港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
16:00 - 02:00
16:00 - 00:00
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食評 (20)
等級2 2019-10-08
4087 瀏覽
繼續我嘅尋找酒吧之旅,今次嚟咗呢間以Tiki為主題嘅Honi Honi. Tiki酒吧一般充滿熱帶風情,通常佢哋嘅雞尾酒酒精會落得比較重,而且普遍會用碎冰,基酒方面主要圍繞加勒比地區出產嘅朗姆酒。成間鋪頭最吸引我嘅除咗係佢比較chill嘅裝修之外,就係佢做飲品嘅杯!全部都係有熱帶主題,簡單啲來講係好有土著feel,啱晒而家「手機食先」嘅文化由於今次係一個人,我選擇左坐係吧頭享受飲品,店員都好努力咁講解佢哋酒吧嘅特色,特別着重介紹咗好多隻朗姆酒,聽講呢間吧係全香港Rum酒最齊全嘅地方!整體來講我覺得呢度好適合happy hour, 感覺好適合同三五知己casual drinking! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2019-09-28
1479 瀏覽
🍹👅Urban OasisGreat place for happy hour (4pm-7pm) and loved vibe there🗿🌴Highly recommend the Tropical Storm for those who wants some fruity flavour and the pineapple designed cup is just a plus🍍 ————————————#honihonialltheway〰️ Honi Honi Tiki Cocktail Lounge 〰️3/F, Somptueux Central, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-08-13
1443 瀏覽
Thanks my friend inviting me there, love you 💕 This is my first time to come here! I could see a giant cup cabinet behind the bar. It’s rum library🤩 I was really relax because of Hawaiian music. The bar setting and environment is enjoyable🍑Many people came here for a chit chat. I was glad to meet Max. He is very nice guy and friendly. 🥳Honi Honi Cocktail $200I order it because this is Honi Honi signature!!😆It’s made of 7 different Rums, Benedictine, Fresh Apply Juice, Cinnamon Syrup and Circus Mix. There are some cinnamon on top of the ice. It’s easy to drink because it’s sweet and it’s like juice 🥤 Zombie (1943) $160Zombie is on fire!!! It’s made of 3 Starts Rums. The alcohol taste is much more than Honi Honi. It’s a little bit heavy me. My friend said that is great for her😂 ❤️mylittle score: 8 🌺❣️Will I be back? 80% very relax➰➰➰➰➰ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2019-08-10
981 瀏覽
Relaxing vibe here, its a good place to chill and have a long chat with your besties. I like the outdoor area here, its like out of Hong Kong. Made me forget my urban life instantly. I ordered Honi Honi Collins, its a refreshing drink with mint and lemongrass. They are very generous in the booze, I am so tipsy after drinking this. Good seat spacing, won’t be too close to the other groups.Nice and polite staff there, great service. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-08-09
817 瀏覽
呢間酒吧喺蘭桂坊附近,放咗工想chill一chill又唔想咁嘈就來呢度就最啱啦。佢有室外同室外嘅環境,好有夏威夷風情,色彩好鮮艷奪目。1️⃣Zombie (1934) $160我琴日就有少少行屍走肉,所以就叫左呢個🧟‍♀️佢嘅酒精濃度比較高,佢主要用咗好多唔同嘅rum酒調配而成,而且一路刺激着你嘅味蕾。杯嘅造型比較特別,有好多俘虜骨係上面☠️,店員總會用火槍燒青檸,打卡一流📸。唔係好飲得嘅就唔好叫呢杯啦🍸,不過我自己就比較鍾意飲呢杯多啲,夠晒似我剛烈嘅性格。🙆🏻‍♀️好味指數: 8.99/10 2️⃣Honi Honi Cocktail $200呢杯就會比較適合女仔飲多啲,佢主要用咗七種冧酒,蘋果汁,玉桂糖漿同柑橘🍊嘅混合而成。上面有啲玉桂粉點綴,飲落去甜甜地,而且酒精濃度冇咁高。🙆🏻‍♀️好味指數: 7.85/10 -💡星期五放工最啱去酒吧同朋友chill下🍸,來呢個世外桃源真係最適合不過,好有遠離繁囂嘅感覺👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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