12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
我地都叫做係觀塘工作左幾年,都經常和同事們去apm到食lunch,但都無食過呢間店。呢晚一班朋友食完Dinner,話想搵間甜品鋪坐下吹吹水,但啲中式糖水鋪好早就關門了,最後只有呢間仲未關門,但都仲有15分鐘就last order,所以我地都快快手order左幾樣甜品及飲品。呢間Dessert主打日式Pancake,我地選擇左3款...士多啤梨pancake/綠茶梳乎里/櫻花pancake,擺盤好精美,打卡一流,而味道...食落甜而不膩,🥰有滿滿幸福感覺!飲品就order左3款果茶...飲落都好清新。明明...飲品外賣價係@$3x/樽;😅但點解堂食價係要@$6x/樽。係貴一倍價錢喎 💸
PAN de PAIN: A Delightful Culinary Experience at APM, Kwun TongNestled in the bustling APM mall in Kwun Tong, PAN de PAIN offers a cozy retreat for food lovers. Their lunch set menu is a testament to their commitment to quality and flavor, making it a must-visit spot for anyone in the area.1. Cheese Souffle Omelette Bolognese Rice - $108The Cheese Souffle Omelette Bolognese Rice is a delightful fusion dish that combines the light, airy texture of a cheese souffle with the robust flavors of Bolognese sauce. The rice is cooked to perfection, absorbing the savory sauce, while the souffle adds a unique twist, making each bite a flavorful adventure.2. Potato Soup with Pain de Campagne (Non Vegan, Contains Bacon Bits) - $78The meal begins with a comforting bowl of Potato Soup, paired perfectly with Pain de Campagne. The soup is rich and creamy, with a delightful hint of smokiness from the bacon bits. The Pain de Campagne, a rustic French bread, adds a hearty touch, making this starter both satisfying and delicious.3. Chocolate (Hot) - $56For a warm and indulgent treat, the Hot Chocolate at PAN de PAIN is a standout. It's velvety smooth and rich, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and cocoa intensity. This drink is ideal for a cozy afternoon or as a sweet complement to your meal.To round off the meal, the Original Soufflé is a must-try. Light, fluffy, and perfectly baked, this dessert is a testament to PAN de PAIN's expertise in creating classic French pastries.
呢間pancake喺香港開咗好耐,都有唔少分店,之前都已經食過其他分店,今次要喺apm入面搵商户用兩張$60-$20嘅coupon,就嚟食個pancake。個人覺得佢啲pancake都幾貴,就算用咗coupon都唔係好抵,同埋要每人消費一樣食物。新出嘅strawberry mochi soufflemochi唔係喺pancake入面,而就係面頭白色個塊,都幾大塊㗎,下面冚住係strawberry cream,下面就係原味pancake,旁邊有士多啤梨醬,同雲呢拿雪糕。mochi超煙韌,好難可以切得開分嚟食,舊mochi本身冇味,都係要包埋strawberry cream同pancake一齊食,pancake好鬆軟,都幾香蛋味,strawberry cream好滑,落埋士多啤梨醬就有啲甜。再叫多個薯條,$68熱辣辣好脆,仲有兩隻醬,茄汁同蛋黃醬,薯條反而幾好食
一直想試呢一間餐廳既梳乎厘,門面感覺幾好但一入到去就開始中伏:1. 一坐低服務員既態度冷漠,冇提過原來有第二份梳乎厘半價優惠,亦都冇俾過任何餐牌或提過有咩promotion淨係講咗句用手機落單2. 簡左士多啤梨味麻糬梳乎厘,士多啤梨醬係藥水味同埋梳乎厘味道極淡冇乜口感,質素一般3.另一個士多啤梨味巴菲,巴菲入邊得士多啤梨醬、吉士忌廉再加球雪糕,完全好似係食醬,食咗一兩啖已經食唔落去,呢個大伏!!!總括嚟講呢間嘢真係唔會再食第二次,完全又貴又唔好食!!服務態度差,俾錢買難受….
#吃貨心柔日誌 🍔 PAN de PAIN Pancakes & Sweets趕上✨班戟漢堡✨的熱潮🤭今次探店之旅~觀塘APM的PAN De PAIN 🥰生意唔錯,見到Keep住都有人等位!入座每人要最低消費一份食物/飲品。🍽️Cheese Burger with Fried Potato Wedges 班戟芝士漢堡 + 薯角實不相瞞⋯我是衝着這個來食的😅近年的班戟漢堡熱潮太猛了!早幾個月在日本吃過1次,今次食第2次✌🏻口感好好,塊肉好好味好Juicy😋入面配上的燒汁和茄汁混合在一起👍🏻不過略嫌汁少了一些,唔喉夠🥹🍽️Hojicha Mochi Soufflie 焙茶口味的麻糬梳乎厘🥰不會太甜,而且我哋本身是麻糬控🤭重點是有一球雪糕🍨啱曬心柔!🥤Iced Matcha Latte抹茶拿鐵正正常常🤓無乜特別📍PAN de PAIN Pancakes & Sweets (觀塘APM分店)