08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 19:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
香蕉榛子可可醬班戟 Banana Hazelnut Cocoa Pancakes
香烤芝士酸種多士配番茄濃湯 Grilled Cheese Sourdough Toast with Tomato Soup
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥這間坐落於海濱的小咖啡店,向來不吸引不少年輕人光顧,已提供健康食品,及西式菜式為主,選擇上算多元化,難怪事附近居民一個熱門的用餐地方。This charming café, located by the seaside, consistently attracts a considerable number of young patrons with its healthy food offerings and diverse Western-style dishes. It is no surprise that it has become a popular dining spot for local residents.香烤芝士酸種多士配番茄濃湯 ($88)Grilled Cheese Sourdough Toast with Tomato Soup這份有如一個迷你版的全日早餐,但是比全日早餐更為特別的是,除了新鮮的沙律菜之外,還配上一個熱湯,是冬日一個非常好的選擇。蕃茄湯煮得非常香濃,入口有豐富的蕃茄香味又不會太酸。This dish resembles a mini version of an all-day breakfast; however, what makes it more special is the inclusion of a hot soup alongside the fresh salad, making it an excellent choice for winter. The tomato soup is rich and aromatic, delivering a robust tomato flavor without being overly acidic.至於這個麵包卻令人十分驚喜,因為煩得非常香口,內裏混合了兩款不同的芝士,所以芝士味更加濃郁,由於上枱的時候還是熱烘烘的,所以內層的芝士可以做到拉絲的感覺The bread accompanying the meal is quite surprising, as it is exceptionally flavorful. It is mixed with two different types of cheese, resulting in a more intense cheese taste. When served, it is still warm, allowing the cheese inside to achieve a delightful stretchiness.香蕉榛子可可醬班戟 ($75)Banana Hazelnut Cocoa Pancakes這個香蕉班戟有點令人失望,因為雖然班戟不太甜,迎合香港人的口味,但是質地卻有點硬,鬆軟的感覺欠奉Unfortunately, the banana pancake is somewhat disappointing. While the pancake is not overly sweet, catering to local tastes, its texture is a bit firm, lacking the desired softness.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物選擇的種類十分多,而且被有多款蔬菜,及健康的菜式給客人選擇The selection of food is extensive, enhanced by a variety of vegetables and healthy dishes available for patrons to choose from.❌無NIL🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅環境裝修得非常時尚,而且落地玻璃窗戶,客人可以欣賞街外的風光The café's décor is very stylish, featuring floor-to-ceiling windows that allow guests to enjoy the view outside.❌座位與座位之間的距離不算太闊,所以部分座位的私隱度較低The space between seats is somewhat limited, which may result in lower privacy for some seating arrangements.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生非常有禮,上菜的速度亦算十分快速The waitstaff are very courteous, and the speed of service is generally quite prompt.❌由於餐廳的職員不算太多,所以無論入座或是等候職員協助都需要較長的時間However, due to the limited number of staff, both seating and waiting for assistance may take longer than expected.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅由於餐廳的職員不算太多,所以無論入座或是等候職員協助都需要較長的時間In comparison to other restaurants in the area, the pricing is considered reasonable, falling within a mid-range level.❌由於未有套餐提供,所以連同飲品的話,價錢就會偏貴As there are no set meal options currently available, the total cost, including drinks, may be on the higher side.
叫左一客鹹蛋黃薯條 嚟到我以為係原味薯條 如果唔係個Menu寫住得鹹蛋黃薯條,我以為佢嚟錯咗同普通薯條係冇分別仲有叫左卡邦尼意粉,食落一啲味都冇,又硬。$128嘅卡邦尼意粉入邊得三條肉絲呢個價位咁樣上菜俾客係咪生意難做到咁?有D嚇親我,我仲特登炒起成個意粉搵埋個底,真係搵多條煙肉都無。即刻影底先 !剩係得杯咖啡係正常D。好彩都有杯咖啡補救下,正正常常,不過不失!諗住放假食嘢輕鬆下咩心情都冇晒,無下次!!水準有待改善。
位於將軍澳海旁,環境唔錯,好天嘅時候坐窗邊,望住個海景心情會變好😆.松葉蟹肉軟殼蟹飯 $138軟殼蟹炸得香脆好味,但唔知廚師係咪冇落鹽,成個飯淡然無味。不過同服務員講咗之後,佢俾咗海鹽我哋自己落,即刻覺得好好食😋😋 所以如果落埋鹽的話,會大推呢個菜式.明太子烏魚籽忌廉意粉 $138明太子味香口,而且每條意粉到均勻有味👍🏻.卡邦尼意粉 $128難得見到係黃色嘅卡邦尼,佢標明用蛋黃煮,同出邊好多偽卡邦尼唔同,所以要試一試佢。整體不過不失,意粉幾Creamy但蛋黃味依然失色🥺.煙三文魚賓利迪 $128不過不失,芝士口感幾有趣,有啲似雞肉.水牛雞翼 8隻 $88口味相對較辣,如果食得辣嘅朋友會覺得好香口,好惹味😋.芝士蛋糕 $68成餐最鍾意嘅菜式,蛋糕真心整得好食,鬆軟到一流,近尖端位更會有流心效果✨