TRU是蘭桂坊新冒起的泰式及越南菜餐館,提供各種創新菜式,而且餐廳內更設有開放露台。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Mussels Shrimp Soup
食評 (9)
等級2 2009-03-08
116 瀏覽
下著毛毛雨的一天﹐太需要 good food 去燃亮生命了。坐在明亮的 TRU﹐和朋友各點了一個 appetizer + main 的 noodle set (真係一個迷...why is Vietnamese fried rice under noodle set?) 。Pomelo salad with shrimps – lemongrass 好香﹐pomelo 甘而不苦﹐鹹﹑甜﹑酸配合得剛剛好﹐簡直是運用香料的典範。Let me pick the bone in the egg…如果不是只得兩隻蝦 (三隻都好呀大佬﹐無三不成幾﹐而家連“幾隻”都稱唔上﹐何苦呢) 的話﹐這道 appetizer 真的會值滿分。Deep fried fish cakes - 朋友的﹐沒嚐過。賣相不錯﹐不是普通一個餅狀的魚餅。Vietnamese fried rice with roast duck - 氣死我﹐鴨肉又只得那薄薄的兩片﹐不如叫 fried rice with onion 算啦 味道偏淡﹐吃不出越南風味。飯是一粒粒的﹐飯粒與飯粒之間﹑與配料之間毫無交流﹐未見炒得出色。On side 的豉油混入了紅椒粒﹐頗為惹味﹐算是 saving grace.Pad Thai - 朋友的﹐評曰: “我幾鐘意喎﹐因為佢冇 d 奇怪香料味。” 豈不是說它原全沒有 Pad Thai 的神髓?? 一試之下﹐果真如此。罷了罷了﹐甲之無味﹐乙之美味。不過朋友吃了一半﹐亦要借用我炒飯的豉油才可繼續享用無味 Pad Thai﹐hahahaha有點好奇餐廳以泰國和越南菜為主打﹐店員卻是印度籍的多﹐可幸服務不過不失。在 LKF 以 $78 起一個 lunch set 來說 (drinks not included)﹐這裡的環境是值回票價的。上次到訪點的 Thai curry 印象中是超水準的﹔所以今次才會再訪﹐詎料失望而回。希望下次會再有驚喜 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2008-12-03
40 瀏覽
今次揀 Central LKF 嘅『TRU』最大嘅 reason 係因為我放唔到工 又唔想人家等咁耐 ... that's why ... ... 『色、香、味』3 樣嘢 ... 排第一嘅永遠都係『色』 ... that's why ... 個境就一定要靚 ^^ 冬蔭公 ... 好味呀 ... 不過, 我同 朋友 都覺得再酸少少就似响 Thailand 飲嗰啲喇~帶子 as an appetizer << 可以連塊葉食 ... 好味~!Main Coursead Thai~ << 我覺得佢地做得唔係太正宗 ... 況且唔係太好味~Green Curry Duck~ << 呢個其實 menu 係無嘅 ... 不過 ... 個 Chef 都整到 ... 超好味呀~ ^^ 因為個汁唔太濃, 但亦唔淡 ... 個鴨就好 "淋"~Dessert:Chef Special~ (Good enough for two ppl)又係 "心太軟" 個心唔軟 @@"兩個 Sorbert 酸得要命~~~~~~~~~~ = ="""""""Fruit 唔新鮮 ... that's why 唔甜 ... ... 中環價 ... 係咁貴 ... 但因為 service 好 ... that's why 都可以彌補返有啲唔好食嘅餸嘅~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2008-09-16
19 瀏覽
cosy setting and good for lunch venue - we went there today and ordered 2 lunch set - the restaurant served simple Thai and Vietnamese set lunch and we were told the menu will be changed in 2-3 months. The fish cakes and pomelo salad were good; the green curry and fried Vietnamese fried rice were also not bad. We would go back - a good place to chill / relax - you will need to book in advance if you wanted comfortable sofas/couch 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Not many people know about this restaurant as it's round the corner inside one of the many buildings of LKF..........But a really nice and comfy place for lunch and almost everytime I brought my friends to it they told me that they liked the environment here..........Food is good, a little bit of fusion of western thai food............oh and btw, they have good coffee to offer........it's always nice to finish your lunch with a nice cup of coffee.......For lunch they have Noodles set here.....usually enough for girls with price at HK$78 + 10%Pricier set lunch at around HK$100 something but includes drinks 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2008-01-27
14 瀏覽
16/1(三)與舊同事吃午膳粉麵套餐前菜-可選紙米卷,牛肉沙拉等主菜-可選炒金邊粉,牛肉湯河(清湯底牛味很濃)等HK$78+10%另有較貴的飯套餐但有餐飲 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)