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食評 (3)
等級1 2010-05-17
247 瀏覽
因為呢間野得兩個食評, 所以未打過食評既我, 都決定幫下手寫個食評俾大家睇~(寫得唔好勿怪 )我FD 本身BOOK左位7:00PM 既但因為我地到7:00PM都未肚餓, 所以就冇去住.. 同埋我地諗住行到肚餓先去, 所以佢地係7:15PM 打電話黎既時候, 我地都唔好意思思同佢講唔黎住..點知過左冇耐, 佢地用冇來電顯示打電話黎~~ 所以我地都係局住同佢講唔黎住LO..到大約9:00PM~ 我地行返去1881搵返呢間餐廳..其實我地都唔係好識路, 所以就去搵SECUR哥哥問路~(間餐廳真係好似之前D人講好難搵GA)如果大家要去既話..就首先去入左英皇珠寶(係廣東道個面 ROLEX隔離)一入門口SALES 哥哥會即刻企係身既~~(哈哈哈~~ SOR AR~ 我唔係買珠寶GA)入門口轉左落扶手電梯落到底, 左面又係買珠寶 ~ 而餐廳係右面既..(係我地落緊扶手電梯既同時...D SALES 係一路望住我地落黎~)(可能冇咩客到掛~俾佢地望住有D唔自在TIM)行去右面, 你會見到有座位同檯..但再行埋去又係賣首飾既地方過左賣首飾既地方之後, 左面係買波鞋~?! 正中就係水吧位...我地行左一圈之後, 就搵左個好位坐...(全場都冇客)跟住我地就開始叫野食.....不過....個MENU入面...冇咩好揀~~我地叫左:日式咖哩和牛飯-----一般啦~櫻花蝦帶子天使麵---我覺得冇咩味~ 好普通既天使麵法式焦糖燉蛋-------可能我鐘意食燉蛋啦~我覺得幾好食.芒果慕士+雪糕------我FD話似美心D CAKE 咁普通..因為我地覺得D DRINK比出面貴, 所以都係揀食甜品算~總括黎講~~ D食物不過不失啦..但環境幾好~~..完全係冇人騷擾你~~D WAITER 唔會主動SERVE你~~要努力D揮手叫佢埋黎LA~~同埋佢地會唔知去左邊~~LAST ORDER 9:30PM ...10:00PM打烊... 所以想去食就唔好預得太遲啦~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-04-07
83 瀏覽
朋友建議黎呢度食飯, 佢訂左位, 我上黎睇過又無人寫食評, d相只係得個門口, 都唔知究竟起邊個位入, 後尾朋友話帶我去, 原來佢係起1881英皇珠寶門口入, 再落地庫就見到呢間餐廳架喇, 真係非常之隱蔽呀~是夜好似包左場咁, 無人, 中途有幾個國內人士黎飲過杯野就走喇...講番食物先, 呢度係無set, 食物價錢我覺得都唔算平, 款式不多, 反面drink list好似多d我地各自都叫左帶子櫻花蝦天使麵, 唔錯, 雖然份量不多, 但呢個確實係幾好味架, 入面有4粒帶子, size唔算細粒另外朋友叫左個柚子帶子沙律, 帶子都係幾大粒既, 不過份量又係少, 味道一般喇甜品叫左個cream brulee同埋士多啤梨脆餅,個brulee面頭果片糖太厚喇, 入面又唔夠熱, 麻麻地囉, 反面個士多啤梨脆餅有d驚喜, 初時望埋去,見到面頭隻色好淺色, 好似焗唔熟, 但一咬落口, 真係幾脆, 不過好似朕風咁haha要講一講呢度既service, 我諗佢地既"服務生"主要係賣野, 而唔係侍應, 因為要講, 佢地先識比水, 要講先講加水, 不會主動的 但如果淨係for 飲野傾計, 呢度係一個好選擇, 唔多人, 環境寧靜囉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-03-26
108 瀏覽
Having walked around The Heritage 1881 space a few times and thought I already knew all about it, I was definitely embarrassed to discover that there's indeed a hidden cafe-slash-store hidden within the precinct, not accessable via normal means. One would naturally think this to be nigh on impossible, afterall the whole architectural concept is based on open courtyards, where every visual-stimilus with piled on fake heritage value always lie somewhere just right infront of you. Its extroverted in terms of planning - one reason for the unabating show-up of couples who turn up in their droves, tri-pods held in one hand and bridal dress tail in another who think its their privilege to rob everyone else of treasured walking space, which is scarce enough here, yet we are remain uninvited to become part of their wedding photo's background prop! Anyway, part of the APPEAL of coming to Brother & Sister Concept Cafe is navigating your way to here, so I'll leave it upto you to try find where it is hidden within the labyrinth! *************************ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA: Very good indeed and fragrant, it started off being lightly grassily refreshing like a herbal tea before developing into something a bit more tannicky and black, pretty good for a tea bag! I did not feel like drinking coffee lately as once the impetus to seek out that better cup subsides, you go back to square one and recall the really good stuff that they roast and brew overseas but cannot be emulated here for some reason. No wonder people are drinking imported Winter Espresso blends lately and hooked with it. So tea does me fine and this delivered to expectations. CRAB & URCHIN AVOCADO SALAD: The kitchen is headed by an ex-hotel chef, so there are some light lunches as well as interesting tea snack options. (The food is not cooked upstairs at Busy Suzie: woops I just accidentally let out a HINT of where this cafe is located.) This salad was ok-good I suppose. Don't expect the sea urchin to be fresh like the daily imported ones from Hokkaido to Hong Kong restaurants via direct flight, this seemed a bit soft for non-spawning season. The other things were good just in dainty portions, even the dotted balsamic was of higher, aged grade.*****************************NOW ONTO THE MAIN ATTRACTION : BROTHER & SISTER CONCEPT STORE'S SHOES! A good selection of Tees, Skin Care Products plus Accessories and Watches are also available, but its their very limited availability shoes which would make me return to find that perfect pair! Caught glimpses of PUMA sneakers such as the latest Sergio Rossi x Puma Crossover series, or the lovely Mihara Yasuhiro x Puma's for guys. Other stuff include Adidas sought-afters, hand made sneakers, D&G's, Jeremy Scott crosses. Try some on whilst waiting for your tea and dessert. For a similar Clothing x Cafe experience, JFT LOUNGE is another good alternative, and coffee there won't cost you $55 like it would here either : http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=38274 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)