港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
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食評 (24)
這間位於西營盤的[高円堂]每次經過都會被招牌那隻可愛貓貓吸引,再加上飄出來奶呼呼的香氣,實在很難抵擋誘惑😂終於今天買了一個回家大塊朵頤,帥氣的店員小心翼翼的裝箱放好,箱子結實不易爛👍🏻一刀切下,忍不住發出了”疑?”一聲,一個要價$118的芝士蛋糕居然沒有AEON賣的”北海道芝士蛋糕”鬆軟濕潤?😨一口咬下,超失望!口感偏乾,奶香普通,鬆軟度也遠遠不及AEON的芝士蛋糕😩😩,AEON的一個$48,是它一半以上的價格,卻比它好吃太多了,大失望😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨不推👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I saw it as I was going up the steep hill. A drawing of a cute cat face. Heading over I realizedit was a small bakery that sold Japanese souffle cheesecakes.They had a whole one or you can order a slice. It's mostly to go but they do have one seat inside and a few outside.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. They also sold drinks.Instructions are provided on how to reheat and store if you get a whole cake.I noticed they had a combo set for $48 which includes a slice of souffle cheesecake and a drink under $32. It was ok. Very fluffy but not too much cheese taste. I guess I had expected more cheese flavour. But at least it was fluffy and soft. I chose a Ice Oolong Tea with Cream Cheese  (additional $3). The drink, however, was really good. The cream cheese topping was salty and creamy. The oolong tea was fragrant. It was also the right amount of sweetness.The drink was better than the cheesecake. However, I did like that they offered to sell slices instead of forcing you to buy a whole entire cake. I thought that was a good idea as most of the time I don't want an entire cake.  I just want a cake break. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-04-07
208 瀏覽
假日經過見到餐牌,俾套餐吸引咗。一入店見到櫃內芝士蛋糕已經塌塌地,不過應該算係正常現象嘅。點了一個芝士蛋糕及一杯熱latte。芝士蛋糕味道不過不失,lightlight地適合做tea。但熱latte最令我失望,但杯熱”latte”似啡非啡、似奶非奶,感受到barista唔識得調配比例。可能會話呢個價錢係咁?但呢杯野唔合格。飲咗一半棄咗再飲唔落。定係呢個味道或配方係高円堂特色?🤦🏻‍♂️唯一可取嘅係職員態度良好。但試過一次就可以。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-11-17
396 瀏覽
𝕀𝔾: 𝕙𝕜𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥📍 高円堂 koendo 經過西營盤畫街打卡後,路過見到呢間舖成間裝修都係黃色為主好特別,側邊仲有個吧枱供食客飲食,見到招牌寫住芝士蛋糕吸引了喜愛芝士既我~🤍芝士蛋糕芝士蛋糕🍰鬆軟綿密,口感好似棉花糖咁~啖啖都充滿芝士味,入口即溶,食完感到好有驚喜!😍🤍芝士奶蓋綠茶奶蓋打得夠厚實,傾斜飲都可以飲到啖啖芝士奶蓋,而綠茶味夠清新,飲落口又帶點綠茶餘香,配搭芝士蛋糕就可以解濟~🎏香港西營盤第三街63號地下B舖.加一服務費❌環境4/5服務5/5衛生 4.5/5回頭率 4.5/5 . 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-11-01
316 瀏覽
同同事出去做完野 返公司途中 經過見到有間小店 用左🐱貓貓做logo就吸引到我埋去睇下 而且外面已經聞到好香蛋糕味攰攰地都想食個輕食tea 一tea 抖下價錢好吸引 $48有杯飲品同一件芝士蛋糕 而且蛋糕 用了日本輕芝士 每日即場焗的 好新鮮 🤗日本輕芝士蛋糕好有芝士味 而且糕體軟身 唔乾店舖都有少量位置坐低食 感覺都幾休閒飲品方面有咖啡或茶 味道都不錯的路過打打卡 休閒食少少野 都十分合適.📍高円堂📌西環第三街63號地下B號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)