這裏絕對不是純意大利餐廳,因為總廚Chris Gallaga 是以美國的烹調方式去設計所有的意大利菜,可謂美式的意大利餐廳。炸魷魚筒、白酒燴青口,雞胸配香酒汁和自製的意式燒肉腸,絕對不可不試。 繼續閱讀
Opening hours: 12:00nn-11:00pm\r\nReservation: Tel Available\r\nPayment: Visa, Master, Diners, AE & JCB
12:00 - 00:00
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白酒燴青口 肉眼扒配白菌茄蓉汁 意大利芝士餅 燴羊膝 蟹肉天使幼麵
食評 (80)
等級3 2011-08-04
543 瀏覽
我幾喜歡到Fat Angelo's,雖是賣意菜,但屬美式意大利餐廳,食物大大份的,加上裝修雅緻,氣氛柔和,感覺很好。這次點了芝士焗吉列茄子和意式錦繡薄餅,凡點了主菜、意粉或薄餅,他們都為你免費送上麵包籃及沙律,有數款麵包,最好味是其中一款香草包,雖不知名字是甚麼,但很有香草幽香;而沙律雖只是一些沙律菜、洋蔥、蕃茄,但非常新鮮。芝士焗吉列茄子,茄子鋪上麵包糠炸香,加芝士,配薯蓉,一次過吃到不同口感,十分有趣。而意式錦繡薄餅,就等同PizzaHut的超級至尊,配料極之豐富,大概有辣肉腸、意大利肉腸、火腿、雞肉、肉丸……等等,好好味,加上批底厚薄又對正我們的胃口,又鬆軟非常,真好吃! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-04-09
221 瀏覽
和同事一行12人去食lunch~我們有買3送1的優惠券因為有booking,所以不用等就入左去 Lunch的種類也ok,都幾多但成間餐廳都坐滿人....仲要做完一枱order,先做下一枱so....我們由入餐廳開始計等了成個鐘....d食物先開始黎.....因為要返公司食得超急......食物質素一般......但感覺有點可惜...因為不能好好品嘗Lunch Set 由 來已久88- $108不等12人每人平衡計$94 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
去得洋人餐廳就最好BOOK定枱, 避免去到無位要等位既麻煩, 咁岩又係婦女節, 又係清一色女仔GATHERING, 於是三個人叫左三個MAIN COURSE, 沙律係免費的HOUSE SALAD, 上第一碟MAIN COURSE時已經好後悔, 因為份量真係好大, 一開始已經諗緊要打包了再來講下個味道, 首先係BABY BACK RIBS (HONEY BBQ), 味道唔錯, 有肉汁難得唔乾身...跟住係草架...好大份! 香草下係肥膏, 怕肥既女仔(我)可以SKIP左佢, 再下面先係草肉, 可能係有肥膏關係, 草肉不但有香草味且不會乾身, 肉嫰有汁!本來只叫兩個MAIN COURSE的, 但最瘦最細粒個女仔FD話唔夠喎, 所以補多個PIZZA, 亦都要多謝佢, 因為個PIZZA真係幾好味, 材料簡單, 只有蕃茄同芝士, 回歸自然既味道!服務亦都唔錯, 一因為我地七點就到, 只有幾枱人, 基本上係一對一服務, 而且可以練下英文 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-02-04
75 瀏覽
這是我第一次在蘇豪區及肥天使佬用餐。因男友在年初一生日,預先慶祝。我們入去就點了"All you can eat",選擇主菜一款另加餐牌上其他菜式任點任食;兩杯指定酒類飲品或任選兩杯不含酒類飲品!無限供應汽水、凍檸檬茶及咖啡! $298位 (加一服務費)由於"All you can eat",我們共吃了三小時,慢慢地吃,很享受這次晚餐。如果按照我們點的菜,其實要約HKD1200,所以點了"All you can eat"對我們來說是很化算的。我們共點了以下的菜式:Buffalo Chicken Wings 紐約雞翼Crispy Soft Shell Crabs 酥炸軟殼蟹伴辣蒜汁Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb 香草脆烤羊架Seafood Platter 龍蝦海鮮大燴Linguine Vongole 蒜香白酒蜆肉燴意粉Classic Caesar 凱撒沙律Meat Balls 意式肉丸French Fries 香脆薯條Tiramisu 意大利芝士餅Angelo's Crazy Sundae 瘋狂雪榚新地White Wine HoegaardenIce-Lemon Tea還有不少得可免費refill的面包及田園沙律。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-12-22
80 瀏覽
4 of us had went to fat angelo's at 8...i had saw people are waiting for table, but i had made a reservation a day before so we all dont need to been through the table waiting part so i strongly recommend you make a reservation before going to dine in.well enough of introduction, let me make some review on the food now.anyway we had ordered a grilled chicken caesar, is better the what i expected, i really love the chicken which is in the salad. The second dish that we had ordered is pizza margherita, for those who love cheese a lot then you should order this pizza...but i dont really like that the tomatoes is a bit over lot, i think it had covered the taste of cheese a bit (but this is only my comment...cause im some1 who love cheese a lot). Almost the end of the meal, we had tried the fettucine with salmon and spaghetti with italian sausage meat, i think both are fair...don't had any special comment on it. At last but not least, for dessert, i had took the new york cheese cake...i really do love it, for those who dosent like soft cheese cake, the this would be the perfect choice for you, also the taste of the cheese is awesome...and again for those who love cheese the this would be a perfect dessert for you, im 1 of the cheese lover, so i really do love that cheese cake lol ...i really recommend you all to take the cheese cake for dessert overal the environment is quite good, and the service are nice, the waiters are nice, most of them just speak english only...but im quite sure that the can hear cantonese. 繼續閱讀
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