港鐵坑口站 A1 出口 繼續閱讀
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07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
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食評 (30)
呢個係我呢世人食過最難食嘅西班牙炒飯完全得一浸燶味,(燶味真係完全接受唔到)咩味都食唔到,軟硬度完全係好似食緊濕咗嘅飯啲姐姐服務態度又差,放低嘢食個陣,張枱都已經冇乜位,見到有吉嘅湯碗,(特登放喺邊位想方便收)都可以明見到都唔收,要出聲先肯拎走食Pizza問佢哋拎刀,啲態度好似得罪佢咁成班呀姐喺度大聲講大聲笑 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2025-02-20
17 瀏覽
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Price | Easy Access | Corkage Fee | Wheelchair | Easy Parking | Cake Cutting Fee🙂 Service | Restroom Cleanliness 😠 Pet FriendlyThis restaurant is a casual Italian style restaurant located in Tseung Kwan O East Point City. They do have all day breakfast, pasta, pizza and some meal set. East Point City has a big parking lot with free parking for a certain spending. Lift is available and wheelchair has no problem.Ambience inside the restaurant is comfortable, spacious and cozy. Waiters are polite. Since the restaurant is big, there are some areas with limited waiters and they use robot waiter too. Menu has many choices. I tried many of them already. My favorite one is their pizza. Almost all pizza I ordered so far are delicious with crispy dough and juicy ingredients. They serve real hot and nice! Pasta is good at this price. Chicken wings are good too… The worst dish is the steak. Maybe they over marinated and make the meat too tender & soft with a little smell too.They have no alcohol licence but you can bring your own alcohol with no charge. You have to bring your own wine opener as well. No charge for cake cutting but you have to bring your cake box away and clean the table before leaving. They don’t have restroom inside the restaurant. You can use the one in the mall. Every time I visit this restaurant, pizza 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2025-02-03
109 瀏覽
食物正常,唔係話特別好食。龍蝦湯比想像中稀。追左侍應三次,等左超過40分鐘先肯望下張單,先發現廚房漏左成個餐,即係一開始只係hea我,完全冇問過廚房。發現漏單之後又話即刻煮返俾我,點知都係上左俾遲黎過我既客人先,又等多10至15分鐘,直到我話要cancel先肯上個意粉俾我,杯野飲仲要後上。以後唔會再幫襯。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-27
292 瀏覽
聖誕節假期,約好親友在東港城早餐。來到這個熟悉的位置,雖然店名改變了,裝潢靚左,但餐牌仍是itamama的早餐。最重要係,價錢貴左。蘑菇熔岩芝士帕尼尼Panini加左價,但不會減少對Panini的偏愛。烤夾加熱的panini,外層香香脆脆的,但中間包包和芝士是軟綿綿。熱辣辣上枱,可以拉芝,配菇片的香氣,几乎攞滿分。 扣分位,係包爐遺留的黑色焦焦,留在panini表面。BLACK COFFEE     反正都係相同集團,無可奈何之下,唯有飲黑啡。黑啡跟上一手一樣~好苦,好難飲。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-25
235 瀏覽
第一次黎食,唔會再有下次。個火腿通粉,d火腿絲🤦🏽‍♀️係碎幼絲 10條都唔知有冇,個湯又超級油、湯又少又偏咸要自己加啲水,加多個迷你麵包&熱飲,咁就收$38.00。#早餐火腿通粉+迷你芝士法包+ 熱飲 $38.00食物質素 有待改善,幾條咁既火腿碎幼絲,廚房都可以出餐,同個樓面講完,多謝哂!俾多左十條火腿碎幼絲。早餐唔夠火腿絲就停餐,唔好出d咁既餐出黎影響自己品牌啦。雖然通粉係差啲,但個芝士法包係新鮮好軟熟既。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)