2012-05-24 1093 瀏覽
This place has amazing harbour views but is extremely over priced for mediocre food.We had the lobster salad which was decent taste but definitely not worth $500 for that dish. Keep in mind it's a baby lobster, not a Boston one! You would expect more for that price.Also had the squid ink pasta. Nothing special. If anything, wasn't very tasty with small portions and a very bland brown sauce.The scallop was my favorite. Very tasty but you only get 3 small pieces. Very pricey place with avg dish t
This place has amazing harbour views but is extremely over priced for mediocre food.We had the lobster salad which was decent taste but definitely not worth $500 for that dish. Keep in mind it's a baby lobster, not a Boston one! You would expect more for that price.Also had the squid ink pasta. Nothing special. If anything, wasn't very tasty with small portions and a very bland brown sauce.The scallop was my favorite. Very tasty but you only get 3 small pieces. Very pricey place with avg dish to be $400-600 with tiny servings. Water alone with $98!!Overpriced. Food wasn't even that great.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1200 (晚餐)
2012-04-17 151 瀏覽
與太太相識紀念日, 一早訂定呢度 Sunday Brunch其實一直都好想來Spoon 試吓, 但奈何小兒出世後苦無機會, 不過後來得知 Brunch 係唔介意招待小朋友, 就立刻訂枱Brunch 由12:00 到 15:00, 我們這一家 (2大1bb) 準時入座, 極之欣賞呢度張baby highchair, 搞到我都想買張係屋企頭盤: 大量不同的麵包 ( 我家少爺十分鍾意牛角包, 食咗三大個), steak tartare, 不同的火腿(有小弟最愛西班牙Iberico, 食咗好多好多好多.......真失禮), foie gras, shrimp with avocado, smoked salman (老婆大人非常欣賞), vegetable terrine湯: 清雞湯, 南瓜湯, 兩款都用小杯盛載, 個人比較喜歡清雞湯, 飲咗五六杯........主菜: 小弟要了lamb shoulder, 味道不俗, 配上house wine, 更好太座點了x魚柳 (對不起, 小弟忘記了.......), 至於味道, well, 太太只吃了1/3, 其餘都俾個衰仔食晒, 呢條友仔平時係屋企
與太太相識紀念日, 一早訂定呢度 Sunday Brunch

其實一直都好想來Spoon 試吓, 但奈何小兒出世後苦無機會, 不過後來得知 Brunch 係唔介意招待小朋友, 就立刻訂枱

Brunch 由12:00 到 15:00, 我們這一家 (2大1bb) 準時入座, 極之欣賞呢度張baby highchair, 搞到我都想買張係屋企

頭盤: 大量不同的麵包 ( 我家少爺十分鍾意牛角包, 食咗三大個), steak tartare, 不同的火腿(有小弟最愛西班牙Iberico, 食咗好多好多好多.......真失禮), foie gras, shrimp with avocado, smoked salman (老婆大人非常欣賞), vegetable terrine

湯: 清雞湯, 南瓜湯, 兩款都用小杯盛載, 個人比較喜歡清雞湯, 飲咗五六杯........

小弟要了lamb shoulder, 味道不俗, 配上house wine, 更好
太座點了x魚柳 (對不起, 小弟忘記了.......), 至於味道, well, 太太只吃了1/3, 其餘都俾個衰仔食晒, 呢條友仔平時係屋企蒸條斑仔俾佢都要又氹又鬧, 呢條魚佢坐定定食晒, 看倌自行判斷

要走到廚房內拿取, 小弟不太好甜品, 但太座表示雪糕非常好味, 尤其pistachios

champagne 有一杯free, red & white 就unlimited, red wine 配 lamb shoulder 唔錯, hosue white 好出色, 易入口, fruity, 或許天氣熱, 冰凍white wine 令我覺得好一點

總括而言, 感覺比樓下Harbourside brunch好, 可能人大咗, 食唔到咁多, 加上其實Harbourside 都幾逼, 而且Spoon 個維港景真係靚啲 (高一層相差咁遠......), 如果想同一班朋友坐低舒舒服服咁傾計, Spoon 可能比較合適
題外話/補充資料: 由於帶住個naughty boy, 影唔到相, sorry sorry
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$822.8 (其他)
  • steak tartare
  • lamb shoulder
  • ham
2012-04-10 145 瀏覽
雖然並不認為獲得米芝蓮評分的店就代表必屬精品.但好歹也是二星(傑出美食,值得繞道前往)就算差極也該有個限度吧!但原來這個想法是大錯特錯!早前來吃過欣圖軒感覺良好,本想再吃一次.但到打電話來訂位一刻剛看到這裡的食評好像不錯!(後來看清楚原來大部份人也是來吃Brunch居多!其它馬評不計)便改變了主意來吃"法國菜"....擁有開洋的景觀佔了地利上的優勢.精緻的餐具,獨特的天花裝飾.無敵海景當然收費也是來自客人身上.Ginger ale$88有氣礦泉水$98不怎麽悅口的悅口小吃,不吃不是損失.開始點菜已出現麥兜式場面!一大輪介紹到最後餐牌上的Spoon 體驗套餐,到有意選擇時才說內裡四款食物有兩款因來貨關係已轉了其它,這樣缺貨那樣沒有,真是一個非常好的體驗!這時已起了一點戒心,就直接問侍應有什麽是最值得堆介吧!結果又中地雷.兩款麵包只是室溫狀態,鹽味及原味牛油是剛從雪櫃取出來的質感還硬如石頭!就是連這細節也照顧不到的話,之後的出品也無謂有多餘幻想.(對不起!我的牛油理論又得到多一次付出昂貴代價的證實.)Steamed DUCK FOIE GRAS from “Les Landes” citr
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無敵海景當然收費也是來自客人身上.Ginger ale$88有氣礦泉水$98
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不怎麽悅口的悅口小吃,不吃不是損失.開始點菜已出現麥兜式場面!一大輪介紹到最後餐牌上的Spoon 體驗套餐,到有意選擇時才說內裡四款食物有兩款因來貨關係已轉了其它,這樣缺貨那樣沒有,真是一個非常好的體驗!這時已起了一點戒心,就直接問侍應有什麽是最值得堆介吧!結果又中地雷.
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Steamed DUCK FOIE GRAS from “Les Landes” citrus and peppers, toasted country bread蒸頂級法國鴨肝拌橘子果醬$360----在當地餐廳吃到鴨肝的機會是比鵝肝更高是事實,鴨肝質感粉嫩幼滑但羶味及油份極重,配農夫包吃感覺沒那麽漏,但麵包質感軟韌連用手辮開也有困難!偏甜的醬汁質感濃稠黏在蒸熟軟身鴨肝上效果並不討好.如果外層是煎至脆皮反而會更佳.
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“COQUILLETTES” PASTA, black truffle, Parisian ham貝殼粉拌黑松露及法國火腿$320----明明吃到的是Macaroni 為何會是貝殼粉呢?溶化了的芝士鹹香味道配上火腿很難會不好吃."幸"黑松露的味道並不特出!(為何是幸?)因為我點叫的是Home made SQUID INK PASTA, shellfish and crustacean而不是這個.找來落單的侍應一問答案是落錯了單,但並不打算收回去更換而是再問:需唔需要另外再叫?因為份量不多....
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Pan-seared SEA SCALLOPS, pumpkin and white truffle香煎海帶子配南瓜白松露$620----帶子表面煎得微焦賣相是非常吸引,這時還在想像切到中間看到溏心的樣子...但當刀切下去的時候已知不妙!內裡質感硬實是百份百的煮得過火!吃帶子吃到像一粒浸軟了的乾瑤柱這經歷真是第一次親身感受到.黑/白松露的氣味對自己來說是有點抗拒,但竟可完全察覺不到這菜式有白松露存在.但看真一點的話那黑色一片片的是什麽呢?
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Truffled BRESSE CHICKEN breast, white drumstick sausages法國布雷斯走地雞拌香燒野菌$690----布雷斯走地雞是著名的法國名貴雞種相信很多人也知道,以肉質嫩滑有雞味作賣點,連極討厭吃雞胸肉的我吃過多次也對此雞全不抗拒.但良好的食材遇上這廚藝出群的師傅,明顯是被白白的糟蹋了!肉質嚡而無味除了彈性較佳外和廉價雞胸分別不大是這次的吃後感.
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CHOCOLATE SOUFFLÉ, pistachio ice-cream朱古力梳乎厘配開心果雪糕$160----開心果雪糕的味道並不突出,反而面層帶點焦糖味的果仁粒更吸引!梳乎厘的質感太"實在",內裡濕潤得像在吃蛋糕似的.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1300 (晚餐)
2012-04-08 95 瀏覽
好多年前食過一次, 已經忘記了佢的味道, 剛剛今年生日, 有人同我慶祝, 仲 Book 了 呢間頂級法國餐廳。通常....我都懶懶地, 會儘量 Order 佢地的 Set Menu, 所以今次亦不例外, 因為掛住食, 都唔記得佢地正確的名稱。先介紹個頭盤...送的, 綠色個個應該是用吞拿魚做, 入口溶化清新, 令人先開一開胃口。鵝肝卷有外皮包住, 中間雖然得一小舊, 但實在香味濃郁, 唔停得口, 最好可以再黎多一個。香煎鱸魚, 魚表面煎到金黃香脆, 估不到肉質非常嫩滑, 有淡淡魚味, 不會腥。羊扒....不羶, 肉質不鞋口,以我不吃羊來說, 都覺美味。呢個是用橘子做的, 當您食完以上三款菜色, 利用了橘子的味道 Refresh 一下您的味雷去迎接甜品。金鉑朱古力 - 一眼望去, 除了好貴氣之外, 仲好似好甜好溜。。。但食落, 朱古力味濃烈, 最重要底部一塊好似麥提莎的脆脆, 中和了濃烈味道及甜味, 令人食不停口, 唔會覺溜。例牌...必送的朱古力, 本來非常非常之飽, 加埋朱古力及咖啡....死就死, 食咗先算!臨走在門口, 仲有甜品帶走, 因為本人對 Marcoon 的甜不好, 故贈
好多年前食過一次, 已經忘記了佢的味道, 剛剛今年生日, 有人同我慶祝, 仲 Book 了 呢間頂級法國餐廳。

通常....我都懶懶地, 會儘量 Order 佢地的 Set Menu, 所以今次亦不例外, 因為掛住食, 都唔記得佢地正確的名稱。

先介紹個頭盤...送的, 綠色個個應該是用吞拿魚做, 入口溶化清新, 令人先開一開胃口。
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鵝肝卷有外皮包住, 中間雖然得一小舊, 但實在香味濃郁, 唔停得口, 最好可以再黎多一個。
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香煎鱸魚, 魚表面煎到金黃香脆, 估不到肉質非常嫩滑, 有淡淡魚味, 不會腥。
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羊扒....不羶, 肉質不鞋口,以我不吃羊來說, 都覺美味。
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呢個是用橘子做的, 當您食完以上三款菜色, 利用了橘子的味道 Refresh 一下您的味雷去迎接甜品
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金鉑朱古力 - 一眼望去, 除了好貴氣之外, 仲好似好甜好溜。。。但食落, 朱古力味濃烈, 最重要底部一塊好似麥提莎的脆脆, 中和了濃烈味道及甜味, 令人食不停口, 唔會覺溜。
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例牌...必送的朱古力, 本來非常非常之飽, 加埋朱古力及咖啡....死就死, 食咗先算!
Chocolate - Free
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臨走在門口, 仲有甜品帶走, 因為本人對 Marcoon 的甜不好, 故贈與家姐, 反應是佢超好味喎!!!!!
Marcoon - Take Away
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Chocolate - Free
My close friend W decided that to celebrate for my Birthday, we shall come to attend a Cooking Demo Class at Spoon by Alain Ducasse. The class per person is $1280 all inclusive, and although the price might sound exorbitantly expensive on paper, by the end of the session we actually came away concluding that this is of a bargain price for a Michelin 2 Stars cooking class demo. The customer receives direct and personal tutoring by the 2 Michelin Star Chefs Phillipe and Pastry Chef Yannick,
My close friend W decided that to celebrate for my Birthday, we shall come to attend a Cooking Demo Class at Spoon by Alain Ducasse. The class per person is $1280 all inclusive, and although the price might sound exorbitantly expensive on paper, by the end of the session we actually came away concluding that this is of a bargain price for a Michelin 2 Stars cooking class demo. The customer receives direct and personal tutoring by the 2 Michelin Star Chefs Phillipe and Pastry Chef Yannick, and on top of all of that the customers will receive as much great quality house baked bread and French Bordier butter as they can possibly want. Initially we didn't know precisely what to expect either. Yet by the end of this visit, of which the whole demo course included a full 3 courses lunch plus course by course wine pairings, and along the way numerous refills of quality French Teas and Water and coffee really did completed the deal... If you want to please your friend or your foodie partner, may I urge you to consider joining this class, fast!

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A Breakfast Bread Basket, before the cooking demo...
Great bread and pastries.

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Michelin 2 Star Chefs, Philippe Duc and also Pastry Chef Yannick -
They will meticulously explain each step of the way of the cooking processes of their signature dishes served at Spoon by Alain Ducasse. It is great to learn about some kitchen secrets along the way and it certainly beats reading a cook book at home. Michelin Chefs are usually well trained professionals, not every home cook can emulate being one just reading recipe books!

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Wine Pairing

Surprisingly, when we joined the Cooking Demo, we didn't know it included a 3 Wines Pairing with a 3 Courses Lunch to be served . Not only tha, but during the whole cooking demo we were being served unlimited Mariage Freres tea and Mineral water, practically having the whole room to ourselves (remembering that SPOON by Alain Ducasse is not even open for lunch, except Sundays). The wines here can be of 2 directions - the Sommeliers either suggest traditional pairings, or a more adventurous style. Much appreciated and a very open minded approach indeed.

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Winter Vegetables Salad and Truffle Sauce -
There are a variety of vegetables in this dish, including Black Turnips, Celeriac, French Artichokes, Cauliflower, Salsify, Baby Turnips as a base. Then topped with Endive, Mushrooms, Frisee, etc. A complicated vegetarian dish and very enjoyable. 10/10

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Local Fruits and Vegetables Cooked in a Cookpot -
An Alain Ducasse signature dish to the fans, surprisingly I didn't realised that this also changes slightly across the seasons and constantly evolves in recipe changes. Using a combination of colourful vegetables including a proportion of veggies usually more associated with Cantonese cooking, the base duxelle is this time made with brunoised oyster mushroom, fennel, onions, sous vide cooked chestnuts and fuji apple, etc. The freshly stone mortar grinded mustard and fennel seeds lend it that slight curry like spice flavour. A wonderful dish that was surprisingly 'meaty' in the taste and quite rich for a Vegetarian. 8/10

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Coconut Pineapple Vacherin -
I have already eaten this same dessert 3 timesy. But when Pastry Chef Yannick Oppermann explains to you the step by step of how this dessert is ought to be made plus more, you become curious and relentlessly just want to get a much clearer picture of all the procedures and thoughts gone into each dish at different venues. *As a side - I notice that HK Intercontinental Hotel employs the more handsome chefs in town, such as Philippe, Yannick and Cyril whom I am sure are definitely sweet candy for the women customers.
This dessert is infused with Vanilla and is balanced like a Pina-Colada in taste. I love caramelized pineapple and this suits me very well, together with the perfectly quenelled PJ made Coconut gelato and Pineapple sorbet. Surprisingly this visit was a little more sweet than my before and after experience... ~ 8/10

I have got to say, we were more than pleasantly surprised by the warm embrace and very personal teaching by the friendly Chefs, and it was also such a great way to celebrate my Birthday... Thanks to my friend W. The next Cooking Demo Class carries the theme of a Wine Dish lunch and is in mid April 2012. Details about all future classes in 2012 can also be found on the official HK Intercontinental Hotel Webpage, and I am sure that I will definitely join them again if I am in Hong Kong. Due to the limited amount of photos that can be posted here on Openrice, this will be a shortened review by constraint, but a longer review might be posted elsewhere 1 day and on another separate 2 visits I also ate some very memorable dishes...

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
在香港洲際酒店內的SPOON by Alain Ducasse,今年跳升為米芝蓮二星店,一直也很想來吃晚餐。坐在落地玻璃窗旁,面向那接近一百八十度的醉人維港夜景,享用星級美食,真是多麼的令人期待的一頓晚餐。這夜跟一聚甜心男女向著這兩顆星星而來,目標是為吃了一掃餐牌上的八款甜品,每款價錢都是$160,以質素及水準來說,也值得一試。雖然,我們不是坐在窗旁,沒法跟維港來個最近的接觸,但遠遠的觀看景色,感覺同樣舒適。侍應是為我們送上Amuse Bouche,分別是芝士泡芙及青菜龍蝦肉卷,芝士泡芝放涼了一點,但口感同樣鬆脆,芝士味不算太濃。而青菜龍蝦肉卷上面還有少許魚子,肉帶著鮮味,好吃。另外,還有南瓜芝士脆酥,微暖下,入口香脆內裡的南瓜蓉混著芝士,味道香甜。另外,還有三款麵包,海鹽卷、白芝麻麵包及Baguette,海鹽卷最好吃,口感酥化鬆脆,有點像吃牛角酥的質感,味道討好,我也多吃了兩件。甜品來了,先是Our favorite Cheesecake,Grapefruit/Vanilla Marmalade,長條形的焗芝士蛋糕質感跟平常吃的有少許不同,軟綿濕潤。除了口感外,味道同樣討人歡心,香甜
在香港洲際酒店內的SPOON by Alain Ducasse,今年跳升為米芝蓮二星店,一直也很想來吃晚餐。坐在落地玻璃窗旁,面向那接近一百八十度的醉人維港夜景,享用星級美食,真是多麼的令人期待的一頓晚餐。這夜跟一聚甜心男女向著這兩顆星星而來,目標是為吃了一掃餐牌上的八款甜品,每款價錢都是$160,以質素及水準來說,也值得一試。雖然,我們不是坐在窗旁,沒法跟維港來個最近的接觸,但遠遠的觀看景色,感覺同樣舒適。
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侍應是為我們送上Amuse Bouche,分別是芝士泡芙及青菜龍蝦肉卷,芝士泡芝放涼了一點,但口感同樣鬆脆,芝士味不算太濃。而青菜龍蝦肉卷上面還有少許魚子,肉帶著鮮味,好吃。另外,還有南瓜芝士脆酥,微暖下,入口香脆內裡的南瓜蓉混著芝士,味道香甜。另外,還有三款麵包,海鹽卷、白芝麻麵包及Baguette,海鹽卷最好吃,口感酥化鬆脆,有點像吃牛角酥的質感,味道討好,我也多吃了兩件。
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甜品來了,先是Our favorite Cheesecake,Grapefruit/Vanilla Marmalade,長條形的焗芝士蛋糕質感跟平常吃的有少許不同,軟綿濕潤。除了口感外,味道同樣討人歡心,香甜濃郁的芝士味,不感甜溜,面層還有橘子絲,加上微脆的餅底,真的好吃。伴上的是雲尼拿雪糕及西柚粒,紅色的西柚肉粒味道有點苦澀,幸好配上香甜的雲尼拿雪糕,中和一下。
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Orange and Chocolate Cake,朱古力蛋糕,層層緊扣組成,賣相精緻。三塊薄薄的朱古力片插在香橙味的雪葩上,雪葩下還有橙肉,下面繼而是兩層朱古力夾著朱古力慕斯。吃下去,香甜的橙味突出,與朱古力味互相映襯,底部的朱古力蛋糕鬆軟濕潤。雖然個人口味不太愛橙味的甜品,但這款也是好吃的。
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ARMAGNAC BABA,Light Chantilly Cream,金黃色的蛋糕放在銀色的器皿內,侍應把蛋糕分開,再為它淋上法國白蘭地酒,及放上忌廉。蛋糕質感軟綿濕潤,吸收了白蘭地酒,酒味十分濃烈,而上面的忌廉幼滑,香甜中帶有點酒香,令人醉倒。
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Apple and Pear Cookpot,Normandy Cream,Red Currant Jelly,焗蘋果放在白色的器皿內,打開蓋,不算太重蘋果肉香,但果肉軟腍,味道清甜而不會過酸。跟蘋果吃的有梨子忌廉、脆麵包粒及紅漿果果醬,把脆麵包粒放上蘋果同吃,有點像吃蘋果金寶,再塗上紅漿果果醬, 那便會很甜,這甜品相對其他款式較為普通。
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Chocolate-Hazelnut Bliss,圓圓的蛋糕由多層不同口感及形態的朱古力及榛子組成,一顆金色榛子果仁在蛋糕面上裝扮,令蛋糕外表沒那麼的單調。兩片薄薄的朱古力夾著一層榛子慕斯,造型細緻。不層的是朱古力醬層包著香甜的是榛子慕斯,中間夾苦的有榛子脆脆及餅乾,底部是香脆的朱古力餅乾,口感十分豐富。香甜的榛子配合濃醇的朱古力,整體味道更為誘人,加上朱古力雪糕,愛吃朱古力的我十分滿足。
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Crispy Lemon Tart,,Limoncello Sorbet,檸檬撻跟常吃的不同,造型及構思也令人驚喜。外層鋪滿多隻細小的焗蛋白,焗得微微金黃,賣相特別。焗蛋白下還有另一層薄薄的圓拱形蛋白餅,內裡藏著是檸檬吉士及香脆餅底,檸檬味道十分的濃郁,酸度很高,入口是刺激的檸檬酸,最後還滲出點甜味。另外的檸檬酒雪芭,同樣是酸酸的,不感酒香,味道較為清新怡人。愛吃酸的我,對此甜品深感滿意。
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Chocolate Soufflé,Pistachio Ice-cream,新鮮焗起的朱古力疏乎里,面層鋪滿可可粉,疏乎里焗得不錯,質感濕潤綿綿,口感雖好,但個人認為朱古力味不夠濃郁,既不甜,亦沒有可可的甘醇味,味道可再調整一點。相對伴上的開心果雪糕更為吸引,上面有不少開心果仁粒,微微的用焦糖烤過,香甜可口,好吃。
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Coconut-Pineapple Vacherin,Passionfruit Jus,一大片焦過的薄菠蘿片像花卉般的插在雪糕上,底部還有牛油脆餅。旁邊的煮過的菠蘿甜道頗甜,跟上酸酸的菠蘿雪糕同吃,味道平衡一下較好。另外,後邊三塊的蛋白脆脆味道香甜,點些熱情果汁來吃,酸甜誘人。
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最後還有些小甜點作結,分別是有Macarons,Opera及朱古力。Macarons口感較腍,質感一般,但味道還好,而Opera Cake面層的朱古力及慕斯層很快便融於口中,朱古力味香濃。

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$300 (晚餐)
2012-02-13 20 瀏覽
Food of course is impeccable and delicious. Ambiance and decor are also amazing. The service was generally great. It is also unbelievably pricey, but I presume it's all priced into the food, service, reputation and view. But it's REALLY pricey. Standard appetizer is about 300-400. Entrees are about 600-800. Wines were several hundred or more per glass. They had a 'pre-valentine's day' tasting menu that was about 1400, which is not terrible, but they required all guests at the table to order it
Food of course is impeccable and delicious. Ambiance and decor are also amazing. The service was generally great. It is also unbelievably pricey, but I presume it's all priced into the food, service, reputation and view. But it's REALLY pricey. Standard appetizer is about 300-400. Entrees are about 600-800. Wines were several hundred or more per glass. They had a 'pre-valentine's day' tasting menu that was about 1400, which is not terrible, but they required all guests at the table to order it if you wanted it, that was not great. In any event, if you go, you should enjoy every last bit. Which brings me to my most disappointing comment: I booked a few weeks in advance, and specifically asked for a window table - they said it was all reserved but assured me that every table in the restaurant had a great view of the harbor (i'd never been so trusted them). Day before - they called to confirm and I asked again about the window table - they gave me the same story. Night of - arrive, they take me to my table, in the corner, perhaps the ONE table with no view.
Was it not clear from my multiple requests it was important? They said the other tables were reserved, except during the course of the meal until I finished, I saw more than one table that remained completely empty, each of which had a better view than us. Also, when they brought out our food, they mixed up our plates. My advice, if you do plan to go, make completely sure you get what you want in every respect because you're really paying for it. Was sore about it the whole night and left a terrible taste in my mouth, regardless of the food.

As a supplementary note, in terms of "fine dining" in HK, even though Spoon has a great decor and (usually) great view (I saw when I was walking to and from my corner table), I think the whole experience was better at other places that perhaps don't have to rely on view or something else to boost their rep. Our meal was somewhat rushed, not a great selection of bread or petit fours, etc. For food, prefer Amber or Caprice. For service, Caprice or Petrus. If you're going to spend that much at least. Just my two cents.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1100 (晚餐)
Like some of the other former patrons of this joint, I felt like the view was the best part of the meal, but still couldn't overshadow the mediocrity of the dishes. I might have been satisfied, but when you're paying this much for a dining experience, there's no margin of error. Unfortunately, Spoon failed to meet what I feel like the standard of excellence should be for a two-star Micheline restaurant.I started with the mushroom tart, which was disappointing. It came with a spring salad on top,
Like some of the other former patrons of this joint, I felt like the view was the best part of the meal, but still couldn't overshadow the mediocrity of the dishes. I might have been satisfied, but when you're paying this much for a dining experience, there's no margin of error. Unfortunately, Spoon failed to meet what I feel like the standard of excellence should be for a two-star Micheline restaurant.

I started with the mushroom tart, which was disappointing. It came with a spring salad on top, which was garnished with a chicken sauce. I'm not a fan of eating salad with sauce instead of dressing. It distracted me from what should have been a rich mushroom flavour, and the textures were discordant. There was almost no synergy in this dish.

I should say that my parents enjoyed their appies- my mother had the pheasant and chestnut veloute and my father the rock lobster with french beans. That being said, the veloute arrived lukewarm and was sent back to be heated. I'm not sure if it was meant to be lukewarm.

For the main, I ordered the only vegetarian option: local fruits and vegetables cooked in a cookpot. The thinly sliced carrots and turnips were delicious and very rich, but the gestalt of the dish was kind of strange and I don’t think it had any business being offered as a main course on the menu. Beneath the root vegetables was a ratatouille-esque concoction of diced mushrooms, apples, potatoes, and onion. The taste was fine, but I think it would have served better as an accompaniment to something else, and after the first few bites I kind of just wanted to get it over and done with.
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My parents ordered the saddle of lamb and the dover sole, both of which were satisfactory. Again, I would not have been so dissatisfied if we had been eating at a less reputable and expensive place, but in my books, any fine restaurant that wants to hold its own should be capable of producing adequate vegetarian courses, and indeed I have been to such establishments before. No meat is no excuse for mediocrity.

We didn't order dessert, but were brought out a petit four of strawberry macarons and pistachio cake. It's difficult to make dessert bad, but honestly I thought that the macarons fell short. I've had better ones in non-French restaurants!

Overall, it was an average dining experience. Normally I would be more tolerant, but when you're paying as much as you are at Spoon, not even the view can merit the price when the food is simply "okay".
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
My last visit to Spoon by Alain Ducasse was probably more than 3 years ago, and while the food was ok, it was not particularly inspired to revisit with the plethora of new restaurants around. The recent visit for tasting the winter menu at Spoon by Chef Phillip Duc convinced me that their new approach and elevated execution level deserve more attentionDinner started with champagne in traditional coupe glass. (to create a nostalgic mood?) Amuse Bouche : Roast Beef Puff Pastry Boxes, Crab Meat wi
My last visit to Spoon by Alain Ducasse was probably more than 3 years ago, and while the food was ok, it was not particularly inspired to revisit with the plethora of new restaurants around.

The recent visit for tasting the winter menu at Spoon by Chef Phillip Duc convinced me that their new approach and elevated execution level deserve more attention

Dinner started with champagne in traditional coupe glass. (to create a nostalgic mood?)
Champagne, amuse bouche, bread and butter
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Amuse Bouche : Roast Beef Puff Pastry Boxes, Crab Meat with Cabbage “Sandwiches” and Pumpkin and Parmesan puff (served warm)
The first two were well seasoned and tasty (I hated amuse bouche that looked “creative” but tasted bland) and fitted the roles as amuse bouche.

I liked the pumpkin and cheese puffs a lot as I am always drawn to savory and sweet combination and matched with the current season and cold weather.

Bread: Coarse salt roll, sesame bread, and mini baguette They were from the Spoon kitchen and were quite nice, especially when served with Bordier’s butter(salted and unsalted)which seemed to be the default in most fine-dining French restaurants

Cep Mushroom and Lobster Light Velouté
Cep Mushroom and Lobster Light Velouté
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Adapting from the heavier recipe of traditional velouté, this light version made use of vegetarian broth and almost completely out of porcini mushroom sans cream and butter, pureed and strained down to a concentrated and silky thick soup. The result was very concentrated flavor of porcini in each mouth further accentuated with finely brunoised porcini mushrooms. It’s “light” without weighting down your palate, but certainly not light in mushroom flavor

The tender lobster meat was an extravagant touch and most importantly added some seafood sweetness to balance the earthy and savory velouté.

Bresse Chicken and Duck Foie Gras “Pâté en croûte"
Bresse Chicken and Foie Gras “Pâté en croûte”
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A very delectable pâté en croûte. The duck foie gras surrounded by black truffle bites inside was strong in duck liver flavor and creamy in texture, lusciously delicious The pate was filled with bresse chicken meat and fat as well as pork fat, moist and smooth unlike the rustic coarser version. Chicken stock was injected between the top crust and the pate to form a layer of chicken jelly when chilled. Certainly a more sophisticated interpretation of the classic pâté en croûte, and was executed very well.

I really liked the spinach salad on the side! (yes, I said I LOVE this salad!) It was dressed with balsamic vinaigrette and the acidity and slight bitterness of the salad helped to cut the heaviness of the pâté en croûte. The julienned black truffles didn’t contribute much.

Pan Seared Sea Scallops, Pumpkin and White Truffle
Pan seared sea scallops, pumpkin and white truffle
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White truffle from Alba was shaved tableside. While the white truffle wasn’t the most aromatic I have had this year, it was very generous in portion.
Pan seared sea scallops, pumpkin and white truffle
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Good to have sea scallops seared perfectly (as there were just too many over/under cooked scallops around town…) with a nice charred crust and semi translucent interior (“sugar-hearted” in Chinese).

The European pumpkins, however, stole the center stage as they were not just one-dimensional sweet but also with a true “pumpkin” flavor. These are addictive!
The hazelnuts provided crunchiness and nuttiness.
Pumpkin puree with cheese
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On the side: a hearty pumpkin mash made with a combination of local pumpkins and fontina cheese.

It was creamy, smooth, and delicious.
Serving it on the side was a nice move as the packed sweetness and cheesiness of the puree would have overpowered the scallops if served together.

Stuffed Saddle of Lamb from France, Lemon Flavored Cauliflower Semolina
Stuffed Saddle of Lamb, Cauliflower Semolina
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The vibrant colors of the cauliflowers together with the uniformly pinkish lamb meat were simply gorgeous.

At first I thought that the lamb was sous-vided but the chef later explained that it was cooked by wrapping lamb skin(with fat) around the meat for a quick sear, followed by slow-cooking at low temp in the oven. The meat was very tender, succulent and moist with the subtle gaminess of the lamb. Perfect in texture and flavors.
Perfectly executed with colorful presentation
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The 3 different colors of cauliflowers and a broccoli served on the side provided a nice crunchy texture contrast and a refreshing touch to complement the meat.
No complaint about the execution.

Coconut Pineapple Vacherin
Coconut Pineapple Vacherin
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Both the pineapple and coconut were light, very refreshing, and tasted absolutely delicious after main courses. Pineapple and coconut also appeared in different forms (e.g. pineapple chips, poached pineapple cubes, coconut meringues, etc.) in the dessert to emphasize on the theme.

Chocolate Hazelnut Bliss
Chocolate Hazelnut Bliss
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Inside this dessert were layers of different textures and flavors chocolate and hazelnuts:
- from the bottom with roasted hazelnut, sugar dough, and gianduja sable,
- the middle layer of Bavarian hazelnut and hazelnut biscuit,
- topped with a layer of hazelnut mousse and covered with chocolate ganache.
Further elaborated work to have two chocolate discs decorated with more gianduja and hazelnut crunches.

For someone who prefers sweeter chocolate to dark bitter ones, this is a perfect chocolate dessert!

Dinner ended with mignardises of macarons, pistachio cakes, and Jean Paul Hevin chocolates. (I love the caramel chocolate squares!)
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This visit had certainly changed my impression of the earlier Spoon. While I wouldn’t say the flavors were very innovative, as the combinations of ingredients chosen were actually quite classic and common, I was impressed by the execution particularly on main dishes. There are simply too many places in town that serve food that sounds and looks better than it tastes, so I certainly value well-cooked food over pretty-looking or inventive dishes that lacked precision in execution
Chef Philippe Duc, Chef of the 2-starred Spoon
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If the kitchen can deliver the same level of accuracy in execution to all the diners consistently, then Spoon would be a place worthy for many repeated visits.

題外話/補充資料: - This menu included some dishes in the autumn tasting and some from the a la carte menu. - The window seats have great view of the harbour and are great for dates. - Wine pairing is available
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Cep Mushroom and Lobster Light Velouté
Champagne, amuse bouche, bread and butter
Bresse Chicken and Foie Gras “Pâté en croûte”
Pan seared sea scallops, pumpkin and white truffle
Chocolate Hazelnut Bliss
Coconut Pineapple Vacherin
Perfectly executed with colorful presentation
Chef Philippe Duc, Chef of the 2-starred Spoon
Pan seared sea scallops, pumpkin and white truffle
Pumpkin puree with cheese
Stuffed Saddle of Lamb, Cauliflower Semolina
  • Saddle of lamb
  • Scallop with pumpkins
  • Bresse Chicken and Duck Foie Gras “Pâté en croûte"
2011-09-19 62 瀏覽
雖然已跟食友吃過餞行飯,也在Pizza試食局跟大家告別了,但真正的壓軸大戰其實是在洲際酒店的Spoon吃Sunday Brunch。幾位甜魔一早相約,日子也改遲了(幸好沒再推遲),最後五個人在我離開前的星期日到spoon。途中發生了小意外,故遲到了一點,到達時4位食友也已一早到達。這裡的Brunch$746+10%,包一杯香檳、品酒師精選紅白餐酒和咖啡或茶一杯,自助前菜區更有4款新鮮果汁供客人自取。畢竟是米芝蓮一星,價錢定高一點也是可理解的。早放在桌上的兩籃麵包,一籃咸一籃甜,咸的有海鹽麵包卷、蕃茄包和火腿碎小圓包。甜的有朱古力酥包、朱古力酥條、牛角酥和提子酥卷。酥品即使不是熱烘烘的,仍是酥香滿溢,叫人怕胖也不得罷休。其他麵包雖相對沒那麼搶眼,也是很不俗之作。Starters Buffet有多款手切火腿和燻魚等的,還有材料供自製沙律。Andouille,吃的時候也不太清楚它是什麼,只見他圓圓的一塊帶迴紋甚好看才拿。回家一查之下才得知原來是香腸的一種,豬肉混上了胡椒、酒和洋蔥,自然是香味沒法擋。Smoked Salmon乃咸香豐腴之美物,不是怕戰鬥力下降的話還真想多吃一片。Vegetab
雖然已跟食友吃過餞行飯,也在Pizza試食局跟大家告別了,但真正的壓軸大戰其實是在洲際酒店的Spoon吃Sunday Brunch。

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Starters Buffet有多款手切火腿和燻魚等的,還有材料供自製沙律。Andouille,吃的時候也不太清楚它是什麼,只見他圓圓的一塊帶迴紋甚好看才拿。回家一查之下才得知原來是香腸的一種,豬肉混上了胡椒、酒和洋蔥,自然是香味沒法擋。Smoked Salmon乃咸香豐腴之美物,不是怕戰鬥力下降的話還真想多吃一片。Vegetable Terrine,很有趣的把茄子、翠玉瓜和燈籠椒等壓成一塊兒,成了健康而口感豐富的法國蔬菜批。鵝肝醬咸香味濃得很,為了留肚也沒把大大的一片完成。
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另外一頭放了許多一小碟一小碟的,每樣也取了來試一下。Shrimp/Guacamole,蝦和芋片堆砌在牛油果沙律醬上,味道較平凡。Crab Meat Cocktail,蟹肉鮮味,跟調味打成蓉,帶微微酒香,很討好。Beef Tartar,比想像中的嫩滑,生牛肉在調味和醃料輔助下絲毫不羶。Asparagus Salad with Yogurt Dressing,酸酸的乳酪沙律醬不膩,蘆筍鮮嫩不帶渣。

麵包是可是在外面自己添取的,牛油和一瓶瓶的果醬都是任取不拘的,試了點麵包籃沒有的款式。短小法國棒包,外脆內軟,取的時候還要是從剛新鮮出來的一籃,略帶溫度。Lemon cake和Chocolate cake,兩者的味道也不錯,但稍嫌乾了點。
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兩款湯品以量筒般的盛器盛著,白色的Potato Leek Soup濃厚,喝到下面還有點薯蓉。黃透透的Chicken Consomme味道比看上去的重,有雞肉鮮味。兩款各有特色。
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五款主菜除了Cocotte of seasonal Vegetables,我們都要了來分享。我選的是Pan-seared Sea-Scallops, spring vegetables,帶子是中等體積,煎得金黃,入口實在且味鮮,不俗。
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Pan-fried Sea Bream, broccoli/ french beans/ green peas,鯛魚柳肉質實了點,不夠軟滑。幸好有魚味搭救,補回一點分數。
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Roasted rack of Lamp, vegetable "tian",羊架配上另上的千層菜,肉軟不羶,也不算太肥,女士要完成兩大塊也不是難事。
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Braised Beef Chuck, button mushrooms/ tomatoes/ Crushed potatoes,主菜中最出色的一道,牛肉以布根地式紅酒燴過,軟淋易嚼,牛味甚足。
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之後到了主力的甜點環節,走進放滿精緻甜品的廚房,頓時令人心也亮起來。在那裡逗留了好久,真捨不得離開。兩回合的兩大碟挑戰了不少甜品,最喜歡的是Steamed Cheesecake、Chocolate elysee和Tiramisu。Steamed Cheesecake帶很溫和的芝香,不漏不膩。Chocolate elysee朱古力味濃郁,蛋糕濕潤。Tiramisu則幼滑細膩。

還有不少做得很不錯的甜品。Rhubarb Apple Crumble,蘋果酸酸的,加上香脆金寶粒,很對我的口味。Eclair泡芙脆身,不太甜。Mango Passion Fruit Cake酸香馥芳,可口。迷你Chocolate fondant外表樸實,內心軟潤。沒有焦糖的燉蛋,每口都充滿雲呢拿籽,比許多地方的creme brulee出色。

Macarons不過不失,朱古力的太軟太濕。紅莓的呈花形,中間夾著果莓,沒那麼軟那麼膩,比較討好。Bourdaloue tart,洋梨甜得單純不起眼,撻底也未見深刻。Raspberry tart和Lemon Tart的薄皮撻底為敗筆,弱不禁風又不香,中間充滿雲呢拿籽的吉士便是唯一值得欣賞的。Mille feuille 不酥脆也未見有可取處,最令人失望的一項。
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雪糕只試了血橙和西柚口味,兩樣皆清新宜人。焦糖口味的一款我也嚐了一口,其外貌和味道跟芥末異常相似。最後要了杯Earl Grey,但侍應卻拿錯了pepper mint來,味道和模樣把食友和我都嚇了一跳。


(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$716 (午餐)
  • Bread
  • Andouille
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Vegetable Terrine
  • Crab Meat Cocktail
  • Beef Tartar
  • Braised Beef Chuck
  • Steamed Cheesecake
  • Tiramisu
2011-09-13 380 瀏覽
My family decided to celebrate mid-autumn at a Western restaurant this year, to break away from tradition and we picked Spoon because of its harbour view (which ought to give us a view of the full moon). What a bad decision that was!To begin with, our table of 8 was seated at a back corner of the restaurant, far away from the window. We tried to get the waiters' attention numerous times during the meal and no one ever looked our way.The restaurant also forced us to all take their set menu and wo
My family decided to celebrate mid-autumn at a Western restaurant this year, to break away from tradition and we picked Spoon because of its harbour view (which ought to give us a view of the full moon). What a bad decision that was!

To begin with, our table of 8 was seated at a back corner of the restaurant, far away from the window. We tried to get the waiters' attention numerous times during the meal and no one ever looked our way.

The restaurant also forced us to all take their set menu and would not even allow my 10-yo niece, who could not possibly finish the set menu, to order from the a-la-carte menu. Frankly, I think their inflexible attitude was shocking - when they are charging us this amount of money.

As it was mid-autumn, we were expecting some inspired / seasons dishes in the menu. Instead, none of the 6 dishes impressed us. The starter cold broccoli soup tasted like my baby's pureed broccoli, only more watery and with a dollop of ewe cottage cheese. The crayfish salad was tasty but nothing special. The seabass was so salty that I wonder if the chef broke the salt bottle when seasoning it. The veal main was the worst of all - the veal was tender enough but it was stuffed with a very strong flavoured cheese and paired with black truffle sauce. Anyone respectable chef with some cooking sense would consider pairing black truffle with strong cheese a sacrilege. The veal was also very poorly presented as a plate with a plonk of meat swimming in black sauce. The side vegetable gratin was also charred and over-spiced. The two desserts were really boring - the strawberry pavlova was something you could get in a $200 set menu. The same goes for the hazelnut cake which would cost around $40 a piece at any nice cake shops in Hong Kong.

But what REALLY got us was the poor service. The restaurant was around half-full but the service was excruciatingly slow, with our entire table yawning and getting really bored of the waits in between courses. When they finally served our dishes, they came in 4 waves such that the food was already cold by the time everyone's plates arrived. The accompanying sauce for the dishes also came in 4 waves (they served the sauce in milk jars (which only holds a 1 person portion) - it would be so much quicker if they had a gravy boat and just went round the table to serve us all in one go) and we got so tired of waiting in the end that we gobbled down the food without the sauce. And despite telling various waiters that we don't need more bottled water, they still kept opening the Evian bottles - no doubt to rack up more cost for us.

There was no redeeming factors and I will definitely NOT recommend this overpriced restaurant to anyone, unless you have the patience of a saint. I hope the management brushes up its service and make some improvements. It is such a waste of this beautifully decorated restaurant with possibly the best harbour view in town.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
  • NONE
2011-07-28 311 瀏覽
I have read a lot of comments from OpenRice about SPOON. The comments gave me a somewhat negative impression. However, after my experience last night, I felt the restaurant is very good in all aspects. I felt fortunate I didn’t let those comments stopped me from trying this restaurant.First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant is good. It is soft, romantic and comfortable. The table space is good too but it would be even better if a bit more distance between tables. I know this would be a lu
I have read a lot of comments from OpenRice about SPOON. The comments gave me a somewhat negative impression. However, after my experience last night, I felt the restaurant is very good in all aspects. I felt fortunate I didn’t let those comments stopped me from trying this restaurant.

First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant is good. It is soft, romantic and comfortable. The table space is good too but it would be even better if a bit more distance between tables. I know this would be a luxurious wish in a tiny city of Hong Kong.

The Victoria harbor view is impeccable. It makes you feel you are dining at the waterfront but at the same time you are not bothered by the nuisance of hot and humid weather as you are sitting in a comfortable air-conditioning room.

The wine is good. I ordered a Grossot Chablis 2006 to go with the appetizer and a Moulin de Graviere Lalande-de-Pomerol 2002 to go with the main course. Both wines were very good. The white has the aromas of lime, zest, gooseberry and flower and very refreshing. The red is full of black fruit aromas with tar and a bit of tobacco. The white was much better than I thought and the red was up to my expectation.

The service is good. The waiters are friendly and polite, care to the details and always with smile on their face. They patiently explained the ingredients of the food.

The food is good. I ordered coquilletta pasta (mini macaroni) for appetizer and beef for main course. I don’t remember the exact names of them but they were both good. The pasta is mixed with something like Italian rice and small pieces of meat. The sauce has strong beef flavor and very tasty. Although the Chablis doesn’t match with this dish perfectly, it doesn’t spoil the taste neither. For the main course, the beef is tender, juicy and most importantly, has beef flavor. It comes with assorted tiny mushrooms served separately in a tiny fry pan instead on the side of the beef (this is thoughtful). The meat sauce is also served separately. It has strong and pleasant meat aroma and flavor. It is salty by itself but it’s meant to go with the meat. So, it is ok.

The deserts are good too, with variety of choices. I tried the Rum Baba. It comes with dark rum of my choice (from two brands) and vanilla cream. The taste of the bread soaked with rum is just excellent. The vanilla cream smooth out the alcohol of the rum is a fine combination. My wife tried the Iranian Pistachio Soufflé. It is soft and fluffy. The sweetness is just about right. The aroma of nuts is good.

If you ask me what needs to be improved, I really need to think about it. I think the menu is too simple. More choices would be great. The spoon decoration on the ceiling is to match with the name of the restaurant but I find it doesn’t match with the entire restaurant. By the way, one spoon is missing on the ceiling.

I definitely will patronize again.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
My boyfriend and I enjoyed the starter cookpot vegetable and fruit course but that was about it. I was not impressed with the complimentary amuse bouche which started the meal off poorly. My steak course and my boyfriend's chicken dish were pretty but lacked perfect execution and surprise. There was nothing innovative about this meal. The chocolate dessert was yummy but not outstanding. For the prices at Spoon, I need more than just a nice view.
My boyfriend and I enjoyed the starter cookpot vegetable and fruit course but that was about it. I was not impressed with the complimentary amuse bouche which started the meal off poorly. My steak course and my boyfriend's chicken dish were pretty but lacked perfect execution and surprise. There was nothing innovative about this meal. The chocolate dessert was yummy but not outstanding. For the prices at Spoon, I need more than just a nice view.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
5 分鐘 (堂食)
$1000 (晚餐)
  • cookpot
2011-07-22 39 瀏覽
SPOON by Alain Ducasse環境情調浪漫, 加上外面的維港夜景, 的確係一個撐枱腳的好地方. 被安排坐在窗口位置, 對著美麗維港, 看著'幻彩耀香江'的表演, 真的是一件令人賞心事只可惜食物方面以這個價錢, 未見突出. 是日散點了龍蝦、紅燒鹿肉. 點菜時被告知因貨源問題, 只能用上本地龍蝦, 但也不要緊, 可惜煮出來味道未見好食, 才是敗筆之處. 至於紅燒鹿肉, 第一次在港食鹿肉, 之前在北歐食鹿肉, 印象中很'林' 身. 今次這一道菜也算唔錯. 個人還時比較喜歡樓上的Nobu, 不論食物及服務也比SPOON 優勝.
SPOON by Alain Ducasse環境情調浪漫, 加上外面的維港夜景, 的確係一個撐枱腳的好地方.
被安排坐在窗口位置, 對著美麗維港, 看著'幻彩耀香江'的表演, 真的是一件令人賞心事

只可惜食物方面以這個價錢, 未見突出. 是日散點了龍蝦、紅燒鹿肉. 點菜時被告知因貨源問題, 只能用上本地龍蝦, 但也不要緊, 可惜煮出來味道未見好食, 才是敗筆之處. 至於紅燒鹿肉, 第一次在港食鹿肉, 之前在北歐食鹿肉, 印象中很'林' 身. 今次這一道菜也算唔錯.

個人還時比較喜歡樓上的Nobu, 不論食物及服務也比SPOON 優勝.
Cheers for the wonderful view
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welcome snack
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1200 (晚餐)
2011-07-01 51 瀏覽
This was my 5th time dining at SPOON, the best of all because this was the first time I got window seat and tried this Wine Pairing Menu.Weather was not nice with thunderstorm and heavy rain on the day before, luckily, when I arrived as 7, there were no rain with beautiful color in the sky. A little funny thing to share, they made a mistake on my title, Ms Angelina became Dr. Angelina, hahaha.Facing the stunning habour view, I'd love to say "I love Hong Kong!" While waiting for my friend, it's a
This was my 5th time dining at SPOON, the best of all because this was the first time I got window seat and tried this Wine Pairing Menu.

Weather was not nice with thunderstorm and heavy rain on the day before, luckily, when I arrived as 7, there were no rain with beautiful color in the sky. A little funny thing to share, they made a mistake on my title, Ms Angelina became Dr. Angelina, hahaha.

Facing the stunning habour view, I'd love to say "I love Hong Kong!"

While waiting for my friend, it's a great idea of have a cocktail in front of this beautiful view. Signature one is called Spoon, martini. However, I'd like to have something lady, Rose Royale, it made me happy!

Couldn't wait for longer, time to eat when my friend arrived. We ordered the Experience Menu with Wine Pairing of Authentic, 4 glasses of 2 white, 1 red and dessert wine from traditional French fine wine. Another option is the New World choices, it's $200 cheaper.

1st course-Delicate GREEN ASPARAGUS VELOUTÉ, crayfish; I love soup, especially this type of creamy one, so lovely

2nd course-Pressé of FREE RANGE CHICKEN, FOIE GRAS and TRUFFLE; it's so cute! Different from typical foie gras dish, no matter the presentation and the mix of texture, the matching with the truffle sauce, it impressed me.

The white wine is dry, light sweet taste with nice fragrance
3rd course-FILLET OF DOVER SOLE, braised morel mushrooms yellow wine sauce; I'm not a fan of this fish, but the presentation and taste are indeed very nice
This white wine has strong aroma of almond, I like it
4th course-Roasted LAMB from “Les Pyrénées”, spring vegetables cookpot Navarin style sauce; my favourite! Medium rare, the waiter recommended me to add 3-4g of Black truffle, I love it!

The red wine is perfectly matched, thanks for the Sommelier's effort to make it so nice.
5th course MANGO-COCONUT cup; so so, I'm not a fan of dessert
6th course Monte-Carlo CHOCOLATE PALET, golden leaf; I'm very full

Plus there were some macaroon and chocolate

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Rose Royale
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$2600 (晚餐)
Rose Royale
  • Experience menu with wine pairing