2009-01-04 20 瀏覽
當紐約的沙律店相繼在香港建立據點~來自阿特蘭大的Dressed也安然站在機鐵站上蓋~店舖採取全面開揚的格局~電腦.高桌配上鮮明顏色~讓人感覺清新的輕鬆的~而且店舖在空曠一角~就算是坐在最外邊的桌椅~都不會感到尷尬~過半百的材料就放在眼前~~餐牌也就放在櫃前~絕對不用擔心弄不清楚~這裡也是step by step的做法~先由蔬菜五選一..還是著迷於Mesclun mix~接著就選四款配料~小比選了Jalapeno 辣椒~西蘭花~燒露筍以及洋蔥~~店員此時就把材料通通用中號Mezzaluna切碎~但這裡的工作檯較細~而且前面就是配料格~所以店員要不時用手把材料堆一堆~再切~有點辛苦~在近20款dressing中~選了鮮檸檬汁~這裡較細心的會問你mix, initial, light or side~這個沙律的配搭與前陣子在JS的有點相似~可仔細較量一下~不用眼光光的看著店員整~只需拿著號碼牌和底單付錢後就可安然坐在座位上等吃~每張檯都有玻璃杯小花作裝飾~不消一會~店員就把沙律送到~吃沙律吃得多~這一回還真的嚇到了~份量之大是眾沙律店之最~~而且還只不過是$58~就算你叫的不是salad w

過半百的材料就放在眼前~~餐牌也就放在櫃前~絕對不用擔心弄不清楚~這裡也是step by step的做法
~先由蔬菜五選一..還是著迷於Mesclun mix~接著就選四款配料~小比選了Jalapeno 辣椒~西蘭花~燒露筍以及洋蔥~~店員此時就把材料通通用中號Mezzaluna切碎~但這裡的工作檯較細~而且前面就是配料格~所以店員要不時用手把材料堆一堆~再切~有點辛苦~
在近20款dressing中~選了鮮檸檬汁~這裡較細心的會問你mix, initial, light or side

~不消一會~店員就把沙律送到~吃沙律吃得多~這一回還真的嚇到了~份量之大是眾沙律店之最~~而且還只不過是$58~就算你叫的不是salad wrap~每個沙律也會跟2片烤過的Flatbread~好讓你補給一下碳水化合物~


~~周日的正午~顧客以外國客為主~不少是家庭樂又或是往機場的遊客~連黃敏德一家也是席上客~~以沙律主導的dressed~絕對有能力可以把附近想吃lite meal 的café客人拉過來~而且佔盡地利~確實是個平價清新的選擇
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$58 (午餐)
  • 自選salad
2008-12-29 23 瀏覽
我都算是個沙律怪, 經常都會吃沙律, 這天出差於中環, 就跑上來這家新的沙律店。十二時許, 人客還不算多, 而且絕大部分是外籍人士。此店來自美國亞特蘭大, 地方也算相當寬敞, 裝修以綠白二色為主, 配搭幾張橙色的椅子, 感覺清新醒神, 也有兩部蘋果電腦可供上網。這裡的特色是可以自己砌沙律 ( custom salads $58), 在超過 70 款配料和 20 款 dressings 中自由配搭, 創製出你只此一家的沙律。可是這天我大腦閉塞, 還要我花腦汁選材料也實在不化算, 便在 chef designed salads 中選了燒乾胡椒吞拿魚沙律 Seared Tuna Salad ($78)。我一面上網一面等服務生送上沙律, 中午柔和的陽光透過玻璃窗滲進店內, 幾舒服。不一會, 沙律送來了, 我不禁嚇了一跳 - 果然是美式 size, 好大碟呀! 比我上次在 Applegreen 吃的可能還要大! 沙律的賣相相當精緻, 還有兩片 fresh grilled flatbread (軟的, 味略淡) 伴食。沙律的材料有甘筍、炸酸豆 (caper)、烤露筍、蘑菇、紅燈籠椒, 還有 me
我都算是個沙律怪, 經常都會吃沙律, 這天出差於中環, 就跑上來這家新的沙律店。十二時許, 人客還不算多, 而且絕大部分是外籍人士。此店來自美國亞特蘭大, 地方也算相當寬敞, 裝修以綠白二色為主, 配搭幾張橙色的椅子, 感覺清新醒神, 也有兩部蘋果電腦可供上網。

這裡的特色是可以自己砌沙律 ( custom salads $58), 在超過 70 款配料和 20 款 dressings 中自由配搭, 創製出你只此一家的沙律。可是這天我大腦閉塞, 還要我花腦汁選材料也實在不化算, 便在 chef designed salads 中選了燒乾胡椒吞拿魚沙律 Seared Tuna Salad ($78)。我一面上網一面等服務生送上沙律, 中午柔和的陽光透過玻璃窗滲進店內, 幾舒服。

不一會, 沙律送來了, 我不禁嚇了一跳 - 果然是美式 size, 好大碟呀!
比我上次在 Applegreen 吃的可能還要大! 沙律的賣相相當精緻, 還有兩片 fresh grilled flatbread (軟的, 味略淡) 伴食。沙律的材料有甘筍、炸酸豆 (caper)、烤露筍、蘑菇、紅燈籠椒, 還有 mesclun mix 沙律菜, 外圍配以蘸滿碎黑胡椒的輕烤吞拿魚, 沙律汁是 chipotle aioli (墨西哥辣椒香蒜汁)。

大家看圖都可以想像得到, 那堆沙律菜有多麼的大堆頭了, 連自命草食動物的我都幾乎吃不消; 而且沙律菜中有部份的蔬菜 (如洋菠菜) 是有點點苦澀味的, 我吃當然沒問題, 但不少人可能覺得不合口胃, 不過也吃得出是新鮮的蔬菜。最好味的, 除了那些脆脆的炸酸豆外, 便是那些香口的吞拿魚了
魚肉是鮮嫩的粉紅色, 輕輕火炙過卻不鞋, 加上濃香惹味的黑胡椒粒, 正好平衡沙律菜的寡口感覺。沙律汁帶微酸鹹, 其實比較像蛋黃醬也。

開在中環金融區, 這裡主要的客路是白領, 方便他們來一頓簡餐, 氣氛算比較 casual, 我想在商場血拼的闊太們也未必會來。不過如果在別區再開分店的話, 可考慮推出分量較輕盈的沙律, 相信也大有可為。
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Seared Tuna Salad
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$78 (午餐)
Seared Tuna Salad
2008-12-29 24 瀏覽
第一次黎Dressed, 感覺唔錯 : 格局以綠色為主配合食物主題 裝修簡潔空間感足夠店舖位於IFC 3樓尚算放便而環境清靜食物新鮮, 安排細心(可選擇把所有配料切細)一入內已被食物counter吸引, 配料種類多但擺放整齊, 但沒有名牌註明食物名稱, 所以選購時很難確定自己既選擇.另外排隊有些混亂, 沒有明確指示向那個服務員購買, 唯有排係人堆後面等待,有些無奈由於趕時間所以選了Dressed特選既The Club(即咩配料都有d如雞肉,火腿,蛋,生菜之類)配指定Russia dressing加一碗Potato Leek Soup.沙律: 所有topping都好新鮮, 服務員幫我chop碎撈好所有配料同dressing, 味道一流不會過鹹帶少少甜味 Potato Leek Soup: 夠熱, 不會太濃, 勁好味
第一次黎Dressed, 感覺唔錯 :
店舖位於IFC 3樓尚算放便而環境清靜
食物新鮮, 安排細心(可選擇把所有配料切細)

一入內已被食物counter吸引, 配料種類多但擺放整齊, 但沒有名牌註明食物名稱, 所以選購時很難確定自己既選擇.
另外排隊有些混亂, 沒有明確指示向那個服務員購買, 唯有排係人堆後面等待,有些無奈
由於趕時間所以選了Dressed特選既The Club(即咩配料都有d如雞肉,火腿,蛋,生菜之類)配指定Russia dressing加一碗Potato Leek Soup.

沙律: 所有topping都好新鮮, 服務員幫我chop碎撈好所有配料同dressing, 味道一流不會過鹹帶少少甜味
Potato Leek Soup: 夠熱, 不會太濃, 勁好味
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Potato Leek Soup
2008-12-08 23 瀏覽
The Michelin was out, while foodies in town cooed and raved over the starred and recommended, new joints have secretly launched under the radar, and despite at IFC and has been crowded for over a week before mainstream media stopped by, DRESSED remained rather unknown. Located on the upper level of the IFC Mall, the brand new salad bar is an open space with picket-fence white walls against green counters and a green menu. The decor is modern and simple to the core, with clean edges throughout. J
The Michelin was out, while foodies in town cooed and raved over the starred and recommended, new joints have secretly launched under the radar, and despite at IFC and has been crowded for over a week before mainstream media stopped by, DRESSED remained rather unknown. Located on the upper level of the IFC Mall, the brand new salad bar is an open space with picket-fence white walls against green counters and a green menu. The decor is modern and simple to the core, with clean edges throughout. Justin Smolev, the owner of DRESSED, launched this shop in Asia first in Hong Kong, as his previous outlets in Atlanta, USA have garnered ample attention over the years and have been ever so popular there. Smolev and Chris Rork, his HK partner decided to open one in the IFC as their first Asia experiment. Smolev, having graduated from the French Culinary Institute, worked in several celebrity hot spots like Le Bernardin and Daniel in NYC and the French Laundry in Napa. He decided to take something from the basics and building it up. DRESSED was a success in the US, and now it's HK's turn.

The salad menu, you'll realize, is a simple yet complicated one, in a sense. Ironic may it seem. All you need to do is to choose between salad ($58) and a salad sandwich ($48), which is your chosen salad in a wrap. The complicated part comes in the ingredients...First you choose the Greens (5 types from Romaine to Mesclun Mix), then go through a list of 40 toppings. Yes, forty. Some with extra charges like homemade falafel, roasted beets, grilled portobello mushrooms. If you like you can add cheeses (choose from 7 options). Additional toppings like meats and egg whites are available at extra costs. There are also nuts and fruits to choose from (9 choices). Upon the entire list of toppings, you are free to choose a total of 4 toppings for your salad. Then please move on to the dressings. There are plenty of choices here as well. I suggest trying a few different ones before you decide your favorite, which afterall there are 20 different dressings from the simple aged Balsamic Vinegar to homemade Metropolitan Blue Cheese for cheese lovers and Blueberry Pomegranate Vinaigrette.

For the ones who can't make decisions...there are chef designed salads ($58 - $88) ready to be assembled to you as you say the words...The Asian salad composing of carrots, mandarin oranges and Romaine lettuce seems to be the most popular one so far, with California and Cobb salad coming close. After you order, you'll see your ordered toppings and greens being chopped up with a massive Mezzaluna, a half-moon shaped metal blade, and helping from a pastry scraper the salad is further tossed in the salad bowl before presented to you an asymmetrical bowl, decorated with pieces of house-grilled flatbread. Pictured here is my choice --Mesclun Mix with button mushrooms, roasted beets, chickpeas and grilled red peppers, with Chipotle aioli Dijon Vinaigrette.

When it comes to salads sourcing really does matter. You must have a high turnover to get constantly crisp lettuce that's are never limp or always fresh. Thanks to a team of kitchen staff (dressed in orange) they manage to keep everything under control. My salad was good, with a delightful crunch for the greens, and a vinaigrette not overpowering the delicate sweetness of grilled peppers and roasted beets. The flatbread is of whole wheat kind and is a good mop for the remaining dressing too.

Dessert lovers can pick up a cookie($16) or a brownie ($20) made by La Baguette in LKF, while DRESSED is serving an "Arnold Palmer", a half tea half lemonade concoction most resembling tea with lemon in HK. Daily Soups come in two sizes (Medium $28, Large $38) and 2 choices are rotating every day. The staff are attentive and service is wonderful. Those who have trouble deciding need not worry, there are plenty of staff here to guide you along and no one will rush you through your order. The menu is still being developed and new additions like the Peking Duck salad and Thai Beef salad will be added later on. There is also unlimited wifi-s for those who cannot bear one second away from the Internet.

At the time of writing there are a few more salad bars like DRESSED ready to roar. It'll soon hit our attention to go GREENS with our lunches as well as well as everything else in the world. Maybe it's about time to eat more vegetables like our mothers told us to do since we're little. I consider DRESSED as one of those outlets that try to make them more delish for those who really detest the greens...simply because they're green...
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Salad ($58)
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$58 (午餐)
Salad ($58)