11:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
原味乳酪 (芒果, 奇異果, 藍莓, M&M 曲奇; 試過幾間froyo, 呢間真係最"乳酪", 真係好似食緊杯裝乳酪個d味, 夠酸唔似其他有d奶味好重完全好似食緊雪糕咁; 點左既幾種生果都幾新鮮無話雪到硬晒, 曲奇脆脆地碎碎咁點綴下)
食完「潮廷滙」團購晚餐, 先至8點正, 實在太早啦, Weekend喎, Holiday Mood喎, 大家又點會肯咁早就返屋企呀?!! 一致決定... 搵地方食甜品...左搵右搵, 行晒美麗華商場成個1樓同地下, 仲出埋商場外面, 又再走番入商場2樓, 真辛苦... 終於搵到呢間日本連鎖Froyo店... Razzle Berry!!! First Class Frozen Yogurt!!!路過真係唔知係Froyo店!!! 餐廳以3位主題人物Cute, Sexy, Glamorous為中心, 以粉紅色作主, 設計成珠寶店咁, Topping以「寶石」命名, 放係珠寶櫃內, 令Froyo閃閃發光!!!店內採用的冰乳酪, 由天然純原料製成, 零脂肪, 含有多 75 倍的活性乳酸菌... 各位公主淑女們, 你地準備好未呀?!! 記住落Order時唔好雙眼發光, 失晒儀態呀!!!First Kiss (L) -- 朱古力味冰乳酪, 入口軟滑, 口感比美雪糕, 配Strawberries, Oreo, Magic Shell!!! 朱古力味濃郁, Oreo同Magic Shell有咬口, Strawberries醒胃, 怕乳酪果陣酸澀味嘅朋友必試!!!Very Berry (L) -- 原味冰乳酪, 有少少酸澀味, 入口軟滑, 口感比美雪糕, 配Strawberries酸甜, Blueberries清甜, Raspberries酸澀!!! 天然健康, 顏色鮮艷, Berry迷必試!!!餐廳內1年365日都保持藍天白雲... 8號風球都冇有怕...各位公主淑女玩夜咗唔使驚南瓜車唔等你, 因為店方提供汗血寶馬為你效勞, 保證午夜12點前送你返皇宮交人比王子..哈哈哈哈, 又發白日夢...冰乳酪, 食咗唔怕肥!!! 做咩5個人Share食3杯呀?!! 應該1人1杯先係呀嘛...店內只有3-4張枱, 放在走廊的, 會有很多路人甲乙丙在你身邊擦身而過, 而且椅子不太好坐, 如果想私語的話, 還是另覓地方比較好....
I thought I would give this yogurt shop a second chance since they had a Group Buy offer, but I was disappointed to find that they are perhaps even worse than before. Watery yogurt, slow service, messy outlook.This place was so messy and it almost looked dirty, not hygienic. CAn't they find somewhere to put this junk? It's out in the open. This guy I actually felt bad for, unless he's the manager. He was all alone on a Sunday! Other yogurt shops would have 4 - 5 people, Tuttimelon has some 8 - 10 people. This place is understaffed! I waited nearly 15 minutes to place an order!!!!!There was a hole in the middle of my yogurt! I had read many of the same complaints on OpenRice many times before. Don't they learn?! It would not have been worth the regular price, but mine was a discount so I was not so angry. The ONLY great thing that happened was that I got lots of blueberries. Out of all of their toppings, blueberries is the best, mine were fresh, lightly sweet and lightly tart. The other toppings, such as the crunchy ones did not look very fresh nor clean. As the wait is very long, you should only visit this place if you have 20 minutes to wait. And even then, you could get a better-tasting and better experience at the nearby TuttiMelon just a block away in the One.
早排呢個商場做左個推廣...咩鬼買滿幾多 $$ 就有野送....男友仔掃完貨, 就去換 coupon, 左揀右揀...最後揀左呢間 yougrt coupon, 打算搵日試下嚕~呢日行開, 忽然醒起有張 coupon 未用....所以就決定沖去一試!!!搵左一陣終於見到了~雖然都係大路, 不過位置有少少隱閉~講返食味.....個人覺得唔錯, yogurt 味道夠酸!不過太爽唔夠軟滑, 有 D 似食沙冰....哈哈!配料唔算多, 不過幾新鮮~一杯揀左芒果, 另一杯揀左咖啡凍, 都唔錯 =)芒果肉甜甜的, 咖啡凍係齋啡, 甘甘苦苦的...唔係太明點解有咁多個喊喊, 可能就係覺得佢個 yogurt 味太酸吧....(不過我喜歡, 哈哈!!)
買咗團購唸住好抵, 又搵日去試下,唸住選原味雪糕酸得令人失望, 反而我個friend 食朱古力好食, 不過都有少少酸,D生果肉係好新鮮, 睇住佢切, 可惜好似數住咁比你, 我在想係咪原價買會好D, 不過D配件脆脆係幾好食嘅~