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食評 (9)
等級4 2024-06-09
133 瀏覽
經過這茶店,幫襯前睇睇openrice 的評語,發覺只有兩個評語也是劣評因為服務態度等原因,畢竟一兩個評價作參考,冇阻試試的。點了柴茶鮮奶珍珠,因為”推薦爆款”,等10分鐘左右。見佢逐個order的茶都由機逐個出的,好似咖啡機逐杯咖啡整咁,然後人手再逐杯茶混合所須的材料沖,只得兩個工作人員做個不停。取茶了,發覺飲管吸唔到珍珠或奶茶,應該有珍珠堵塞,把飲管取出,重新放回杯中才可以吸到奶茶,但吸不到珍珠。直至找個地方可坐下,打開杯蓋,借茶匙攪攪,才發現珍珠黐埋一齊,怪唔得吸唔到珍珠。用另外用茶匙協助才食到珍珠,食落質感煙韌,只是結在一起。其實茶味夠,似印度拉茶,帶肉桂味,味道是珍珠奶茶之中比較特色的。飲管吸唔到珍珠事實係幾掃興的,如果茶店可改善珍珠嫩結塊的問題會更好。Before trying the tea there, I read the reviews of openrice and found that the only two reviews were bad because the service attitude related reasons. But that didn't stop me from giving it a try.I ordered Chai Milk Tea and waited for about 10 minutes. The tea was prepared cup by cup from the tea machine just like coffee machine. The rest ingredient was mixed in one by one manually. Only two staffs were busy in preparing the order.The tea was ready after 10 minutes. I found that its not possible to drink the tea or pearl through the drinking tube as something stuck in the tube. I tried to pull it out and put it back into to the cup. Then I could drink the tea but no pearl.I found a place to sit down, open the cover and stir it with a tea spoon to see what happened. I found that the pearls were clumping together and thats the reason why no pearl could be taken through the tube. Actually, the pearl was chewy and taste good but it was clumping together.The tea tasted good and just like Teh tarik in Indian style with subtle flavour of cinnamonThe flavour was distinctive from the general pearl milk tea in the market. It was disappointing if you don’t get the pearls from the drinking tube. It would be better if the tea shop could solve the problem of clumping pearls. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-07-16
86 瀏覽
店員未到七點已經趕客!唔好話入去坐住飲!喝令客人店外等!唔好阻住佢哋拖地收椅!收錢態度極度惡劣!比完錢諗住企喺沖茶位置前面等都唔得!垃圾!一定唔會再幫襯呢間分店! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-07-07
103 瀏覽
嗰位疑似店長嘅男職員服務態度非常惡劣飲過貴司其他分店都可以走冰係太古城呢間呢個職員惡死能登話唔得唔得咪唔得,fine都唔係話要低聲下氣態度好少少講句「我哋做唔到走冰」咪得講真態度正常啲都唔會特登寫篇文出嚟話佢貴司啲嘢都唔係平價廢水煩請做好啲員工培訓無論佢係咩職級咩崗位,禮貌好重要#唔會再去呢間幫襯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-06-02
81 瀏覽
完全唔係對客嘅態度等半個鐘都冇嘢飲之餘,仲要俾佢鬧叫人行開啲,唔好阻住晒今時今日嘅服務態度仲可以差到咁想像唔到呢間咁好飲嘅舖頭會有啲咁差嘅職員希望公司可以好好反省提高職員服務質素 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-06-02
62 瀏覽
一向都支持左佢地好耐,好多間分店都去過,但偏偏依間D服務員係厭世既服務態度😡影響成個環境,飲品好,但服務冇都令食客反感!話返今次經歷每次都買2杯飲品發現 一枝紙飲管爛左都唔換比客人, 大舊男操半廣東話既服務員仲話 每杯飲品只提供1枝紙飲管!之後一試一向都飲無糖既茶,一飲就成灘糖漿,我問過 杯飲品係咪無糖,點解咁大灘糖漿?大舊男操半廣東話既服務員就話:我無額外加糖落去,本身係有糖漿!兩句後佢好唔耐煩即刻叫另外1位女服務員同講:我換個杯比你,試下會唔會好D...女服務員就正常為顧客著想!今次又發現又係男服務員出問題🤨🤨🤨🤨希望有關高層從新檢視服務問題! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)