港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
14:30 - 23:00
14:30 - 23:00
14:30 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
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cheese cake pask salad 三文魚 火腿
食評 (27)
今次行經這家餐廳,心諗要黎個簡單啖,點知食物出奇地正!先講講佢哋嘅沙律,新鮮爽口嘅菜同埋啱啱好嘅醬汁,真係食落去爽滑得滯,仲有啲脆添,咬落有嚼勁🥗。義大利麵更加唔使講,麵條彈牙得嚟唔會太腍,醬汁非常夠味,攪拌到每條麵條都包住汁,咬一啖就滋味四溢🍝。得閒喺度坐朗,好過有過啖。嘆番杯Mocha,抹口啖,依家記憶猶新。朱古力嘅香濃配上啱啱好咖啡香,唔會太甜,飲落去簡直係溫暖心窩。食杯甜品時,熱情果雪糕嘅清新微酸,同Baileys嘅濃郁喺口中交織,每一啖都惹味🍨。坦白講,呢度嘅食物,係我心目中嘅隱世美味,無論係質素定係味道都一流,又唔使你去到褔壽薄、剝甲唔剩,實在係應該同朋友分享嘅好去處。下次再黎,我都想試埋其他嘢,希望都係咁正! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-01-10
5571 瀏覽
Our group of ~7 wandered into this place after leaving Sahara's noisy, crowded environment (on a Thursday night!) and found a wonderfully cosy, decently quaint place to settle down! I immediately loved how it was quiet enough to carry a conversation with my friends, yet was a place with enough character and old hong kong culture vibe to be interesting. Although it was a bit quiet, the vibe was surprisingly awesome -- much more enjoyable than many more popular places in LKF / Soho due to its laid-backness. The venue was decorated with artwork from what I presume to be local artists, and had an "old hk" decor with old hk style ceiling lights and an antique piano/ clock...it was altogether a wonderfully awesome place for a laid back night with friends...We ordered the Apple Mint shisha and I was pleasantly surprised! the shisha was actually amognst the best I ever had in LKF / Soho. It was also my birthday and one of my friends brought a cake. The wonderful server cut the cake for us without any cake cutting fee!To top off how great this place is, I left my iPhone there and only came to retrieve it ~20 minutes later. Although the server could have very well sold the phone or done something criminal with it, he kept the phone and when I came back to retrieve it, came out of the restaurant to return it to me. All these things make up my overall strong impression of Culture Club as a first-choice place to hang out for a laid-back night with your close friends or those you are looking to meet over conversation... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-10-31
2726 瀏覽
Never really noticed this place which was tucked away at the lower part of Elgin St in the northern end of the SOHO area.But the promotions at Groupon raised my attention.For a $69 groupon, you get a tea set for 2 which includes a cake and a drink for each. Not a bad price to try something new.So on this Saturday afternoon, Cat & I took off for this Culture hunt.There were only 5 guests when we went in at ~ 4:00 pm. The place gives a very pleasant, relaxing feel, with high ceiling and a spacious interior.Paintings and some antique furniture/pick-ups line the two walls. Seats were all placed on one side leaving plenty of space for guests to wander around and appreciate the wall paintings.We found ourselves a sofa seat and started to look around. There was not anyone to grreet us or to take orders. The owner (I imagine) in a red tee was busily occupied at the bar/open kitchen. Just when we decided to walk over to the bar and ask for help, we heard the red-tee owner asked from the bar on what the guests beside us wanted to order. Oh, so it was a one-man band, jack-of-all-trade type of cafe, at least at the time of our visit. And orders had to be taken one by one. But the man handled it very well. He would politely explain to patrons what's being served and when food was ready, he would call to patrons to pick up the food themselves from the bar. Mr red-tee also told us that the place would hold various classes, functions and exhibitions. Much like a fusion of art, gathering, wine and food. Ah, you also had to return the cutlery to the bar after use. Very warm, casual and relaxing. Soon, it was our turn after about 10-15 minutes. TheGroupon tea set offered a choice of coffee or herbal tea. We both picked coffee which Mr red-tee said was an award-winning blend. For the cake, I ordered honey glazed cake while Cat preferred the lychee sherbet.The coffee was a bit too mild for me and did not really give the aroma and aftertaste I'd expect from an award-winning blend. The cake was moist and came with a nice trait of honey. The lychee sherbet was also light and refreshing.Overall, I enjoyed the setting and the atmosphere a lot.A new place for a relaxing moment. Will encore for a drink and a break from the buzzles and hassles. 繼續閱讀
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小弟想嘗試到OR有介紹過的咖啡店品嚐Espresso,以增加對espresso味道的認識,此店便成為這個計劃的開始。此店比較著重藝術多於食物或飲品,單從裝潢便可知,內裡寬敞的空間,牆上的掛畫,令人生出悠閒舒適的感覺。原本想點espresso,可惜一看餐牌才發覺原來此店並非我想找的地方,最後只好點了一杯店長推介的club coffee。等了不到10分鐘,我要的咖啡到了,還附上一塊曲奇。淡淡的咖啡香味從像是人手用黏土製造而成的粗糙咖啡杯內飄出。嘗了一口,咖啡味不是太濃,沒有太突出的味道,有點像在喝陳年普洱茶,香醇但沒有甘味,餘韻亦欠奉,加奶後咖啡味更盪然無存。至於那塊曲奇,給我的感覺是超市貨色。總抱而言,此店還是比較適合喜歡藝術的朋友,不過....................不是我杯啡而已 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-06-23
1131 瀏覽
二月下旬‧晴對音樂、文化及藝術都一概沒有興趣,也無意扮有興趣,來這裡,只為想找個地方坐一坐,喝杯咖啡。這裡平時是晝廊,會有其他音樂的產品在寄賣或發售,而晚上又會有不同的表演,是間有趣的店子。飲食方面,以輕食為主,是日就只來了一杯咖啡。咖啡很香,沒有酸味,令人感覺舒服。喝咖啡我的要求不高,只要不難喝就可以了。比較起咖啡的味道,反而環境的舒適度就更緊要,這裡就很不錯。叉足電,精神爽利,再繼續下一站行程。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)