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食評 (44)
等級4 2024-12-10
518 瀏覽
The last time we visited this Italian restaurant was 2021, where it was still located in Causeway Bay. It has now moved to Duddell’s Street in Central, continue to offer Piedmont cuisine prepared by Chef Romeo Morelli. Today, we return here, aiming to enjoy the seasonal white truffle together with the authentic Italian food and hospitality.The décor here is chic, with a luxury premium vibe, using plenty of wood, marble, and brass in the design. We are seated at the window side of the rectangular dining area, looking out to Duddell’s Street below. In between tables there is a drape to separate for better privacy while not creating the constraints of a ‘small room’ with solid partitions.We decide to go for the 4-course Alba White Truffle Menu ($3,180). The Amuse Bouche includes a Foie Gras stuffed with Veal, as well as Lardo Roll with Foie Gras. While the first one is creamy rich and delicious, the lardo is my pick, with the thinly sliced pork fat translucent, and with the foie gras inside it is surprisingly not feeling fatty or heavy. A nice starter.When the team brings us the white truffle it draws a big gasp of wonder, as it is frankly probably the largest piece served to us, weighing 905g. However, the staff says that last year the restaurant had an even bigger piece, weighing over 1kg. The fragrance can be smelled at a distance, bringing us high anticipation for the coming dishes.The first course is Uovo e funghi. Using yellow eggs from Piedmont, the chef has poached them perfectly, with the yolk still runny. Paired with some Chanterelle, with some dried porcini sprinkled on the egg to add extra flavours, while the stem of the mushroom is made into a sauce to add to the egg. Finally, the prized Alba white truffle is shaved generously on top. The delicate taste of the egg helps to highlight the great aromas of the truffle, complemented well with the other two mushrooms. Very good.For the second course, there are a choice of Ravioli al faraona e Castelmagno, or Tajarin, faraona e burro. I have picked the ravioli while my wife has opted for tajarin. The homemade ravioli has a nice al dente texture, with one type stuffed with pulled guinea fowl meat and the other with DOP Castelmagno 24 months, a type of Piedmont cheese with a nice taste through the ageing process. Simply cooked with butter, the ravioli has also plenty of shaved Alba white truffle on top, delicious and rich in flavours. Very good.The other pasta is the homemade ‘tajarin’ pasta, a type of classic pasta from Piedmont that looks like spaghetti but thin like capellini, made of egg dough with a mix of semolina and flour. The pasta has a butter emulsion, with also guinea fowl, and abundant of Alba white truffle shaved on top. Comparatively this one is less heavy than the ravioli, with the pasta also very nicely done, of equally al dente texture. Both are very good.For the third course we both opted for Astice blu, zabaione salato e funghi (additional $680 each). The Brittany blue lobster has a sweet taste, and while it is smaller than the more common Boston or Australia varieties, it is more flavourful. On the bottom is zabaione, a type of custard made from egg yolk and Marsala. With a mushroom sauce poured on top, and finishing with the shaved Alba white truffle, the combination of the umami from the lobster and the savoury from the mushroom sauce, plus the fragrance of the truffle presents a wonderful orchestra of enjoyment. Excellent.The fourth and final course is Panna cotta e nocciola gentile Re Langhe. On the panna cotta there are some hazelnut pieces, with a hazelnut sauce and also some gold flakes to elevate the presentation, before adding the shaved Alba white truffle on top. It is just right on sweetness level, pleasant on the palate, and form an interesting combination with earthy truffle note. Very good.Service is very good, with the staff friendly and engaging. An interesting thing is that the chef’s wife is also working in the restaurant, and they now offer special vacation package in Piedmont. The bill on the night is $8,779. Not cheap but consider we have white truffle in all dishes it is to be expected. A nice dinner overall and prompts me to wonder how great it will be to visit their hotel and restaurant in Saluzzo, in the truffle season next year. Hope this will come true. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-10-10
1361 瀏覽
google綱評高分,但其實覺得絕對不值。 食物味道欠層次。 最好吃的應該是義大利飯,但也不感動! 但中午不能單點,吃了套餐,吃了一堆味道非常一般的食物,失望的是主菜和甜點連意大利Tiramisu,一個簡單到我也會做的Tiramisu 都無法做好其實是非常失敗。 牛面煮過頭,一盤魚煮得剛剛好。 另一盤魚煮過頭! 而且又太淡了。 頭盤卻是太鹹,麵包沒有什麼特別,配的牛油太淡。 總括來說覺得水準不穩定。 性價比不高,覺得旁邊幾間的西餐廳味道比他好。 難怪人不多。 任何時間都很容易訂台。 繼續閱讀
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有朋友介紹、中環雪廠街有一間裝修雅致、靜中帶旺、如果坐車嚟非常方便的意大利餐廳、地點喺雪廠街附近、鄰近幾個領事辦事處、餐廳入邊華潤共處、氣氛融洽、裝修亦都非常有心思、中午時段由侍酒師介紹意大利紅酒、食品選擇咗三道菜菜單、分別係 Artichoke, Poached Egg, Home made signature Pasta, One year aged Carnaroli Risotto, Trout 及 Ox Tongue食物及服務水準都係一流、輕鬆愉快的一個中午 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-27
2321 瀏覽
朋友生日想同佢食啲好嘢,見呢間Fine dining幾多人推薦,就決左咗過嚟食🤣裝修真係好高雅✨ staff嘅服務都好到位、貼心,未食嘢已經獲得愉快嘅心情😚我哋揀嘅set首先會送上兩塊現切的麵包,麵包皮好脆,中間又好軟熟,搭配打成忌廉狀嘅牛油一齊食🤤已經好想encoreRiver Prawn TartareAmalfi lemon, Morel mushroom賣相好的骰小巧,河蝦好Creamy,同檸檬汁一齊食好freshArtichokeBagna cauda sauce成朵花咁好靚🤣外層嘅菜薊好酥脆,搭配香濃嘅醬汁,酸酸鹹鹹咁樣幾特別Fugilloni GentilePiedmontese gorgonzola, Périgord black truffle是日mvp🤩最鍾意呢個黑松露芝士螺絲粉,芝士好濃郁,同法國黑松露片簡直係絕配Chef's Signature Guinea Fowl Served in two ways-Slow cooked breast, eggplant-Wing Croquette, legs, orange, peas睇到啱啱煙燻完嘅雞胸肉真係流晒口水,肉質嫩滑,不錯👍🏻仲有好似車厘子造型嘅煙燻魚蓉都好特別🤣有微微嘅鹹辣味Friuli Venezia Giuliawith moka soil, coffee, Marscapone and homemade cocoa biscuit同平時食嘅tiramisu唔同,上面係一塊好脆嘅餅,可以先敲碎再同下面啲cream一齊食😋幾好味 繼續閱讀
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As I have visited the restaurant in serveral times since the Cubus, it always impressed me a lot from plenty of cuisine with fullness and flavorable ingredient. Though the location is changed, Castellana Hong Kong remains its tradtions on friendly hospitality and incredible creativity. Located in downtown of Hong Kong - Luistano Club, everythings seems gogerous and elegant which is satisfied as my expectation in Northern Italian decor.  Different from the fast food nature in the United States, Piemonte is renowned for slow food movement and produces mostly cheese (Formaggio) and Barolo wine (Vino de Barolo). Let's introduce the environment in the restaurant, it is decorated with lots of artworks and collection from Italia, related to the concepts of Italian cuisine, featuring organic ingredients and flavors (sapore). In addition, the restaurant team put their efforts on interaction with people and food, is worthwhile to be praised.With gratitudes to chef Romeo and team,  it is treasurable to choose Castellana for birthday celebration with genuine ingredients and great time on gourmet journey, hopefully plan a trip to the home of Barolo wine - Piemonte. 繼續閱讀
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