港鐵上環站 A1 出口, 步行約1分鐘
08:00 - 21:00
00:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
哩排啲酒樓都好高危又想食下點心, 一於試下哩間, 叫左鳳爪排骨飯, 黃金流心包, 黑白芝麻蝦多士, 香茜叉燒腸, 而且依家OpenRice外賣自取滿$100仲可以減$30都幾抵先講下黃金流心包, 我返到屋企雖然個包都已經凍凍地, 心知應該都唔會有流心效果, 但佢裡面都仲Cream Cream地, 而且味道都算濃郁, 我相信如果係現場食真係會好好多另外黑白芝麻蝦多士真係要讚一讚佢佢竟然仲好脆, 而且好多芝麻, 蝦肉亦算多, 有機會會再食多次, 而另外香茜叉燒腸裡面都幾多芫茜, 因本人唔食芫茜嘅關係, 所以一路食一路夾走啲芫茜, 覺得叉燒同芫茜都落足料, 叉燒又唔會過熟同好鞋, 比起出面哩個真心覺得幾好食最後鳳爪排骨飯其實係驚兩個人唔夠飽而叫嘅, 哩個就不過不失無咩特別, 排骨唔係好多, 整體覺得食物質素算唔錯, 而且我仲係外賣, 等疫情好返啲都想堂食再試下
This place is so good. Don’t be fooled by the unassuming local exterior — they take both their food and customers very seriously, and it has become my number one dim sum place in HK.Service: friendly, attentive, conscientious - all customers are provided with hand sanitizer upon arrival, and also given a paper bag to store their masks in. Eating utensils are packed individually, it really provides comfort and relief that the staff take hygiene precautions during the coronavirus pandemic. Food: WOW!! The quality of each dish is incredible, the dim sum here is MSG-Free and you can tell a lot of thought was put into each recipe. Portions are also generous - most places outside that serve har gao 蝦餃 and shrimp toast 蝦多士 usually give you just a little bit of shrimp, but here the shrimp is GENEROUS.I’d also like to mention that despite all the deep fried items that are typical of dim sum, this place does a good job of doing it clean - I found that even the fried shrimp toast, which is often soggy with oil in most places, was not oily at all - a very pleasant surprise, and again goes to show they’re mindful of preparing their food with care. I got the deep fried ice cream for dessert and that was incredible - the cold sea salt ice cream enclosed in the warm fried batter was just the right balance, and also loved that the sea salt ice cream had a nice milk flavor and not overwhelmingly sweet.Hopefully this place continues to thrive as business has been rough all around with high rent and people staying in because of the coronavirus. They really serve some of the best dim sum in HK, and it’s great to see a local establishment doing its best on all aspects. Will be back for sure!
呢日個fd想飲個早茶,我即刻諗到點心籠~ yeah!!! 第二次嚟食,同多幾個人嚟食,真係可以食多好多唔同嘢~ 我地叫咗香濃芝士蝦春卷, 麻辣燒賣皇,老干媽醬炒腸粉,黃金流沙飽,蓮藕煎魚餅,鮑汁花膠花菇飯,黑白芝麻蝦多士。麻辣燒賣皇同老干媽醬炒腸粉都係辣既, 都幾辣, 但係佢係又香又辣, 唔係一味得個辣字~ 燒賣d肉好結實但係又唔韌, 好味. 全部都好好味~ 尤其是個黑白芝麻蝦多士。。。。 痴咗線, d蝦膠多到癲咗, 真係好大舊蝦膠, 我地異口同聲咁講---從來未食過咁多蝦嘅蝦多士 真係冇得頂我地一路食, 個姐姐隔一陣就過嚟斟茶,完全自動自覺, 唔駛request~ 佢地又好好禮貌喎, 真係開心! 唔駛去d中式酒樓, d阿叔阿嬸成日黑口黑面,呼呼喝喝, 未食已經成肚氣 呢間新派點心真係幾好