787 瀏覽
1. Signature Wonton (HKD58) ★★★★☆Springy, juicy shrimps wontons that you can't stop eating. Freshly wrapped in-house wonton, as big as a ping pong ball! Made with fresh whole shrimps and grounded pork, wrapped in thin canton style wonton sheets and bathed in authentic flounder broth, sprinkled with green onions!1. 招牌雲吞 (HKD58) ★★★★☆雲吞一碗六顆,每顆都像乒乓球般大,每天由店內的大姐新鮮包的。裡面的蝦肉,一整隻,新鮮彈牙,加上豬肉末,包在廣東雲吞皮裡頭。雲吞粒粒鮮嫩多汁,泡在大地魚清湯裡,一點也不膩。
Springy, juicy shrimps wontons that you can't stop eating. Freshly wrapped in-house wonton, as big as a ping pong ball! Made with fresh whole shrimps and grounded pork, wrapped in thin canton style wonton sheets and bathed in authentic flounder broth, sprinkled with green onions!
1. 招牌雲吞 (HKD58) ★★★★☆
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