2015-09-19 5660 瀏覽
Located in cwb Hoi Ping road, a building filled with hip restaurant. We come for lunch which comes with antipasti appetizer, main, dessert and coffee/ tea, ranging 200 to 300. You may choose without Main with 188. Highly recommend the antipasti salad, great variety with fresh ingredient. I especially like the red quinoa with cauliflower. I will definitely come again for the salad!! However, the salmon, parma ham and chorizo are something you can give a passWe chose tenderloin and the salmon for
Located in cwb Hoi Ping road, a building filled with hip restaurant. 

We come for lunch which comes with antipasti appetizer, main, dessert and coffee/ tea, ranging 200 to 300. You may choose without Main with 188. 

Highly recommend the antipasti salad, great variety with fresh ingredient. I especially like the red quinoa with cauliflower. I will definitely come again for the salad!! However, the salmon, parma ham and chorizo are something you can give a pass
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We chose tenderloin and the salmon for the main. The salmon is a bit over cook to me though. It would be great if we can choose how well it can be handled.... 
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Swiss tenderloin
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One thing worth mentioning, the service. I can say it can compare to hotel one in some way. Very caring service and will come to fold your napkin every time.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (午餐)
2015-08-19 3279 瀏覽
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$280 (午餐)
$ 258
在嚟到我嘅至愛餐廳之一食輕怡午餐: Town @ CWB上兩個星期做緊restaurant week. 剛好嚟到呢一間我好推薦嘅餐廳town 食lunch . 平時呢度嘅lunch大概三百零蚊位。由於做緊restaurant week . 午飯減價至$200左右當然一定要嚟食呢!呢度嘅午飯前菜係自助嘅,而且佢嘅沙律等等都普遍係好light 同健康有好多款嘅沙律都會有禮物同一啲高纖維嘅五穀類,仲有一啲好新鮮香甜嘅紅菜頭,同埋基本嘅凍盤腸三文魚等等!因為當日有少少唔舒服平時好鍾意食牛嘅我,叫咗一個好清新嘅鱸魚。呢個魚用上少少忌廉汁配以好清新嘅檸檬汁,底層就係一啲好香滑嘅薯蓉,成個感覺好夏日馨怡,新鮮檸檬汁令到成個主菜出奇清新。其實自己好少食熟魚嘅時候配檸檬汁,呢次都係第一次。配上一件我最鍾意食嘅棕櫚樹芯!幾次你呢一度食飯都食到呢一個咁特別嘅棕櫚樹芯,口感有少少似筍,但更加爽脆同嫩。朋友叫咗個漢堡包,佢話絕對係必食喎。漢堡包裏便嘅牛肉都幾厚,肉質鮮嫩多汁,而且個麵包都做得好細心,評分極高!至於甜品呢因為我趕時間嘅關係就冇食到啦。前菜假主菜同甜品飲品埋單$200一位,絕對係超值。平時冇做優惠嘅
在嚟到我嘅至愛餐廳之一食輕怡午餐: Town @ CWB
上兩個星期做緊restaurant week. 剛好嚟到呢一間我好推薦嘅餐廳town 食lunch . 平時呢度嘅lunch大概三百零蚊位。由於做緊restaurant week . 午飯減價至$200左右當然一定要嚟食呢!
2744 瀏覽
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呢度嘅午飯前菜係自助嘅,而且佢嘅沙律等等都普遍係好light 同健康有好多款嘅沙律都會有禮物同一啲高纖維嘅五穀類,仲有一啲好新鮮香甜嘅紅菜頭,同埋基本嘅凍盤腸三文魚等等!
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sea bass
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至於甜品呢因為我趕時間嘅關係就冇食到啦。前菜假主菜同甜品飲品埋單$200一位,絕對係超值。平時冇做優惠嘅時候就大概$300啦,如果要見客或者嗰日嘅午餐夠時間享受一下嘅話,town 絕對係一個好好嘅選擇!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$200 (午餐)
sea bass
2015-06-16 3002 瀏覽
餐廳鼓勵素食減碳,所以除了週一午餐會有特別的green monday menu外,其餘日子亦會有素菜菜式選擇,而且菜單每星期都會更換。週末來到,就會有bruch menu可供選擇,包括沙律自助吧或餐湯,主菜以及甜品。當然還有餐前麵包籃和咖啡或茶。麵包籃的麵包都烘熱過,暖暖的麵包,鬆軟綿密的內裏,那有不好吃的理由?不吃光一籃子,絕對停不了口!沙律吧的選擇不少,不少得幾款已分好類的蔬菜、火腿莎藥美腸、煙三文魚及各款沙律。雖以素菜為主,但這個番紅花意大利飯,飯粒分明有嚼口,帶番紅花的甘香,神奇在嚥下後有濃郁芝士餘韻縈繞口腔,香氣十足。始終要吃點肉,就點了這個燒雞。雞腿有兩只,下面伴着蔬菜、小麥,特別在加入美國紅石榴及杏脯,令汁帶點酸味更為清新!這裡雖不是主打甜品,但甜品確實做的不錯!椰子雪皅味道清清淡淡,好refresh口腔的感覺,裝三文治的兩塊不知道是什麼,感覺有點像玉子和腐皮,挺特別的配搭。柚子沙巴翁好味道啊!薄薄的一片卻充滿柚子味,入口即溶的脆餅乾,口感和味道都很豐富!兩款甜品都有撒上少量朱古力曲奇碎,不要小看了它們!那曲奇可可味道很香醇,好好味道啊!

餐廳鼓勵素食減碳,所以除了週一午餐會有特別的green monday menu外,其餘日子亦會有素菜菜式選擇,而且菜單每星期都會更換。

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週末來到,就會有bruch menu可供選擇,包括沙律自助吧或餐湯,主菜以及甜品。當然還有餐前麵包籃和咖啡或茶。

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Saffron Risotto, White Asparagus, Porcini mushroom
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Roasted Spring Chicken, Bulgur Wheat, Dried Apricot, Broccoli, Pomegranat
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Coconut Sorbet Sandwich, Passion Fruit Coulis
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Yuzu Sabayon, Strawberry Meringue, Raspberry Sorbet
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2015-03-19 3441 瀏覽
想在銅鑼灣靜靜哋食個晏,有朋友介紹去位於Cubus 的TOWN,食西餐。日頭食飯想有日光,呢度有,唔坐窗口,唔怕冇搽防曬。 Set Lunch $168起,包頭盤buffet,湯,甜品,咖啡茶,想要main course ,多幾十蚊,選擇都幾多。頭盤好多沙律,OL最愛,也有煙三文魚、ham等供應。食菜飲湯,我梗係唔飽,所以點main course ,是春雞。春雞好嫩,一鋸落去連骨都鋸斷,肉嫩有汁,煎得剛好,但墊底cous cous加埋個黑醋汁有點酸,不過算幾好。 朋友個Beef Cheek Risotto 都好食,risotto 話已經就咗香港人口味,煮得冇咁硬,我就覺得剛好,我係香港人呀嘛,牛面頰好腍,仲有兩大件。兩款甜品 - Tiramisu 和Brownies 質素一般。食物、環境樣樣都不錯,侍應說大廚以前是某酒店內某餐廳的主廚,但她口中那家餐廳1食品質素出名一般,看來那位大廚有進步了。
想在銅鑼灣靜靜哋食個晏,有朋友介紹去位於Cubus 的TOWN,食西餐。

日頭食飯想有日光,呢度有,唔坐窗口,唔怕冇搽防曬。 Set Lunch $168起,包頭盤buffet,湯,甜品,咖啡茶,想要main course ,多幾十蚊,選擇都幾多。頭盤好多沙律,OL最愛,也有煙三文魚、ham等供應。食菜飲湯,我梗係唔飽,所以點main course ,是春雞。春雞好嫩,一鋸落去連骨都鋸斷,肉嫩有汁,煎得剛好,但墊底cous cous加埋個黑醋汁有點酸,不過算幾好。
Spring Chicken
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朋友個Beef Cheek Risotto 都好食,risotto 話已經就咗香港人口味,煮得冇咁硬,我就覺得剛好,我係香港人呀嘛,牛面頰好腍,仲有兩大件。
Beef Cheek Risotto
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兩款甜品 - Tiramisu 和Brownies 質素一般。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$300 (午餐)
2014-12-31 7403 瀏覽
Earlier this month, TOWN quietly replaces the old Alba restaurant in the Cubus Building. To be perfectly honest, my friend WT and I had no idea what we're walking into when we stepped out of the elevator into TOWN.When I come to think of it again, I do know a little something about TOWN - their head chef.Chef Bryan Nagao was a pioneer in fusion cuisine back in the 1990's when he was at the helm of Felix, Peninsula Hong Kong's fine dining restaurant. After leaving Felix, he launched the highly ac
Earlier this month, TOWN quietly replaces the old Alba restaurant in the Cubus Building. To be perfectly honest, my friend WT and I had no idea what we're walking into when we stepped out of the elevator into TOWN.
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When I come to think of it again, I do know a little something about TOWN - their head chef.
Chef Bryan Nagao was a pioneer in fusion cuisine back in the 1990's when he was at the helm of Felix, Peninsula Hong Kong's fine dining restaurant. After leaving Felix, he launched the highly acclaimed Kokage in Wanchai before going on a hiatus in San Francisco. Guess what, he's back!

In case you're wondering, he did have a hand in the Old Alba restaurant before finally taking the charge here at TOWN.
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After glancing at their menu, I had a little trouble identifying the type of cuisine TOWN is offering. The ingredients seem to come from all over the world including France, Italy, Japan, Hawaii and Hong Kong. And what make matters even more interesting is the fact that Chef Nagao is serving Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with black truffle caviar, sucking pig with miso and a special Hawaiian sauce.....now you get the idea.

But I am not losing any sleep figuring what kind of cuisine we will be having. Instead, we're treating ourselves to a nice mocktail to get our mojo going. I had this very enjoyable Mango Delight to kickstart my palates.
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Now, the signature dish we've been waiting for, Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with black truffle caviar, yuzu and croutons. The prawns were very sweet and flavorful. Only if the supporting cast could contribute a little more, it would have received a perfect score (4/5).
Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with black truffle caviar, yuzu and croutons
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Angel hair and sea urchin are truly a match made in heaven so I was expecting a lot out of this spagettini with sea urchin, pata negra and lardo.

This turned out to be another excellent dish. The spagettini had a very creamy texture from the sea urchin and the pata negra helped to create an incredibly exciting bite (4/5).
Spagettini with sea urchin, pata negra and lardo
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Bryan's suckling pig was next. This was marinated with a special Hawaiian sauce overnight and served with clams, pancetta, baby spinach and a miso broth.

The first bite had me thinking Dongpo pork (東坡肉) but the flavors were far more complex.
Well, the meat itself was really tender and moist; however, it tasted a little bland even with the special Hawaiian sauce and miso broth (3.5/5).
Bryan's suckling pig with clams, pancetta, baby spinach and miso broth
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Surprisingly I found this Guinea fowl "Roulade" pistachio with lardo, salami, buckwheat, fennel and quince more successful than the previous dish, which was supposed to be a signature here.

Different parts of the Guinea fowl (leg and breast) were used to wrap around layers of seaweed, pistachio, mushroom and minced chicken creating a lovely mix of contrasting flavors and textures (4/5).
Guinea fowl ''Roulade'' pistachio with lardo, salami, buckwheat, fennel and quince
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My friend was a big fan of soufflés so this yuzu soufflé with vanilla ice-cream was really a no-brainer for us.

The texture of this flourless soufflé was very fluffy and light which was excellent but if they could make the yuzu flavor a little more mild, it would be far more appealing (3/5).
Yuzu soufflé with vanilla ice-cream
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The return of Chef Nagao provides us with another intriguing choice when it comes fusion dining. I will definitely come back some time soon.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$650 (晚餐)
Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with black truffle caviar, yuzu and croutons
Spagettini with sea urchin, pata negra and lardo
Guinea fowl ''Roulade'' pistachio with lardo, salami, buckwheat, fennel and quince
2014-12-28 6839 瀏覽
Located in Cubus along with one of my favorite dim sum place Cornucopia, Town supposedly delivers Hawaiian, French and Japanese fusion cusine with a twist but its lunch menu fails to showcase much of it as it is quite standard with offerings like roasted chicken, sea bass, burgers and pastas. The chef is Bryan Nagao who used to be the former head chef for Felix and has worked for Roy Yamaguchi - founder of Roy's in the US. The restaurant was brightly lit with lots of sunlight shining through its
168 瀏覽
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Located in Cubus along with one of my favorite dim sum place Cornucopia, Town supposedly delivers Hawaiian, French and Japanese fusion cusine with a twist but its lunch menu fails to showcase much of it as it is quite standard with offerings like roasted chicken, sea bass, burgers and pastas. The chef is Bryan Nagao who used to be the former head chef for Felix and has worked for Roy Yamaguchi - founder of Roy's in the US. The restaurant was brightly lit with lots of sunlight shining through its floor-to-ceiling windows.

Currently, the restaurant is running a promotion for anyone to adopt its Chef Panda! All you have to do is 1) take a photo at Town, 2) upload the photo to Facebook or Instagram, 3) check-in and hash tag with #townhk and 4) show it to the staff to get the adorable toy (while supplies last).
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Town offers a light lunch option with an anti-pasti buffet, soup and dessert for $168 and a 3 course menu with a starter, main and dessert ranging from $188-$238. There were 6 options of main to choose from but as mentioned before, the choices were quite standard and typical.

After placing our order, bread was brought out soon after and they were of good quality as they were warm and soft to eat.
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J went for the anti-pasti buffet which had quite a few cold appetizers to choose from but the one offered at Penthouse for lunch was better. [3.5/5]
anti-pasti buffet
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anti-pasti buffet
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I chose the fish soup with saffron rouille for my starter and it was solid with strong flavors. I especially loved the rouille with its sharp character which contrasted nicely with the soup. [4/5]
fish soup with saffron rouille
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Steak and Eggs ($238) - served with porcini mushroom hash, the medium rare steak was quite flavorful and tender which went perfectly with the oozing yolk from the slow cooked egg. [4/5]
Steak and Eggs
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Duck and Pork Ragout ($198) - with morel mushrooms and spaghettini, the pasta was quite average and uninspiring as the flavors just tasted like a regular tomato sauce with no duck or pork flavors at all. [3/5]
Duck and Pork Ragout
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The first dessert was the lemon curd with mixed berries and shortbread which looked like a froggie to me (not sure if it was on purpose). The lemon curd was too sour for my taste though while the berries and shortbread failed to balance it out. I also wished some more thought was put into the presentation as the lemon curd is just a blob at the moment. [3/5]
lemon curd with mixed berries and shortbread
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The chestnut puree with mascarpone and raspberry was much better executed as the chestnut puree was soft and smooth which blended very well with the mascarpone. [4/5]
chestnut puree with mascarpone and raspberry
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Verdict - we didn't come away feeling impressed with the food at Town after our meal. Maybe it is due to the lunch menu as we didn't get a chance to try what the chef has to fully offer with his culinary background. Perhaps a la carte at dinner will be much better as you can try signature dishes like Sicilian red prawn carpaccio with yuzu and black ink udon with Spanish prawn which sounds a lot more exciting than its lunch menu. Service on the whole was acceptable - some of the staff was friendly but some were...not. Good service can go a long way sometimes. People will love a restaurant if the service is great even if the food is not, but people will not like a restaurant if the service is bad even if the food is spectacular.

Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/supertastermel

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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$240 (午餐)
fish soup with saffron rouille
Steak and Eggs
chestnut puree with mascarpone and raspberry
I came here last month for lunch and was blown away by my meal. I've been keeping tabs on their Facebook page that show what the week's lunch set is going to be. And this particular week, I saw they had a blanquette de veau ($238). That is something I had in a tiny country town in France and and loved it so much. Pure comfort food from the countryside. Since the weather had gotten a bit cooler, I thought .... this is perfect.The lunch set ranges from $188 - 238, depending on the main. It include
I came here last month for lunch and was blown away by my meal. I've been keeping tabs on their Facebook page that show what the week's lunch set is going to be. And this particular week, I saw they had a blanquette de veau ($238). That is something I had in a tiny country town in France and and loved it so much. Pure comfort food from the countryside. Since the weather had gotten a bit cooler, I thought .... this is perfect.

The lunch set ranges from $188 - 238, depending on the main. It includes a soup or choice of anti-pasta buffet, choice of two desserts and coffee or tea. You can opt for a light lunch which only includes the anti-pasta buffet, soup and dessert for $168. The anti-pasta buffet table was actually quite decent. However, I'm not a big buffet person (yeah ... I'm kinda lazy walking up,  getting my food and return to my table in a repeated process), so I chose the soup.

The place is very quiet during lunch hour. Just like last month, there was only two other tables filled. View is spectacular. Decor tasteful. Service was again attentative. So, attentative, that the waitress that served me last month remembered me and came over to serve me again. I've never had wait staff remember me (except for places I go with my relatives).

Bread basket came and just like last time, it was hot! And smelled fantastic! Like fresh baked bread. How is this possible? It was like this last time. No place I know has a bread basket that smells like fresh baked bread and is so hot, my fingers felt toasty afterwards. This time the bread was carrot. It tasted amazing. Fluffy and soft inside. Crispy and chewy outside.
bread basket
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My crab soup was a generous portion. Rich in crab flavor.
crab soup
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Swirling around, there were several large chunks of crab meat in my soup. Seriously, that's how big the chunks of crab meat was.
crab soup
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Blanquette de veau was served with celery root puree and morel mushrooms. There were serveral pieces of morel mushrooms. That's actually quite generous as morel is not considered a cheap mushroom. The celery root puree was smooth and creamy. The veal was soft and rich in flavor. There was wonderful waft of herbs. I finished every last drop. Mopping up the sauce with my bread in true French style!
blanquette de veau
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For dessert they had a choice of strawberry clafoutis with cinnamon cream or chocolate mousse. I don't like chocolate, so I chose the clafoutis. I love cherry clafoutis and is actually my go to dessert when I'm doing a dinner party at home with friends for it's simple and impresses. I had never had a strawberry version but I'm told you can use any fruit as per the season and not just the traditional cherry. The dessert was dainty and pretty to look at. The strawberries were sweet and melted into the clafoutis, giving this warm dessert a comforting feeling of bliss. The cinnamon cream was smooth and went well with the clafoutis. There wasn't too much cinnamon to be overpowering. There was also a fresh tasting strawberry puree.
strawberry clafoutis
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They had some sort of promo to get a cute panda if you follow their instructions on how to do so. Isn't he the cutest thing ever?
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One month later, I revisited the place and the standards are still high, portion sizes still generous and all with a fairly reasonable price. I will be back.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$240 (午餐)
blanquette de veau
2014-11-04 256 瀏覽
Visited this newly-opened beauty in Causeway Bay to try something new. TOWN is Chef Bryan Nagao's first restaurant venture after a long stint at The Peninsula's famous Felix.Before I start talking about the food, the VIEW here is not bad at all and with the decent lunch prices well worth a visit! A second visit, I'm not sure, but I would recommend at least once.I had the "Light Lunch" set: it's only HK$168 + 10% service charge without a main course. Not bad considering you get an Anti-Pasti buff
Visited this newly-opened beauty in Causeway Bay to try something new. TOWN is Chef Bryan Nagao's first restaurant venture after a long stint at The Peninsula's famous Felix.

Before I start talking about the food, the VIEW here is not bad at all and with the decent lunch prices well worth a visit! A second visit, I'm not sure, but I would recommend at least once.

I had the "Light Lunch" set: it's only HK$168 + 10% service charge without a main course. Not bad considering you get an Anti-Pasti buffet + soup + dessert

My main: Hearb Seared Halibut, wasabi potato puree, green beans, pineapple salsa (HK$210)
On the dry side. At least it was healthy and inventive. I kind of wished I had ordered the Wagyu beef burger instead (with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion jam, frieds, HK$198) - these prices include semi-buffet appetizer and dessert.

Dessert: Strawberries, granola, raspberry sorbet
Very refreshing. I guess that's the whole theme of Chef Nagao's cooking: a mixture of Hawaiian, Japanese, and Chinese. With a modern/western flair. 

As for the service, the servers were EXTREMELY attentive, it was almost too much. It's the complete opposite of what you would get in a cha chaan teng.

All in all I think the restaurant is good and will surely improve with time given more experience. The health-conscious will love the place because there are a lot of delicious but light options.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
10 分鐘 (堂食)
$200 (午餐)
2014-10-23 5267 瀏覽
Replacing the Alba restaurant on the 10th floor of  Cubus is Town, a bistro serving multi-cultural cuisine with focus on lighter and healthier ingredients. The dining area is modern and clean, with hints of industrial touches. The windows overlook the buildings on the Lee Gardens side, and I imagine would be quite scenic when all lit up during the evening.Town offered a 3-course set lunch (ranging from $178 - $220): starter, main and dessert. For the starter, it was a choice between Anti-Pasti B
Replacing the Alba restaurant on the 10th floor of  Cubus is Town, a bistro serving multi-cultural cuisine with focus on lighter and healthier ingredients. 
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The dining area is modern and clean, with hints of industrial touches. The windows overlook the buildings on the Lee Gardens side, and I imagine would be quite scenic when all lit up during the evening.
Anti-Pasti Buffet table
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Selections from the buffet table
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Town offered a 3-course set lunch (ranging from $178 - $220): starter, main and dessert. For the starter, it was a choice between Anti-Pasti Buffet and Broccoli, Smoked Salmon and Yoghurt. We all opted for the former. The buffet table offered standard salad items ranging from leafy vegetables, cous cous, cold cuts and so on. Quite refreshing and definitely more controlled than a free-flow all-you-can-eat/order brunch.
Bread Basket
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The bread basket was a warm and most breads used heavier dough, giving them the qualities of comfort food. Simple old goodness! We also ordered a bottle of Panna still water ($68), which is not pictured here.
Iberico Pork Loin, Corn, Pancetta, Celery Root, Peas, Quince
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Next up were the mains. Iberico Pork Loin, Corn, Pancetta, Celery Root, Peas, Quince ($220/set) was a safe fail-proof choice; the cut was meaty and with a bit of bite, while the sides matched the sweetness from the pork loin.
Wagyu Beef Burger, Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion Jam, Fries
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Our other main was Wagyu Beef Burger, Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion Jam, Fries($198/set). Like the Iberico Pork, also a staple dish, but with a twist of red onion jam which complemented the heaviness of the patty quite well. Other than that, it can be described as a no-frills classic American burger.
Beef and Pork Bolognaise, Spagettini, Porcini Mushrooms
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Another main that we ordered was Beef and Pork Bolognaise, Spagettini, Porcini Mushrooms ($188/set). Again like the burger, was a classic entry to the American diet. The twist was the use of Porcini mushrooms instead of the usual button mushrooms, giving the dish a bit more bite and character. 
Strawberries with mascarpone cheese
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The desserts were a choice between Strawberries with Mascarpone Cheese OR Upside-Down Pineapple Cake. The strawberries and mascarpone, I believe are a healthier option to the usual strawberries and cream. Those looking for a healthier fresh fruit option would appreciate this. 
Upside-Down Pineapple Cake
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The Upside-Down Pineapple Cake, in my opinion, tasted exactly like the classic Cantonese bakery favorite Coconut Tart (椰撻)! The pineapple added a layer of acidity to the tart, and elevated it above your local bakery tart.

All in all, I appreciate the use of quality ingredients as I do the reinvention of classic dishes. I see a small step in the right direction, and do look forward to a bigger more adventurous leap for the menu. But then again, I have yet to sample the dinner menu, which may offer more interesting flavours and options versus the dependable (and rather unimaginative) lunch menu.

::||Good for||::
a straightforward meal with friends in a casual relaxed environment.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$240 (午餐)
Iberico Pork Loin, Corn, Pancetta, Celery Root, Peas, Quince
Strawberries with mascarpone cheese
Upside-Down Pineapple Cake
  • Iberico Pork Loin Corn Pancetta Celery Root Peas Quince
2014-10-21 4537 瀏覽
Noticed a new restaurant had opened up in Causeway Bay and decided to give it a try for lunch before heading to work.Located in the Cubus Building of Causeway Bay, is a new restaurant called Town. It's executive chef is Bryan Nagao, who was once the executive chef of Felix of the Peninsula Hotel and the previous restaurant that held this same location, Alba. I did try Alba a long while back for dinner and found it incredible. I had no idea Alba and Town had the same chef until Chef Bryan Nagao c
Noticed a new restaurant had opened up in Causeway Bay and decided to give it a try for lunch before heading to work.
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Located in the Cubus Building of Causeway Bay, is a new restaurant called Town. It's executive chef is Bryan Nagao, who was once the executive chef of Felix of the Peninsula Hotel and the previous restaurant that held this same location, Alba. I did try Alba a long while back for dinner and found it incredible. I had no idea Alba and Town had the same chef until Chef Bryan Nagao came out after I had finished my meal and asked me what I thought of my lunch.

The place was quiet when I arrived. Perhaps due the fact that it's new. None the less, it was fabulous to find a quiet place to eat lunch in Causeway Bay! The decor was beautiful. When you exit the elevator, you are greeted at the bar by the bartender before being take to your table in the next room. The room is bright, with a large windows letting in natural light and clean layout of tables and chairs. Nothing feels cramped.
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The waitress offered me the lunch menu which ranged from $178 - 210 (dependant on choice of main) and includes a starter of either daily soup or anti-pasta buffet, main course, choice of dessert and coffee or tea.  I was told the lunch menu changes every Monday and that I can follow their Facebook page to see what that week's lunch menu will be. There is also a choice of anti-pasta buffet, soup and dessert for $168. I did notice the anti-pasta selections were quite alright, with a wide selection of cured meats, cheeses and salads.

I decided on the soup (roasted pumpkin, ginger and scallop) and herb seared Mahi-Mahi with celery root puree, green beans, almonds and yuzu sauce. The dessert choices were tiramisu with strawberries or olive oil cake with lemon curd and vanilla ice cream. I decided on the olive oil cake.

A bread basket was given placed in front of me. The bread was nice and warm. I loved the bread as it was soft with a crunchy crust. The bread basket also smelled fantastic. This is a rarity as I don't think I've ever smelled the fragrant odor of warm bread from a bread basket. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar was offered for dipping.
bread basket
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The soup was a roasted pumpkin, ginger and scallop. Serving size was quite large. The soup was hot and not lukewarm. Another rarity, as most daily soups I've had were usually lukewarm. The soup was sweet from the pumpkin with a small hint of ginger that wasn't so strong that it overpowered everything.
roasted pumpkin, ginger and scallop soup
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There was a decent amount of scallops to be found in the soup. The scallops were cooked just right, not rubbery and extremely sweet. Something I feared if placed in soup but it wasn't the case.
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Herb seared Mahi-Mahi, celery root puree, green beans, almonds in a yuzu sauce was my choice of main. The waitress informed me that Mahi-Mahi is a fish from Hawaii. I've had Mahi-Mahi before when I was in LA as a child. And as a child, I had it as a fish taco. But I remembered it to taste a lot like cod. Here it is pan seared with herbs, layered on top of a bed of French haricots verts (aka green beans), toasted almonds in a bed of yuzu sauce and a quinelle of celery root puree. It looked beautiful. Portion size was again quite decent as they give you two pieces of fish and a generous amount of haricots verts. The fish was cooked perfectly. The amount of herbs didn't cover the delicate taste of the fish. The yuzi sauce was rich with a hint of yuzi. The celery root puree was seasoned well. Combine it all together with the fish, it all went well. The haricots verts were still nice and crunchy.
herb seared Mahi-Mahi
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Dessert was olive oil cake with lemon curd and vanilla ice cream. It came out with a twig on top that was actually a biscuit, making it beautifully presented. The vanilla ice cream was smooth and creamy. The lemon curd was rich and tart. I love lemon curd and this was fantastic. The olive oil cake was moist and rich. Upon closer inspection, I noticed it wasn't one slice of cake but four small cubes of cake placed together. This dessert was fantastic.  I had a coffee with this and they both went so well. And when Chef Nagao asked what I thought of my meal, I told him that the dessert was great.
lemon curd, olive oil cake and vanilla ice cream
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The lunch menu had decent portions at a fair price. The food was not only beautifully presented, but wonderful to the palate. A feast not only for the eyes but for the mouth. Service was attentitve and friendly as the waitress checked in to see what I thought of the my meal along with the chef taking the time to come out to thank me for coming. I would return again and recommend to friends.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$230 (午餐)
lemon curd, olive oil cake and vanilla ice cream
  • lemon curd olive oil cake and vanilla ice cream