港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 20:00
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食評 (2)
Pure nood food 一向只賣smoothie, salad,三文治,基本上大部分都係凍食所以以前一向都覺得唔吸引唔會試。佢而加開始叫有d改變同進步做運動前又唔想食太full,就試試佢吧新鮮嘅牛油果,上邊仲有啲鹽同黑胡椒,再加一個外脆內軟好香嘅bagel,又真係唔錯好食喎!正又健康雞胸肉燒賣,呢個雞胸肉絕對唔鞋,好少可以食到健康既燒賣,平時通常用肥豬肉,呢個價錢合理,6粒大大粒,食完又可以係格離做運動啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-24
1956 瀏覽
When pure first started out, it was just a tiny yoga studio. Within ten years it has become the gym where its membership is flaunted as a social status medal. The successful marketing campaign has launched the gym a good affluent client bade so of course the next step would be to dive into the f&b world. What do all gym goers want to eat? Healthy and delicious food! Combine all the above, you have the widest selection of salads. I try the broccoli salad and it was so good I almost wanted to eat salad (just salad) for the rest of my life. We, the human race, has not given enough credit to a good salad. Pure has done its justice. I don't have the gym membership, but hey, their food is lovely. (Your daily dose of healthiness)🍜 #hungry #香港美食 #pandaeatshk #hkfoodblogger #hkgoodeats #hkfoodblog #hkfoodie #hkigfood #全力食 #hkfoodstagram #飲食日記 #bestfoodhk #topcitybiteshk #fotdhk #hkeat #hkfood #hkrestaurant #hongkongfoodie #ufoodphoto #foodgasm #foodgasmic #相機食先 #香港美食地圖 #吃貨人生 #popyummy 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)