以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Having past this place numerous times on the bus, my boyfriend and I decided to try this place out.As I had a bit of a dodgy stomach, we opted to go for the non-spicy options which included kimbab, hot stone pot beef rice, beef rib soup and beef tenderloin.The kimbab came first, which was ok. It was fresh but it would do as I was hungry. Next came the hot stone pot. My first thought was "wow what a small portion" but it wasn't too bad. Our soup came which was also ok but a little too salty.The worst was the beef tenderloin. For $130 you'd expect some decent quality meat but MY GOD. It was awful. 60% of it were bones and the bits we could eat were tough as rubber. We didn't complain. We just hoped that the owners and servers saw that we left 99% of the dish untouched.Definitely NOT visiting again. And wouldn't recommend it. There's a better korean place down the road for just a tad more $$.
小弟好鍾意食牛肋骨,無論香港or韓國,都係必食,今日行過見到呢間野有,就坐入去試下,叫個$60嘅牛肋骨鍋,等左20分鐘先到都冇乜野,點知我一睇鍋入面得3粒牛,其中一粒係骨,我覺得係咪黎錯,點知個老闆同我用國語講有三舊肉,仲問我要唔要,我即刻回答佢我唔會俾$60蚊囉,佢就收起啲野食,what the xxxx!
今晚係第三次幫襯 點咗韓式辣炒雞肉 由於不是套餐 所以另加了一個白飯 主食以外還包括了三樣韓式冷菜 除了常見的泡菜 還有蜜糖薯仔和蘋果沙律 店主是韓國人 冷菜是新派韓式做法 好爽口醒胃 主菜香辣味道濃郁 送飯一流 有驚喜是送了一碗诲帶湯 是放了新鮮蜆仔 亦好鮮味 至於價錢共一佰零五元 喺土瓜灣唔算便宜 但食物資素店舖環境和服務都好好 見到佢哋餐牌 炸雞竟然係原隻炸 心思思想叫朋友一齊試 我好少寫食評 但覺得呢D有誠意有心思的小店值得支持 請努力
難得全家人都放假,決定出面覓食見到土瓜灣新開左間韓國料理,拿拿林去試下!睇到menu 上有BBQ喎,決定點黎食食,我地點左豬肩肉、燒牛仔骨同五花腩各一份。黎到先發現哩度BBQ特別唔同,冇傳統烤爐,直接將食物放喺枱上面已經可以燒問過先知原來係韓國新出旣方法,正!慳好多位置豬肩肉吾錯,吾會太硬,肉質OK!五花腩好味老闆親自教路,將泡菜放爐旁邊吸收豬油味道更好更香最推介牛仔骨,好香甜,老闆自家制醬料好好味!今餐食得好滿足,絕對有下次!服務態度吾錯韓國人老闆Nice!下次帶埋朋友黎食