港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
18:00 - 02:00
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食評 (15)
等級4 2021-09-29
2175 瀏覽
朋友帶左我黎呢間穩秘酒吧,係佢其中一間喺中環會去完再去既酒吧。🤩雖然環境,但一枱頭就會見到成個天花都係甲蟲裝飾,而且每隻都唔一樣!🐞呢度最特別既地方係冇menu,你只要調酒師講你想杯酒點,例如用口酒底,或者甜啲苦啲,又或者係既啲咩味入去,佢地就會整杯啱你心水既酒你飲架喇!👍🏻😆朋友既呢杯酒,飲夢仲要燒一燒面頭既草,成件事勁似表現!🤣我地坐左喺bar枱位,仲可以同bartender吹下水講下笑,係開心既~🥂🥂 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2021-08-30
1183 瀏覽
Nice place to relax and have a conversation with friends.We went to J.Boroski on a weekday and only few customers were there. The place was cozy and unique. You would be asked to fill in a questionnaire on how you would like your drinks. Price is a bit costly but acceptable in Central. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2021-06-13
1261 瀏覽
Drinks were good as always but I don’t remember they had a hostess quite this rude before. They always had very nice girls I can chat with who are interested in their jobs LOL not this blond, medium-length hair girl in the chelsea boots. We walked into to the reception, she had one leg on the wall and just seemed really unbothered. Didn’t greet us, didn’t tell us her name. I actually thought she was high initially because it was such odd behaviour. She served our table but hardly even spoke to us. When she took our order she just sort of looked at us and walked away without saying anything. Left feeling quite confused. The bar’s not busy at all so there’s no excuse for this behaviour. Won’t be returning again to see her long face, the Pottinger’s Room 309 also does personalised drinks and have way nicer servers anyway 繼續閱讀
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第一次到訪secret bar🐞🍸真係搵左一陣都搵唔到呢間野個門口🤫呢間bar既內部裝潢由酒吧設計師Ashley Sutton設計 佢設計既bar仲有附近既iron fairies🧚🏻‍♀️, dragonfly🪐 (遲下會講呢兩間 佢地既cocktails都係一試難忘😭)同餐廳dear lilly💐全部都好靚💕個日算早去到 仲有bar位可以睇bartender調酒😍呢間bar係冇menu架😏將你想中意既味/ base同bartender講 佢就會customised一杯專屬你既cocktail😍價錢都唔會知既 視乎用咩酒base同用左幾多😝我地兩杯都分別差唔多$230左右我個時request左creamy, sweet, cinnamon(我勁爆中意肉桂味🤤)base request左用rum 出到黎杯野勁好飲😭係我飲過最好飲既cocktail💕bartender同我講佢仲額外加左spice of lemon🍋加左d酸酸地既清新味原來又幾夾wor衰野😂朋友個杯就request左fruity, sweet 飲落有raspberry味 酸酸甜甜都好飲 但相對就冇咁特別啦🙈下次可能會想試下smokey味🔥佢整既過程都過癮🤣之後都再去左一次 今次就request左sweet同floral~都好飲😍 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-01-27
1102 瀏覽
唔知幾時先有得再去飲酒🥺 等我懷緬一下先😭呢間酒吧個入口幾hidden 都同出邊酒吧唔同 佢哋冇Menu嘅 所有Cocktail都係度身調製 只要同staff講你想要咩類型嘅cocktail 佢會沖一杯獨一無二嘅俾你🥰叫左一杯係sweet fruity refreshing嘅gin based cocktail 咁bartender就沖左一杯berries味好重 仲有小小mint 甜得黎又好清新 而gin based嘅cocktail都會帶小小gin本來嘅citrus味 個組合好夾❤️另一杯都係gin做base 另外就想要refreshing多啲嘅 加小小甜 佢沖左杯cucumber味作主打 再帶小小elderflower 應該仲有小小lime 飲落有青瓜嘅清新 仲有啲酸酸甜甜 好正🥰This hidden bar I went to before the lockdown is a special one. There isn’t a menu in the bar. All the cocktails are tailor made for you. All you have to do is to let the bartender know what kinda cocktails you fancy, they’ll then make one for you. 🥰The first one I ordered was gin based. Sweet, fruity, refreshing. He got me a nice one that was dominated by berries, with a hint if mint. It was sweet, but refreshing in a sense. As gin itself carries some sort of citrusy taste, it kinda balanced out the sweetness. 🤓The other one I got was also gin based. More refreshing and a lil sweet. This one was mainly cucumber, with a hint of elderflower, and lime perhaps. With the freshness of cucumber and sourness lime, this drink was definitely reinvigorating! 繼續閱讀
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