上次來到SPOON還是數年前了, 在近數年, 店子的口碑是越來越好, 單計米芝蓮, 是由頭兩年未入榜, 去到2011年的時候得到一星, 再之後店子已經連續兩年取得米芝蓮二星的榮譽. 當然, 得到星星, 對於Alain Ducasse來講是家常便飯, 如在倫敦的Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester及在巴黎的Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athenee都是三星店子. 年前就曾經跟文迪在Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester吃過一餐相當精彩的盛宴, 自然也對Alain Ducasse的店子投以信心的一票.
星期天是一個星期裡最悠閒的一天,也是最想接觸陽光的一天,平日時間,只有困在遠離窗邊的座位,所以無論怎樣,也要與太陽伯伯來一個接觸。就找了一個泛著陽光的一天,來了這個坐擁無敵180度維港景色的餐廳,感覺真的十分歡暢。來到門口,侍應會向每人派發一杯French Bubbles,看見幼滑細緻的泡沫,便先享受了一個refreshing的開始。這個Sunday Brunch是半自助式,先可從自助餐桌上享用頭盤,接著在a la carte menu各選一款蛋菜式及主菜,最後便在享用自助甜品。另外,鮮搾果汁及紅白餐酒是任飲的。桌上放滿各式各樣的頭盤,款款也相當吸引,一時之間也不知從可吃起。頭盤雖然吸引,但我還是先決定拿點麵包及乳酪,才去享用多麼吸引的頭盤。來到麵包桌時,我又猶豫起來,完全拿不定主意,幸好發現了最愛吃的牛角包,入口相當鬆化,又富牛油香,接著聽從友人的建議,吃了一個Apple Turnover,果然不失所望,相當美味。除了酥餅外,還拿了點麵包,塗上 “Echire” 牛油來吃,款式如此多,只是吃麵包已足夠半飽。另外,還有穀物早餐、生果沙律、窩夫、薄餅及乳酪等等,相當豐富,很久也沒有吃過乳
來到門口,侍應會向每人派發一杯French Bubbles,看見幼滑細緻的泡沫,便先享受了一個refreshing的開始。這個Sunday Brunch是半自助式,先可從自助餐桌上享用頭盤,接著在a la carte menu各選一款蛋菜式及主菜,最後便在享用自助甜品。另外,鮮搾果汁及紅白餐酒是任飲的。
Spoon by Alain Ducasse was once upon a time THE French restaurant in Hong Kong but they slipped down the pecking order with the emergence of Pierre, Caprice, Amber and Joel Robuchon in recent years. I have always liked Spoon for its consistency in providing solid traditional French cuisine but the lack of an innovative approach does raise a concern.But then two things are almost guaranteed at Spoon - impeccible service and a wonderful Victoria Harbour view.I have dined at Spoon on many occasions
Spoon by Alain Ducasse was once upon a time THE French restaurant in Hong Kong but they slipped down the pecking order with the emergence of Pierre, Caprice, Amber and Joel Robuchon in recent years. I have always liked Spoon for its consistency in providing solid traditional French cuisine but the lack of an innovative approach does raise a concern.
But then two things are almost guaranteed at Spoon - impeccible service and a wonderful Victoria Harbour view.
I have dined at Spoon on many occasions but on many nights, the quality of food failed to wow me in any way and I left wondering if there would ever be a next visit. But it's already been a few years since my last visit, so I would expect improvements especially with a new man at the helm.
The team kicked off our dinner with some fine nibbles. There were spinach puffs and then foie gras mousse. I have never turned my head away from any foie gras mousse but with this one I did. The spinach puff also failed to live up to expectation.
Deep fried frog's leg with ginger consommé (Grade: 4/5) Our amuse bouche of the night arrived in the form of a deep fried frog's leg dipped in a mayonnaise style sauce. The seasoning was minimal and the natural flavor of the frog's leg was quite attractive (or were we just too hungry, I couldn't tell ?).
Chestnut soup with crayfish (Grade: 3.5/5) Chestnut velouté has always been my favourite so this choice was really a no-brainer for me. The chestnut soup was almost as thick as a velouté. The addition of some fresh crayfish provided a nice seawater flavor to the soup.
Steamed duck foie gras from "Les Landes" (Grade: 3/5) One of the restaurant's specialty, the steamed duck foie gras from Les Landes was however a bit below expectation. The texture of the foie gras was slightly on the hard side and the sweet and sour fig and grape puree was utterly dominant even for the foie gras.
Also they have to do something about the presentation of this dish. Ouch, it didn't look attractive at all.
Brittany lobster, pumpkin and country pork belly (Grade: 3/5) We were sold on the seemingly unusual combo of Brittany blue lobster and pork belly but was left startled to find that pork belly actually referred to the small bites of meat on top of the pumpkin slices.
No complaints about the lobster as it was almost perfect but we did not like the pumpkin and pork belly together.
All in all, putting lobster and pork belly together sounded like a promising idea but what a shame it did not work the way we hoped it would.
Venison fillet, seasonal fruits and vegetables (Grade: 4.5/5) I thought the best dish of the night belonged to the venison fillet. Serving at medium, it was simply cooked to absolute perfection. The dish was served with a sauce of its natural jus which was rich and skillful.
Our favorite cheesecake, citrus marmalade (Grade: 2/5) The wheels started to fall off here with the dessert. We actually spent quite some time to figure about what desserts we liked (because none of them really appealed to us in the first place.) and finally came up with these two.
The favorite cheesecake was not our typical New York style cheesecake. Instead it was a bar-shaped cheese stick marinated in a citrus marmalade. The first taste was really overwhelmingly sour and my friend decided to give up after taking a few wracks at it.
Hazelnut-chocolate, praline ice-cream (Grade: 2/5) My hazelnut chocolate tart looked a bit more interesting than the previous and it tasted a little better. Nevertheless, it was not something I would regret not having.
aug 19, 12..........4人來brunch............食咗 :Sunday Brunch x 4 (@$748)1) starter-喺buffet形式-大致上有麵包(超多款),蛋糕,芝士(好多款),乳酪,火腿(好多款),terrine,小食,湯,果汁,即製沙律-d包嘅款式先令人目不暇給,有朱古力croissant,原味croissant,蘋果turnover,broiche,甜酥條,focaccia,fougasse,wheat bread, rye等,淨食包都可以食飽你,仲配以法國名牌頂級牛油echire-芝士都有好多,brie, camembert, salers affine, comte, fourme d'ambert, pont l'eveque, chaource, chabichou du poiton-蛋糕就有檸檬同朱古力-當日乳酪有3款, 原味,士多啤梨同apricot-火腿有basque iberian ham, ventreche, bayonne ham, rosette from lyon, andouille.........
aug 19, 12..........4人來brunch............食咗 :
Sunday Brunch x 4 (@$748) 1) starter -喺buffet形式 -大致上有麵包(超多款),蛋糕,芝士(好多款),乳酪,火腿(好多款),terrine,小食,湯,果汁,即製沙律 -d包嘅款式先令人目不暇給,有朱古力croissant,原味croissant,蘋果turnover,broiche,甜酥條,focaccia,fougasse,wheat bread, rye等,淨食包都可以食飽你,仲配以法國名牌頂級牛油echire -芝士都有好多,brie, camembert, salers affine, comte, fourme d'ambert, pont l'eveque, chaource, chabichou du poiton -蛋糕就有檸檬同朱古力 -當日乳酪有3款, 原味,士多啤梨同apricot -火腿有basque iberian ham, ventreche, bayonne ham, rosette from lyon, andouille...........平時除咗識parma ham同iberian ham之外,今次認識多咗幾款火腿,尤其印象最深喺andouille............其味道濃烈到未入口都聞到............似平時食大腸嘅"押"味.............我只圈咗1小條出嚟食,都真的頂唔住.........sorry~~~ -有2款terrine,有自家製肝醬,1個喺鵝 -小食有牛油果蝦,鴨胸薯仔沙律,牛肉tartar同蔬菜quiche -湯得2款tomato soup同chicken consumme 佢嘅麵包類大致都好掂..........尤其喺酥類,很鬆,朱古力criossant好好味 -檸檬蛋糕有檸檬皮,有檸檬嘅酸甜 -個蔬菜quiche又幾好,料很多,焗到個面好金黃,不乾,好味 -火腿主要食iberian ham,比上次喺中環olx嘅有after taste,不過就會切得厚身d,硬d,不過配套嘅哈蜜瓜唔夠熟甜 -自家製嘅肝醬幾creamy
... The story of Alain Ducasse and his School of Thought, & the never endingly evolving philosophy to cooking French food is not something a normal walking-in customer will easily catch at first glance, I would say! I have already been to here 5 times for dinners or teaching classes, so I guess Spoon by Alain Ducasse expected me to understand their point of view, and invited me over for a dinner recently? I have already visited here 3 times this year afterall and paid for myself. I
... The story of Alain Ducasse and his School of Thought, & the never endingly evolving philosophy to cooking French food is not something a normal walking-in customer will easily catch at first glance, I would say! I have already been to here 5 times for dinners or teaching classes, so I guess Spoon by Alain Ducasse expected me to understand their point of view, and invited me over for a dinner recently? I have already visited here 3 times this year afterall and paid for myself. If you have been following what Ducasse has achieved in the culinary world for the past decades, you will discover he has pioneered so many ingenious cooking techniques (some of these Molecular Based, but you wouldn't notice it) and is internationally recognized as having paved a way for the future of the culinary world. At his peak, he held 19 Michelin Stars around the globe simultaneously, something only one other fellow French chef can match. He did not achieve this status by sheer luck.
Even within Hong Kong, influence from Ducasse's school and tutelage is profound and found at other Michelin Starred or Recognized kitchens such as Chef Jeremy Biasol's 1 Star Mirror, or Chef David Lai's kitchens at both On Lot 10 and Bistronomique. Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester UK, still remains one of only 4 UK restaurants out of thousands to be recognized as a true 3 Stars quality restaurant in 2012. SPOON by Alain Ducasse in Hong Kong is also awarded for being 2 Michelin Stars quality. The very unfortunate thing is that, many Asian customers expect only what they expect to find but without knowing what Ducasse really stands for in cooking philosophy. Never mind that Ducasse has 19 Stars and that is testament to his achievement in the culinary world. Afterall, there are actually people comparing a traditional French Restaurant to the Japanese-French Restaurants in Japan. The cuisines and cooking approach aren't even totally the same thing duh.
Trivial Questions: - Did you know that under the Ducasse school of thought, each dish is mostly limited to using maximum of 4 core ingredients? The main flavours of each ingredients are said to be maximized this way, and not disturbingly too complex for the human palate to detect and enjoy. A lot of international chefs are preachers of this Ducasse bible guideline.
- Accuracy in Cooking methods and the final taste, is always given priority over Presentation and Creativity. Keep it simple. Less is More. Architect Le Corbusier would approve of this too. I think this bit is what a lot of customers won't really know about Ducasse. Perhaps the restaurant could also write more and advertise about this philosophy to show the customers?
- Ducasse restaurants might serve more traditional & seasonal dishes by default, but did you know he is equally adept at the Modern Molecular methods in cooking? In fact, Ducasse wrote books on it and is one of the earliest pioneers to use Molecular methods and machineries to cook his food! He equips himself with all the latest gadgets and explore around to think of the next best available alternatives, in order to strike the perfect balance and cooking precision in his recipes. Those who have followed his school of thought or read his recipes will have known this for a long time, and is exactly why he is internationally admired and acclaimed and recognized. Unfortunately, not many Hong Kong customers would have heard about this. As I keep saying, blame it on the poor Food Channels being shown locally! Ducasse is like a God Father when it comes to redefining french gastronomy without losing the original spirit and still remains so!
- Ducasse restaurants only use imported ingredients only when they can't perform as well as the French or European ones. May be that sounds ironic for a Fine Dining restaurant, but that is exactly his mentality. For example, you are as likely to find local vegetables or seafoods on the menu as much as some exotic ingredients flown in from Provence, Italy or Japan. This is his way of being responsible to the environment and as a chef. Reduce carbon footprint whenever possible without affecting the taste too much. It is all about being balanced rather than compromised. I totally buy this concept as a foodie and you can find the same approach being in practice at local Mirror and On Lot 10 restaurants, where local ingredients are used if they are already good enough for it'ss cause.
- Lately, the Ducasse camp has also evolved a little with how they make their sauces. Traditional mother sauces as used in Classical French Cooking since the 19th Century and as classified by Auguste Escoffier, have been given a re-definition along the way, if not also an improvement in taste. Sauces at the Ducasse restaurants are now much lighter in feel, with less usage of unhealthy butters and sugars as utilised in traditional French cuisines carrying over from the Middle Age recipes. These traditional formulas are leased a new life with less fatty thickeners, but replaced with as much natural ingredient reductions and taste as possible whilst aiming to be loyal to the ingredients flavours being used.
Amuse Bouche - Deep-fried Frog Leg with Lemongrass, Ginger flavoured Frog Leg Consomme. With Watercress puree, Lemon condiment and mayonnaise. This was quite a nice starter and sensible. The frog leg is from local, but there is no difference between this and the French imported ones, if not better in texture.
Rock Lobster "Summery Version" - Comes with 3 Types of poached French beans, imported Girolle Mushrooms with Purslane Leaves, small Onion Rings marinated in Sherry Vinegar & Almond sticks. The Crustacean Jus is the highlight, as it is reduced from crustacean stock and also vinegar & olive oil, giving this a refreshing acidity to compensate for the heavier jus for Summer. Finished with a dotting of Lobster Coral Powder which were firstly cooked, dried, then grinded into powder finally. A very sophisticatedly cooked dish, and really beats the hot weather.
Home Made Herbs Pasta, Squid & Zucchini - 5 types of herbs are infused into the pasta, Parsley, Chervil, Basil, Tarragon & Marjoram. This comes topped with baby squids, Japanese calamari, pan-seared with chili pepper, zucchini, lemon zest, lemon pulp, lemon juice, Taggiasca olives & basil herb, then de-glazed with crustacean sauce. The different parts of the squid and calamari were cooked spot on well tonight. The highlight for me was definitely the pasta sheets! Good stuff.
Served with a Side of Tempura of Baby squid tentacles and Zucchini skin - Remember that the Ducasse approach is to keep the flavours clean and to use no more than 4 core ingredients on the dish? Easy to appreciate for a Ducasse fan. This is about historical French cooking.
Sea-Bream filet "Duglere" style - Fresh tomato, Tomato confit, Baby shallots, Petit Rose mushroom and Spinach adorn the fish. The sauce to be poured on top is made out of cooked down fish bone, shallots, white mushroom and tomato. Again pan seared and cooked very well overall. I thought the sauce could be slightly stronger though with fish flavours! It seemed to be missing some oomph factor, but then again may be that's why it was balanced!
Braised Veal Shank, with Petits Farcis and Vintage Wine Vinegar - WIth 4 types of traditional Petit Farcis stuffed vegetables and the customers will choose from 2 out of 4 presented, ranging from Onion Stuffed with onion marmalade and Veal meat, or Baby Eggplant, Zucchini or Tomato each stuffed with veal and their own marmalade. Ladies get to choose first here at Spoon. I don't mind. But I wanted that tomato served on a silver cocotte. The braised veal shank is cut table side, served with Veal jus & Vintage wine sherry vinaigrette. Very traditional dish but done as a higher end restaurant setting, very French. NOTE: This dish is only available on the 6-course SPOON Experience Menu and is created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Michelin 3 Starred Le Louis XV restaurant in Monte-Carlo, by Alain Ducasse..
Chocolate and Raspberry Tart, with Hand Shaved Lime Granite (Granita) - Chocolate Sable dough, Chocolate biscuit, Raspberry jelly, Raspberry garnish, Chocolate cream, Raspberry cream On top, decorated with Raspberry, filled with a Raspberry confit and Chocolate cigars. This is a very complexly layered dessert and was absolutely gorgeous. The chocolate sable base was definitely up there in accuracy in terms of flavour and French pastry levels. I find most desserts in SPOON by Alain Ducasse to be very suitable for my palate actually. I have had many more desserts here which I liked, so will post them on another review. This comes with a hand crushed Lime juice and Milk based Granite, which was so pow-pow snow like. I was quite surprised at this and asked Pastry Chef Yannick how he made it into this lovely snow powdery texture, as it is not icy granita like nor PJ made smooth sorbet like! His response shocked me, as he actually shaves it by hand himself for each serving of this dessert!! I am going to come back for this and the lobster above soon.
Spoon Mignardises & Chocolate Petits Fours - Served on this night to finish off together with our teas, mignardises of Hazelnut Macarons, Pistachio Sponge Cake and Raspberry Chocolates are presented. With a few selections of in-house made chocolates. Having been inside to the pastry kitchen before I do have a lot of respect for Chef Yannick to be able to make all these in the back corner kitchen, and the breads are also baked there daily. A take-away packet of Macarons is also given to customers.. I will upload photos of some missing items elsewhere as the Max photos here is restricted to 12.
****************************** SPOON by Alain Ducasse is not for everyone. If you have dined all over the world, have seen all the fussy food being dished out these days, you will return back and come to appreciate what they preach and try hard to preserve here yet trying underlyingly to improve in the background without your notice. If you want out of this world Creative Food, go to places like Mandarin Grill instead, one of my other favourites in town. Or fly overseas for some Nouveau Haute Cuisine. Both these local Michelin starred Restaurants are at extreme ends of one another but I happen to appreciate both and I can choose at will.
If you don't know what the Ducasse Camp in the culinary world stands for and why he holds 19 Michelin Stars globally, then
1) May I say that the Tasting Menu here is only $1388 and is honestly very good value for money. I normally order A La Carte myself as I like to choose what I eat, but can say that the Tasting Menu offers more for your experience. And the food is cooked precisely. It is actually very good value for money for a complete course and right up there with local French dining experiences.
2) Alain Ducasse has also written many books which shares his philosophies about his approach to cooking French or Mediterranean food. You can take a read as a summary such as here (http://www.alain-ducasse.com/en/shop/livres/nature-simple-sain-et-bon).
3) Do subscribe to more International Food Channels on TV and learn more about food history. Alain Ducass is always in there, as a chef with a background history and philosophy, rather than a celebrity chef.
4) Eat at more Michelin Restaurants in France itself. It will broaden your experience and you might just discover that France is still kind of old school in general, and might not be the Nouveau Haute Cuisine you might have expected. But it is gradually changing..
5) Stop comparing it to Japan's Japanese-French fusionized Michelin restaurants. At least compare it properly with authentic French Restaurants with an original French mentality. Not only is part of this restaurant part of the 19 Michelin Starred restaurant creations by a French born chef and a culinar legend in the world, but here, it is headed by a well-practised and Michelin 2 Stars recognised French Executive Chef Philippe Duc and his supporting pastry chef Yannick Opperman.
Visited the renowned Spoon for the first time with a friend who very generously decided to treat me to dinner. (thank you~)Situated inside the Intercontinental Hotel on the Lobby level, it is not a large restaurant with tables widely spaced to allow greater comfort for diners. The decor is quite modern chic with varying shades of brown being the tone of choice. What is most breathtaking is the spectacular view of Victoria Harbour that they proudly show off with floor to ceiling windows. There ar
Visited the renowned Spoon for the first time with a friend who very generously decided to treat me to dinner. (thank you~)
Situated inside the Intercontinental Hotel on the Lobby level, it is not a large restaurant with tables widely spaced to allow greater comfort for diners. The decor is quite modern chic with varying shades of brown being the tone of choice. What is most breathtaking is the spectacular view of Victoria Harbour that they proudly show off with floor to ceiling windows. There are 3 tables which can safely be said are the prime seats of Spoon as they face directly towards the harbour and I was lucky enough to be able to enjoy the dining experience from one of those tables
As we were perusing the menu, we were served little pre-meal appetisers. The little green dome was a brocoli puree with scallops inside, sitting on a crisp cracker base and dotted with caviar. The other was a tiny foccacia sandwich with what I think was pesto inside.
We were also served bread (one of the highlights of any meal ). There were four types to choose from: baguettes, wholewheat roll, sea salt scroll and a red pepper type of roll. The baguttes were really good, crunchy on the outside with fluffy insides and had a fragrant wheaty taste. The wholewheat roll was cute looking in a chubby doriyaki (japanese red bean pancake) shape. This had a slight chewy texture and was a good alternative for those that don't like hard crusts. The sea salt scroll was more like a croissant, very flakey and buttery texture. The least liked was the red pepper bread, which honestly did not have much texture at all. It tasted like barely cooked pizza dough unfortunately.
We chose to go a la carte, which was more to my benefit as I was able to try more dishes since my dining companion had eaten there on numerous occasions. After ordering we were served our amuse bouche of a pan-fried frogs leg accompainied with a warm ginger soup. The frog's leg was tender and as usual tasted like chicken meat, while the ginger soup had flavours reminiscent of the Thai soup Tom Yum Gong.
We ordered two appetisers. The first was a chilled tomato gazpacho with finely diced vegetables. This was really refreshing, the tartness of the tomato really came through and helped whet the appetite.
Our second appetizer was the steamed duck fois gras accompanied with diced nectarine, fresh almonds and basil. This was something different as normally fois gras for me is pan-fried. However, this method of cooking fois gras definitely rates highly for me. The smoothness of the fois gras is uninhibited by any crisp layer associated with pan frying and it just melted in the mouth. The tartness of the diced nectarines seemingly unspectacular was acutally a necessity in refreshing the palate from the richness of the fois gras. One of my favourite dishes of the night
When this dish was suggested to me, I was honestly not anticipating much. I mean I would not consider ordering macaroni at a 2 star French restaurant. As the "Coquillettes' pasta was placed in front of me, it really did not look like much, but the rich tantalising smell of truffles and cheese arising from the bowl tickled my senses making my tastebuds start to anticipate the first spoonful. And I was so glad that I was able to try this dish. The creaminess of the pasta combined with the melted parmesean cheese and the saltiness of the veal jus that was poured into the bowl prior to mixing was amazing. The aroma of truffles was heady and added that extra oomph on top of an already amazing dish. Absolutely show stopping~ Highly recommended!
The first of our mains was the baked wild tiger grouper. This was supposedly a new dish to the menu. I must say it was quite average. The fish was fresh, with no fishy taste, which I really dislike, but it was overcooked resulting in the fish being too chewy and rubbery in texture.
Our second main was 'Challans' duckling. This came in two parts. One was duck confit, a generous serving of duck breast sprinkled with cereal on top, giving a crunchy texture when eaten together with the meat. The other was a bowl of duck meat braised until soft and served with soft crepes. This gave a feeling reminiscent of eating peking duck as it was a hands on affair, but I must say I enjoyed this quite a bit. The meat was tender and though the sauce was a little salty, the crepes helped tone it down.
Our last main was the braised milk-fed veal shank which was a dish served to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Le Louis XV restaurant in Monte Carlo. This was brought to the table as a whole shank, still on the bone and was cut and served in front of us. I was already very full from the preceding dishes, and could only manage a couple of mouthfuls, but from what I ate, the veal was very tender, but nothing amazing.
Onto dessert~ Despite being very full, we still ordered three to share Something new was the strawberry and coconut which looked like a white snow ball covered with dessicated coconut. Strawberry sauce was then poured into the dish. Cracking into it,we discovered a meringue shell which enclosed a mixture of I think vanilla/coconut mousse with strawberry puree. A few forkfuls was enough for me as I found the tartness and overly strong flavour of the strawberry puree overpowered the mousse.
Second was 'our favourite cheesecake'. The texture of this cheesecake was quite dense and it had a very smooth and creamy texture with a strong flavour of vanilla. Being a cheesecake lover, I quite enjoyed this dessert.
Our last dessert was the chocolate hazelnut bliss. This was a mixture of textures, crunchy from a biscuit layer, creamy from the mousse layer and the tempered chocolate on top snapped delicately when each forkful was taken. This again was nothing spectacular, but gave the requisite chocolate quota I needed to end a meal.
Last but not least we were served petite fours and a selection of Jean-Paul Hevin chocolates. For petite fours there was a pistachio cake, chocolate cake and almond macaron. I favoured the pistachio cake most, as the delicate flavours of pistachio shone through quite nicely, but the chocolate cake and almond macaron were not as good. The chocolate cake was quite dense in texture, with not much sweetness or cocoa flavour, and the texture of the macaron was quite sticky although the flavour was nice.
The dinner was a combination of hits and misses, but I would definitely go back for the steamed fois gras and 'coquillettes'~.
Nice venue for celebrations. 2 delicious dishes in this post: organic egg (starter) and coquillettes(pasta). Environment:The foyer was quite dark, but the harbour view is beautiful. Nice ambiance. A couple can sit facing the harbour all night, sharing good food in harmonious silence. I am just describing the scene at the adjacent table .Service:Great! An attendant explained the entire menu. Le French May menu available @ $1388 - for the whole table, but accommodations can be made for special foo
Nice venue for celebrations. 2 delicious dishes in this post: organic egg (starter) and coquillettes(pasta).
The foyer was quite dark, but the harbour view is beautiful. Nice ambiance. A couple can sit facing the harbour all night, sharing good food in harmonious silence. I am just describing the scene at the adjacent table .
Service: Great! An attendant explained the entire menu. Le French May menu available @ $1388 - for the whole table, but accommodations can be made for special food preferences. I don't eat lamb and they offered something else.
I am a huge fan of carbs, bread in particular. I have this craving for bread and I must have at least 2 helpings even if it means another 45 minutes on the treadmill. Many brownie points earned if a restaurant serves great bread. Whole wheat was chewy, slightly crusty surface but will not hurt palate. I hate scratching my palate. Much yummier than a restaurant by the initials a.b. and felt like a rather healthy option. Tomato with black pepper yum! NIce soft brioche-like texture. Large pieces of sun-dried tomato generously laden on the inside. Baugette was ok. No faults. Croissant- Cute! very soft, buttery, some people just love the taste of butter so much. but it wasn't dripping with oil. Butter (salted + unsalted) was quite hard though, D and I put a slab on our knives and held it over the flame. D removed his in time. I did not and blackened the black of the knife. Fail.
Spinach pastry croquette was cold, light and not crisp enough. Broccoli and scallop with caviar + broccoli puree had a crisp base with embedded scallops. It was chilled and honestly couldn't tell it was broccoli! Mild, delicate flavour. Cheese puff was light and airy. Average. Not the stars of the night obviously.
Appetizers Green asparagus veloute and crayfish $290
I tried a small mouthful of soup and it had a slightly iron, metallic taste. I didn't really like it because it was very light - I actually would have preferred it to be slightly creamier. No complaints about the crayfish which I did not taste.
A delicate and impressive dish! Great presentation and execution. The eggy foam was smooth and perfectly in form. It was very light. Beautiful outlook, souffled. Taste? Egg white. Not much taste as you can expect. The waiter poured a thick, intense gravy-like liquid down the center of the egg. It was chicken jus. It swirled and infused with the runny egg yolk which some people love. Complemented the bland egg white well. Gotta balance out the flavours yea. The gigantic foamy structure was surrounded by mini fragrant mushrooms - so good. More please. Pearl onions cooked till soft and spinach and more shrooms formed the bedding on which the gigantic foam rested. I just wanted to keep on looking at it. Heh.
Tender green vegetable salad, truffled dressing $370
Ok as delicously fresh and crisp as this salad looks, I am clueless why they charged a hefty $370. Is this worth more than the two reviewed dishes...? Okay. Whatevs. Note that truffled dressing is NOT truffle dressing. I was imprudently mistaken. The veg was all cold, and crisp, very fresh. Broccoli, french beans, zucchini, asparagus. beautiful plump peas in pod - sweet juicy and crunchy. Truffled dressing was grainy, perhaps there was a bit of pistachio in there.
Now this is the kind of stuff that is worth the quid. I'm always the most unscrupulous spender who orders vegetarian dishes at a michelin restaurant. Fail me. And I don't try the expensive dishes either if it's got duck liver or goose liver or chicken liver or any kind of internal organ in them. Therefore as good as steamed duck foie gras sounds you will not get a review from me because I abstained, as usual. The brioche was lovely though. So the fat isn't rendered out and is preserved inside the organ. But would't pan-searing it give it more crunch and flavour? I always like caramelized and almost cargonigenic food stuffs. I don't mind. Burnt food is worth dying earlier for.
Mains Coquillettes pasta with black truffle and parisian ham $330
Flocking good. Lost for words. I have little regard for macaroni but once you give people minature versions of things people start seeing them in a different light yea. Somehow the daintier things look the more you're willing to pay, like micro SD cards. (heh). So this coquillette pasta was cooked al dente, and the ham was very intense. Great texture. Cheese on the side to add separately: quite tasty. Not sure what kind of cheese it is but who cares as long as they go well together. And the mac isn't so thick - it's not like mac n' cheese consistency. You get a bit of gooey-ness but you won't feel sickly after finishing the last scrap.
Guess who ordered this. To be honest it was a risk. I usually order oily fish, like cod. Turned out that brill is a very lean kind of fish, not oily and buttery like cod. The meat was very firm. STEAMED fish is usually quite bland. Without the jus, the fish tastes...rather devoid of taste actually. But I guess everything on the plate complements each other because the jus was delicious, and the asparagus was saltier than the ones in my salad. But now I know that atlantic brill is, sorry, not my cuppa.
Tender shoulder of “POITOU” RABBIT, baby carrots $490
Whaddya know. Someone orders rabbit. How brave. I was extremely cautious about the forkful R offered but after being told it actually tastes like chicken I decided to shove it into my mouth and see how things go. Chew chew. Mm. Hello chicken imposter. Good flavour. Chew chew. Quite soft because it's been cooked to something like stew. So my aversion towards rabbit is actually a psychological thing. There is no excuse for eating chicken but not rabbit as far as flavour is concerned. Perhaps my tastebuds are numb.
I have completely forgotten about this dish. No comment. Not that it was bad or anything...I suspect I didn't even have a bite because it was consumed too quickly.
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15% off thanks to the Intercon dining discount card we produced.
(continuation of previous entry)Cookpot of local market FRUITS and VEGETABLES $300Must try. This has to my favorite dish of the night. By that I mean I would happily eat it every day, if I could. Of course I can't. I am a simple person. I like eating simply. Fruits and veg is good fo me. The flash is too weak on my camera but you can see vaguely the lovely amazing colors. I mean how often do you get such a healthy, colorful dish? Kudos to whoever thought up the arrangement! And imagine the amoun
(continuation of previous entry) Cookpot of local market FRUITS and VEGETABLES $300
Must try. This has to my favorite dish of the night. By that I mean I would happily eat it every day, if I could. Of course I can't. I am a simple person. I like eating simply. Fruits and veg is good fo me. The flash is too weak on my camera but you can see vaguely the lovely amazing colors. I mean how often do you get such a healthy, colorful dish? Kudos to whoever thought up the arrangement! And imagine the amount of time that went into preparing this dish! The sauce was savory, but the fruit itself is sweet. Mushroom, apples, carrots, yam, some other root veg, might've been a bit of pear too. All in all a very healthy and satisfying dish. I soaked up some of the residual sauce with a bit of bread, shamelessly! Nom nom nom.
Very fresh and cold sorbet, not too icy as in there wasn't a lot of crunch - which is good. Want it to be smoother, like an iced smoothie. The tart itself was...quite tart. I mean the lime. The custard was good. Shell is brittle like a meringue, but the inside is very soft.
This dish contains many elements. Textures, temperatures, flavour...'contemporary vacherin' refers to the two blobs of white on topping the middle and left items. Vacherin is a type of cheese; but can also mean 'cake made of meringue'. It was very brittle, not too appelaing to me. A simliar dessert option can be found on the Alain Ducasse St. Regis menu. The tart's crust contains pistachio and almond - it is very delicious. The sorbets were quite bitter, especially the raspberry one.
The second most impressive dish. The base was delicious - not just crushed digestive biscuits + butter. Not sure what else went in there, I just know it was delicious. The cheesecake, being a steamed cheesecake (first i've ever had!^^), was extremely smooth and dense. There were vanilla pods in the cheesecake as well. You will see some berries undernealth the sorbet. Those were rather sour.
Conclusion: A rather enjoyable meal: nice views, one or two special dishes, and the overall high quality of food. But these expensive places cannot be visited often. It will be some time before I come back again. There are many other places to try.