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食評 (5)
等級1 2019-09-13
2690 瀏覽
每隔幾個月,就同呢排識食識玩😋嚟個一期一會。最近,其中一個Join左陽明山莊membership,仲帶左我哋一齊去食好野,新餐廳 George's。George’s 位置喺3樓,一入到去感覺好舒服,好闊落,始於係私人會所及只招待會員,成個環境都好正👍🏻坐定先知餐廳原來做緊soft opening,仲做緊Tasting Menu,以Japanese-western fusion 為題,食牛為主。一講到食牛,即刻醒晒😍店員推介自家製dry aged 30/45 days 既prime rib和sirloin 及三款grilled wagyu ,仲有得品嚐唔同牛既部位。除左牛之外,仲有前菜既時令sashimi和海膽yuba日本腐皮,Uni好rich 同新鮮。之後仲有生牛肉韃靼配黑松露薯條🍟,簡直食到舔舔脷值得一讚,呢個Tasting Menu 仲有wine 同sake pairing,我哋都話簡直雙重享受。成個Testing Menu有八道菜,食甜品之前,仲有大廚親自煮嘅Miyazaki beef 既sukiyaki。而家好少餐廳有大廚親自出嚟煮野比你食㗎...我哋以為已經去到尾聲,點知個甜品.....係我最愛的檸檬雪芭,,感覺好清新好舒服😊今次個個都讚,仲話下次試埋其他餐廳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-09-11
1231 瀏覽
The Ultimate Beef Tasting Experience堅係實致名歸 下個月生日朋友請食飯,因為最近ketosis減肥中,所以可以喪食meaty野! 咁佢好好咁帶左我去陽明山莊間Georges食牛.. Wahhhh!!! 真係好味到不得了.. 首先, 講環境 因為係private clubhouse, 環境好’是正’, weekdays我星期二去只有4枱 啱哂我地談心密密針! 因為只招待會員, 好彩佢有張AE白金卡先有得book台. 同埋最重要我放工係中環過去只係15分鐘, 仲要有free parking.. 絕對do-a-ble! 第二點, 超級’牛’!! 因為佢係新opening而家做緊既係tasting menu. 店員介紹餐廳係Japanese-western既fusion, 以食牛為主. 果然, 一啲都無令我失望. 前菜係海膽同Yuba日本腐皮做既開胃小菜. 海膽一啲都唔馬虎!! 明顯地見到真係layer by layer, Yuba之前Uni再Yubi再Uni. 最頂級既係面頭有少少wasabi sauce, 凍上… 超好食既呢...... 第二道刺身係白魚兩款, 本小姐唔係好食魚 所以評論唔能夠作準 但友人話好鮮 有淡淡既魚香 不錯不錯 之後就係面頭係配置左sour cream既Prime Steak Tartare. 有住淡淡既牛肉香, 加埋sour cream一齊食 有’溶入口’既感覺。個Tartare係配Truffle fries既, 好多時係出面人良既truffle fries一係好’辣口’,一係啲truffle多到好似漏gas咁,但今次真係啱啱好! 唔會好漏,都唔會好難放入口 跟住就係萬眾期待既dry aged beef na! Serve左分別30日/45日既prime同sirloin, in medium rare. 友人最喜歡45日Sirloin因為真係好濃牛味, 外面burnt burnt地但內裡仲係好鮮嫩既; 但相反我prefer30日多啲,因為45日太’牛’喇. 30日既Prime已經好足夠我既beef cravingSukiyaki都係我最期待之一. 因為小妹真係好喜歡食日本牛, sukiyaki都係最愛之一. Georges其中一個特別之處佢係唔係用生蛋,而係溫泉蛋去’點’牛,估唔到蛋味係更加濃郁! 用生蛋係滑,但塊牛夠靚既話,其實用呢個溫泉蛋都絕係一個perfect match! 師傅走出來煮個下真係好滾動 因為佢介紹哂點解要用雌牛(因為肉質會再嫩啲) + 點解唔落咁多糖 (要迎合番香港人口味) + 用日本白雲女皇米 (sorry最近ketosis緊無食飯lol) + 佢個secret sauce blah blah blah.. 感覺好親切, 食到勁開心haha! 跟住係燒肉拼盤! 有’yip’好左既Tenderloin + Sirloin + rare cut (ute). 我個人最喜歡Tenderloin... 每面我burn20秒, 剛好都係勁juicy同濃濃牛味!! Sirloin同rare cut無’yip’到,只係點少少salt已經好正! 但我始終都係喜歡偏甩少少既內, chewy既ute + sirloin就比哂友人食嚕 (係,無錯我食唒4片Tenderloin lol) 最後就係super refreshing既Lemon Sorbet. 扮哂野做粒lemon好可愛. 友人揀左個chocolate cake, 超濃dark choco! 唔會甜食到咳咳haha. Overall真係好牛,好好味!!!! 一次過滿足哂你n個願望 最可惜既係我揸左車,唔可以飲佢既wine pairing… 下次一定要再食再飲!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-09-11
701 瀏覽
Wonderful tasting menu at Hong Kong Parkview’s revamped George’s. Unforgettably buttery, flavourful Japanese Wagyu Sukiyaki and their tender in-house Dried Aged Beef, paired with well-matched Italian red. Bravo! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-08-30
693 瀏覽
經過一輪裝修後,George’s從新以新面貌見人。今天受邀來到他們的soft opening 去體驗各種牛的各種部位 及 各種食法 , 在體驗過程中還加入了sake, wine 和燒酒pairing.本人是牛的愛好者,但係對餐廳提供的set menu 簡直係對牛肉食法的一種致敬和綜合,食材方面更經嚴格挑選,可見廚師的用心頭兩道菜是日本新鮮魚生 加 北海道海膽,完全係我的至愛之後就係自家age 的美國Prime Rib 和Sirlion , age 天數的唔同可以品嚐出不同部位牛的味道Sukiyaki 也是佳作,廚師特別調製醬汁降低了sukiyaki 原本特甜的味道 從而更令牛的肉味更為突出这个tasting menu有齊了生牛肉,dry age 美國牛,日本和牛的grill 和鍋煮 可謂是牛肉大巡禮,唔知你會點揀呢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2012-08-29
2187 瀏覽
We tried George's because we live at Parkview Apartments. It was great, the dining room is an art installation, with TVs embedded in the floor and walls, pieces of art placed strategically throughout the dining room creating separation between the tables and sections. With all the art, there was a lot to take in and entertain the eyes. As for the food, we got the tenderloin, the Kotabura porkchop, and the Iberico ham with melon appetizer. The bread basket was warm, fresh, and tasty, with three dips for the breads (olive tapenade, a blue cheese sauce, and a smoke tomato-based tapenade). The ham and melon was a nice light start. The tenderloin and porkshop were cooked perfectly, medium well for the chop and medium for the steak. Each came with a choice of sauces, we chose the green pepper corn sauce (i.e. au poivre) and the gravy with mushrooms, which were great. The mains also each came with a green and potato.For dessert, we had the ice cream, molten cake, and caramel sauce, also well done. The pace of the meal was good, with adequate time to enjoy each item and digest a little between courses. The service was great and the recommendations were spot on. The waiter even modified our drink order from a glass to a carafe in to reduce the cost per serving when we decided to have additional glasses of the same wine. Overall a great experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)