,繼續搜羅未買的BB用品。逛完了,也買了不少東西,也是時候吃晚飯,看看手錶還祇是約八時多,記住這裡還未關門,便決定前來。因上次逛得太晚,內子提議來這裡試試,可是已經關門了,吃了一記閉門羹,這趟終於可以一試。我們來到時人客不算多,約一半滿,就隨意在近門口的長檯坐下,看著餐牌的牆上的推介,實在令我有點花多眼亂,皆因所推介的食物我都想試,和內子商量過後,最後點了個晚市2人套餐,可從提供的選擇內點兩個小菜,我們就選了中式牛柳和高級警官咖哩雜菜煲,當然還包括例湯、白飯和飲品各一。可能我們太肚餓,當例湯送上來時便立刻喝,沒有拍照之餘更不記得是甚麼湯,祇記得應該是沒有下“師傅”。中式牛柳賣相並不吸引,食味也很頗失敗,既不夠酸而甜味亦不重,牛柳明顯經過化學品處理過,肉味當然不重,可是肉質不夠嫩滑還有點韌,連料頭的洋蔥也不多,是一個不合格的中式牛柳;高級警官咖哩可配各種肉類或雜菜,我們就選雜菜煲;雜菜份量不少,有白菜仔、西蘭花等各類蔬菜,咖哩汁呈黃紅色,香氣撲鼻,入只非常香濃,卻略嫌味道較辛辣,對於不嗜辣的人可能會太過刺激,不過用來送飯卻是一流,而且咖哩汁多得很,吃完所有雜菜還剩下約半煲,最後我忍不住把剩餘的咖哩汁“打包”,內子也問不祇一次問我這裡的咖哩汁是否那麼好吃!雖然這裡的中式牛柳頗失望,但對其他的食物還有興趣,再來的機會也很大。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Indomie instant noodles were cheap and affordable noodles that used to be sold in Indonesian grocery shops for Indonesian expats, now they are commonly served in Chinese small food joints and even at 7-eleven as a noodle snack for less than $10, moreover they can be bought at a slightly higher retail price in Hong Kong supermarkets.Interestingly, many restaurants now serve Indomie because the Chinese are familiar with it along with the traditional brands such as Dolls and Nissin, and Indomie is cheaper than them both.Anyway, at this restaurant there was five choices with this noodle and it was priced between $25 and $38.I ordered the one with the satay, which was sold out; however it took them long enough to tell me that it was not available after I asked them.In the end I ordered the first which was the noodles in Thai Style!When it was served, you could see it was loaded with finely chopped chili.It tasted so spicy I could not finish it all.As for the noodles it tastes like the usual Indomie noodles but with chili added. The fried egg just tasted like an ordinary fried egg. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-12-08
90 瀏覽
下午茶$15有艇仔粥, 下火粥, 叉或鵝瀨 ... 之類, 竟還包餐茶! 大碗的, 不用擔心, 超抵! 沒想到那麼便宜也有咁大碗和水準不差, 沒欺場. 上午的日子只是大約, 實在記不起了. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
從未吃過那麼美味和有創意(因一般茶餐廳都是鮮茄"湯"通粉)的通粉,那新鮮且濃郁的番茄肉醬,令人"食過番尋味"~~ 配搭上熟度弄得恰到好處的太陽蛋, 撈勻蛋黄汁后,濃濃的鮮茄肉醬加上柔軟通粉,嚐過第一口后,我知道自己必定會再光顧此餐廳!而且要介紹給朋友(尤其熱愛番茄人士,必吃!) This is the most delicious "Macaroni soup with tomato meat sauce and sunny-side-up egg I have ever tasted! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-05-02
66 瀏覽
為咗寫這食評才register!服務奇差!一於話之你。每次問佢杯茶仲末離。仲是隨口說鵝,跟著行咗去。最後為有唔飲,去錢台叫扣錢。發佢惡。但這是香港精神嗎?本想食個普通早餐傘。相信冇x人幫診服務會好D 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)