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食評 (9)
其實都不打算是吃西式早餐的,因為本人又是在灣仔靠北找吃,在謝斐道的一段走走,發現了一所裝修得很不錯的店子,於是就前來一試。真的是坐得非常之舒適,之後看看店家的餐牌,原來是又中又西的,中即是我們吃慣的港式茶記早餐,西即是西式的早餐,前者本人一向會配奶茶,而後者當然就跟咖啡,兩者也好的我,顯得甚是為難。最後本人選擇了後者,不知這是否代表我喜歡咖啡多一點了,但看店家的餐牌,西式早餐也只不過三十多元,比起一般的好像是便宜一大截,不過港式早餐都是廿多元的公價,所以才如此作出選擇。本人選擇的早餐真的有點英倫Feel,因為有一大堆的茄汁豆,其他都是平常的煙肉、煎蛋及多士,配上一杯咖啡就很美滿了。茄汁焗豆無疑都是一貫的罐頭貨式,加了熱不會冰冰冷冷,豆殼很軟而入口粉腍,伴上近有蜜甜味的茄汁,好味又飽肚。煙肉煎得甚是香口,肥瘦相間,肥美豐腴,口感香脆但偏硬,入口鹹香,伴上多士同吃就最好不過了。多士烘得外層微焦,香脆鬆軟,吃起來滿有麵包香,不過稍嫌牛油是塗得太少了,幸好我有煙肉及煎蛋,所以一樣味美不寡。煎蛋足有兩隻,要求了反蛋,似乎店家在控制火路及時間方面,是有不隱定,因為兩隻蛋的蛋黃的生熟程度明顯有別,其中一隻熟透,而另一隻就尚有點流芯,入口尚有蛋黃汁的香潤,至於蛋白,兩者同樣雖說不上很滑,而且也不太有蛋白香,但都至少嫩口,總括來說勉強收貨。喝的要了杯Caffe Latte,當店員送上這杯拿鐵之時,當場呆了一陣子不懂反應,心想這是杯什麼來的,喝過香港不少的咖啡店,其實真的周不時也有咖啡師沖煮Cappuccino時,都會做出高出水平線不少的泡沫,因為大家都對泡沫是有點誤解了,不過為何這情形,會在我杯拿鐵出現呢?喝入口是一層鬆泡泡的泡沫,又散而未能予人既綿且密的感覺,而且喝拿鐵都是想啡身滑溜有奶香,可惜事與願違,喝入口只有輕輕的巧克力味,又有點咖啡的甘味,感覺非常似某即沖咖啡,真的教人邊喝邊搖頭的一杯啡。總括而言,食物水準還可以,不過咖啡就真的不行,但以店家這個價位,其實真的挺便宜,不過何解原來現在已經結業? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-09-20
50 瀏覽
Once again, I went to this restaurant at lunch. The reason for re-visiting was simple, not because the food or the environment is nice, its because there were seats available. My friends chose to eat here before I knew it, so I ended up eating here again in this seemingly Western but Chinese styled restaurant.Why would I say its a Chinese-Version-Western restaurant?You would know the answer right away if you check their lunch menu out. For the dishes, although they were western dishes but most of them sounded Chinese, which included pork chop spaghetti, beef with rice, spaghetti, spring chicken rice etc. For soup options, there were Mushroom soup or Vegetable soup. Which to me, is EXTREMELY Chinese-version-Western restaurant like the Boston in Wanchai. Yet the restaurants have a large notice board writting all the salads, panini, bagels etc that they offered all day long. So to concluded, it is literally a custard bun - Western on the outside, Asian on the inside. Although being deceived (due to my colleagues) once again into the shop, I found there were actually several foreigners came into the shop. I guess their marketing strategy works. However, would it work the second time? I guess the fact that we could always find a seat during the busiest hour of the day clearly justify thatOkay, so the lunch set were all priced at $48 with soup included. Most of the set came with rice, so if you want to have pasta, you have to add an extra $5 for it. Bad food, chaotic service but adding a 10% charge, what a ripped off.1) Vegetable SoupFirst its the vegetable soup that came with the bread. Since I joined my colleages late, I ordered late. When my soup came, all of my colleagues had already finished their soup and figured I had got a different bread than theirs. Theirs was toast, and judging by the look of my bread, they felt jealous that I had got mine. Having my first bite of my bread, I could instantly tell you that I wished the reverse. The bread was hard as hell and it was bitter. You could say its extremely chewy but it definitely wasn't something that I want to go with my soup. The soup was just a normal one, nothing really special about it.2) Pork Chop with Cheese sauceThe set was originally go with RICE! How absurd! I changed it into pasta and they asked for a topped up which I didn't really care. When the dish first came, it came with rice. I asked for a re-made. The restaurants seemed to have some problems in order taking. 3 out of 4 people that dined that day has got their set wrongly prepared. What;s more, the dish was, to put it bluntly, disgusting. The pork chop was hard as stone and tasteless. What's worse, there were other kind of pasta got into my spaghetti. I guess I was deceived by the word cheese, as I could not taste any cheese flavour at all after I have polished the whole dish. (I was starved.)To conclude, Big Apple, Big Disappointment. I repeated once again, even if you could not get any seating in any restaurant, try not to visit the restaurant (or completely out of the choice to the extreme while I could be). If you are desperate for food, save a meal and go to Mc, Donalds or really do go to Pacific Coffee and grab a sandwich. I will wish you luck if you insist on visiting the restaurant.www.cinnamon4coffee.blogspot,com 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-07-29
43 瀏覽
呢間野真係好罕有,lunch時間位於謝菲道但唔洗等位,好少見,點半鐘成間野已經得返一半人,感覺好奇怪。我點左個“肉醬意粉”,加埋碗“蕃茄湯”成為一個set,埋單$53,其實都幾唔抵,因為無餐茶,“蕃茄湯”我覺得幾好味,好多蕃茄肉,好似無咩味精,個“肉醬意粉”份量都夠,岩岩好,味道我覺得淡左少少,整體都ok。不過我同事叫左個薯仔雞飯,佢話有少少酸酸地,不過個侍應話係菲律賓口味,少少酸係正常,可能係個同事食唔慣吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-07-16
17 瀏覽
午餐選了個蜆肉意粉, d意粉好淋, 無咩味道, 唔好食 試埋朋友個豬頸肉加$5轉麥米, d麥米又係好淋, 好難食! 好貴, 只有湯送, 野飲要加錢! 好唔掂呀!!! 午市時, 人手又唔足夠, 冷氣又唔夠凍! 其他野都好貴, 唔會再去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-06-25
15 瀏覽
喜歡係呢條街食早餐,選擇多,黎得快。新膳坊、麵包樹、快樂都係食早餐既好地方,大蘋果之前係三里屯,未試過,見呢到有做早餐,又試下也好。要的係蕃茄通配腿蛋餐,來的時候見份量較少,好像扣左底禁樣,不打緊,好吃才重要。番茄湯底望落濃郁,似樣的,飲落茄味唔算太濃郁,因為份量的關係,即使配上腿蛋,也唔太滿足。咖啡不酸不澀,有咖啡香,不錯的。廿三蚊,食物是可以的,不過以份量計,跟隔離左右比較,對我黎講真的少了點。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)