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食評 (4)
等級4 2016-08-12
318 瀏覽
Made the mistake of coming here because the sauces for the ricerolls didn't taste good which killed the ricerolls.The soy sauce was watered down and the sweet sauce was just sweet.After I finished, I tried to throw it in the rubbish bin but I reckon as it was 9pm so they taped the bin so that they don't need to empty it when they finish work.So anyway, they directed me to the bin opposite.It was also fun watching people eat snacks from Snack express on the window ledges of Hung Fook Tong.Interesting instant pumpkin and truffle drink. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-10-09
593 瀏覽
I bought herb drink in this shop twice when i passed by hang hau station. I bought exactly the same drink: hui shup cha, to help with the indigestion problem and any gastro upset and uncomfortable issues.  I feel the herb is not strong, too much water with very little functions. but it is still better than those sold in supermarkets. this herb drink is said to be low sugar, but i still feel it is too sweet for me. i suggest they add no sugar for healthy drinks like this. outside of this, they also have different types of drinks such as almond drink, tea flavor egg, chicken wings which are not healthy, etc. a variety of interesting stuff, but relatively pricey.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-08-27
63 瀏覽
以我既健康原則黎講,鴻福堂既多樣化自家製食品真係確實唔錯選擇~每逢經過MTR既鴻記,都會不自覺衝動咁買d野飲,而家直情係愛上了鴻記上星期五放工經過坑口MTR,又被鴻記吸引買野食,呢排腸胃又唔多妥,所以食左個鮑魚雞粥加燒賣,原本諗住就此作罷,竟然見到晚上少見既包賣,通常早上都無緣一試鴻記既包,難得見到有就買左個麻蓉包,果然唔錯~唔算好甜之餘麻蓉好有口感,健康得黎有水準值得再試~鴻記整體飲品,湯,涼茶,食品都係我既至愛,健康一族人士不妨一試~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)