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食評 (9)
等級4 2018-02-10
2839 瀏覽
去開銅鑼灣行完街,再去超市買麵包做早餐,麵包部好大,淺木麵包架加竹籃,款式係西式麵包,近排我喜歡有種子嘅麵包,所以揀咗兩款,去超市收銀比錢!返到屋企攞咗兩款包出來,都夾了車打芝士片食,全麥種子麵包($22/袋)連皮片裝麵包,好多阿麻籽種子夾雜在麵包中!種子有咬口,麵包鬆軟!好味全麥軟包($23/4個)麵包脹卜卜,麥片面有口感,不過麵包太乾!可放耐了!加大了麥粉份量難免會粗糙啲!為了健康要減低了口感! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-01-02
1253 瀏覽
2018年第一天上班, 放棄了經常光顧的7-XX及麥XX, 轉而試一下這間位於24小時營業的惠康內的西式麵包店La Rose Noire Bakery.店內雖小, 但有著各式咸甜西式麵包, 選擇相當豐富, 對於有選擇困難症的我, 著實有點頭痛.看到櫃台上放了一盤芝士火腿牛角包, 正好合我胃口, $20一個, 接近一個男士手掌大小, 作為早餐, 實在相當足夠.牛角包相當鬆軟, 配上一大塊芝士和火腿, 自我搭配一杯即沖咖啡, 為我帶出一個美好的早上! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-02-12
1240 瀏覽
Thai chicken sandwich ($33). The sandwich contained grains. What I could saw, were pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and walnut pieces in small amount. Inside the sandwich, there were cucumber, lettuce, tomato slice, chicken paste with orange color sauce which tasted light sweet and spicy. There were two layers of the said ingredients. But one of two layers was mainly vegetables, with lesser chicken paste and sauce. I like the light sweet and spciy flavour. Of course, it would be better if a little bit more spicy or more sauce. 繼續閱讀
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很喜歡afternoon tea,除了是因為喜歡寧靜舒適的環境,當然是因為層架上的各種finger food和nibbles。鹹點中最吸引我的通常都是小撻,蘑菇撻,菠菜撻都令我愛不釋手!很多時要吃鹹撻都要在afternoon tea裡吃,市面上或酒店的bakery都很少售賣撻,大概是因為做撻皮工序比較費時小心,不能大量製作吧。這天走到銅鑼灣的惠康24小時超級市場買點東西,愛吃的我當然走到麵包櫃前八掛一番,竟然讓我看到賣相精緻,像afternoon tea層架上的撻!撻的大概半隻手掌大,呈三角型,大小剛好!共有菠菜撻及蘑菇撻選擇($15 each),那我就選了菠菜撻及蘑菇撻各二,並叫店員翻熱。等了一會,熱辣辣的撻便到手,傳來香濃的牛油味,雖然不是在吃afternoon tea,但金黃的芝士亦令我垂涎欲滴。菠菜撻撻皮非常薄而且脆,水準很高,面頭芝士鹹鹹香香。蛋味亦不俗,而且菠菜填得滿滿的,感覺健康!蘑菇撻帶回家吃,烘熱後撻皮同樣皮薄香脆,牛油味十足。蘑菇頗有咬口,增加了撻的口感,蘑菇撻的味道比菠菜撻香濃一些。很開心找到了售賣鹹撻的地方,而且地點方便,相信每次經過也會忍不住買一個小撻嚐一口,過一過afternoon tea癮。 繼續閱讀
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★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Cheese and ham toast:I have always wanted to try this but every time I go to La Rose Noire Bakery, they are always on display and it seems they have been sitting there for half a day.Luckily they heat it up for you but I still prefer them freshly done and ready to go because after they are heated up the cheese is hard.The toast and cheese was slightly hard and dry as expected but it still tasted quite nice because it was cheddar and ham on toast.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★It was extremely cheap for $9 too! 繼續閱讀
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