港鐵金鐘站 F 出口 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
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食評 (5)
我以前好鍾意食依度嘅沙律吧,我今日再去我發覺沙律嗰啲嘅姐姐都幾冇禮貌,同埋佢哋都幾無heart 去做嘢!好求其!我見到其他顧客佢哋都好唔滿意,啲姐姐啲態度禮物真係好差!個個喺度發脾氣?麻煩改善一下對客人的態度!我哋都係俾錢你食嘢嘅!唔係喺度睇你嘅面色做人!可唔可以有禮貌少少!我唔一定要你笑!我又唔一定要你好好Service!講句thank you好難咩?食個沙律都一肚氣!今時今日咁嘅服務態度都得嘅?我唔會再來食! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-09-15
4175 瀏覽
If you work around Admiralty, you must know this salad bar. It is in the basement level Great supermarket of Pacific Place. During lunch hour you will see a queue. It is a “build your own bowl” salad place. However, because of the number of options and the amount of food, it almost feels as if it’s not salad. Don’t come here if you expect a light salad for losing weight!The queues are sometimes long but they move quickly. The staff inside the salad bar will add the food that you choose into a salad bowl. Then they will pass it to the staff at the back who will help you mix it.There are really too many choices to name. They have different bases (romaine, rocket, spinach), other veggies, pastas, beans, proteins etc. There are also some choices which require extra money such as avocado. After you get your salad, you still have to line up at the Great cashier to check out and pay.I think recently they’ve allowed people to bring their own bowl which is good since the salad bowls they provide are plastic and people only use them once! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-09-01
2186 瀏覽
太古廣場Great新裝修完熟食攤位多左好多留意到一間日式飯團店有個套餐好似幾抵2款飯團加1款薯餅,$33揀左兩款明太子飯團同牛肉薯餅牛肉薯餅唔係熱嘅但都唔會難食炸得幾鬆脆飯團就無華御結咁好食饀偏少當然價錢就係將貨就價了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-09-07
4343 瀏覽
阿豬去親金鐘定必到太古廣場的 Great Food Hall 內選購Salad。呢度既Salad bar選擇超多,可自行配搭。沙律菜可選一款,然後再選自己所須的配料,再選埋Salad dressing店員就會幫你撈好。有大碗同細碗之分。阿豬又慳家又大食,當然要選大碗啦!選左圖中咁多野,配caesar Salad dressing。沙律菜十分新鮮,咬落爽口脆甜。蕃茄仔酸甜,十分開胃。配上咸咸的火雞肉,清新中又帶一點咸味,美好的轉變。食完成個人都覺得健康左! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2015-01-19
3908 瀏覽
Order: $56 for small bowl or $ 64 for large bowl. The staff will collect your tailor-made order in the counter.  The staff is very busy and pass you to next one very fast. Veggi: mix veggie, spinach, lettuce etc. Other: Noodles, sweet coin, chick pea, onion, beetroot, boiled egg, mushroom, cheeses, cheery tomato, pumkin,potato, raisin, dry bacon, beans, olive and tuna, etc. Fruit: Lychee, dry tomato, peach, pineapple...Dressing: french dressing, olive oil, red wine vinegar dressing, and  etc.This is tasty and healthy choice. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)