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食評 (11)
等級2 2024-08-25
19 瀏覽
放工後到一田買晚餐,順便一訪現在非常紅的麵包店平時的可麗露價值不菲,而且很少地方有很欣賞他能推出迷你版,幾十塊就可以買到四至五個迷你可麗露!表面的焦糖陳烘得好像有點過頭,略帶少少苦味,相信不是所有人會接受,但我覺得很但他的表面就是要烤成焦糖層才好吃雖然表面焦脆,咬下去,就會發現蛋糕內部仍然是軟綿綿,很甜很好吃 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-02-16
185 瀏覽
其實呢開得係一田裡面就應該要識打招呼,其實每次我經過佢地都會打招呼,就係今日我諗住買個陣,兩個人都突然專心做野睇唔到我已經企左係個收銀度,之後個男既係見到我,之後就叫個女既同佢講有人,之後個女既就係ok遠既地方問我要咩,我而家係咪係街市?基本既禮貌同打招呼係冇既,其實我每次幫襯d職員都好好人,唯獨是今次個個叫Hia 既真係差少少囉,同埋我付款方式都冇講就假設左我係俾Apple pay下次唔好咁老定喇,初七既心情就俾哩兩個人破壞哂,下次都係等其他職員係度先幫襯,搞唔掂👎🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-09-12
256 瀏覽
👨🏻‍🍳Mini One (北角)📍北角渣華道123號北角匯二期B1樓一田超市內 「迷你滋味芋泥麻糬酥😻」 👍🏻🍽️芋泥麻糬酥 (散買最少買3件)好香脆😻買既時候有D晏,所以吾熱 (好似吾知過左幾點就吾會再整🙈)不過都吾太影響🤤咬落香脆,有芋泥芋香,仲有麻糬‼️😻分佈、甜度得岩岩好,每啖都有三重口感🤤(雖然2啖食哂🙈) 🍽️可露麗 (散買最少買5件)正常,不過有D燶🙈🙈 🍽️芋頭麻糬波波 (散買最少買3件)食完芋泥麻糬酥,食波波無乜味🙈🙈 👍🏻🍽️新品限定 白桃?酥 (散買最少買3件)吾記得名🤣同芋泥麻糬酥個樣好似,都系好香脆🤤桃味甜不酸👍🏻👍🏻 試左呢4款,深深比芋泥麻糬酥吸引左,其他無影🙈🤣 不過呢間有限制🥲吾可以夾幾款買🥲無得樣樣試小小散買每款都有最低消費🥲吾太flexible🥲 繼續閱讀
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小眼睛之前大推過他們家的可麗露,真的超級好吃😋這次看到新推出的芋泥酥,身為芋泥控怎麼可以錯過你說是吧?😛結果呢⋯回家迫不及待的拿出來咬一口,嗯⋯皮好乾硬⋯沒有芋泥味⋯所幸丟烤箱200度加熱4分鐘,皮軟糯一些了⋯但依舊沒有芋泥味⋯這樣四個賣我$27.5🌚🌚🌚🌚大不推👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-04-10
195 瀏覽
Was recommended by my friend trying out their mini croissants. I decided to give it a go and trying out more bake goods.I had their original mini croissants, mini lemon danish and sweet potato red bean monchi balls.Sadly both croissants and lemon danish pastries were chewy and a bit soggy. Bag was greased up😅 The middle part of the croissant was still slight crispy but the lemon danish was definitely tough. Croissant was nothing special while the lemon danish was tangy but personally found it lemony on the artificial side. There was a transparent syrupy layer covering the lemon curd which was so sticky that stick on your whole lip on every bite. It was messy to eat it. There was a very sweet cream cheese layer below the lemon curd which was too heavy for me. This lemon danish definitely not my cup of tea or better serve with a cup of coffee. Sweet potato red bean monchi balls were very sweet too. Not much whole red bean filling but you could taste the red bean. Couldnt see the sweet potato but tasted the sweet potato. It was chewy as it is as a monchi ball hut pretty small. It was literally half size compare to the commercial ones. Anyway, it was the best among all I had. Overall, I may try other bake goods if I pass by again but I will not purposely come for this.😅 And more likely I will eat it right after purchase instead of sitting there for an hour.🥲 繼續閱讀
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