餐廳: Vivace
優惠: 於此國泰夥伴餐廳用餐賺里 !
國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後10個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
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12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
*22:30 Last order
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餐廳: Vivace
優惠: 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後10個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
食評 (38)
等級4 2024-12-18
247 瀏覽
我們宅渡假的晚餐就在麗豪航天城酒店內進行,餐廳的裝潢服務及出品也給予我們高質享受很讚喔。餐廳Vivace位處酒店3樓甫踏進已經感受到那股熱情奔放!內裏擁有通透的落地玻璃面向酒店泳池相信夏天會更養眼。店內裝潢更是色彩斑斕風情萬種好吸睛,隔著廚房玻璃還可以看到廚師烹調過程眼睛先來享受。我們這夜來品嚐聖誕地中海風味晚餐!率先得到Amuse Bouche馬斯卡彭芝士煙三文魚薄片!香滑的Mascarpone Cheese嚐起來有新鮮乳香口感卻特別絲滑清爽,配上油潤的煙三文魚弄成Canapé份外可口。Appetizer我選上了雪蟹沙拉配橙及牛油果!滿滿的雪蟹肉份量很足而且非常鮮味,混上香滑牛油果、酸甜番茄和香橙味道非常豐富,吃著清爽無負擔我非常喜歡啊。邪惡的車爸爸當然選鴨肝醬配奶油蛋卷麵包和焦糖紅洋蔥!那件奶油蛋捲麵包口感鬆軟味道香甜,配襯甘香的鴨肝醬和甜美焦糖紅洋蔥味道實在太了不起。是日湯品我們得到法式龍蝦湯!充滿地中海風情的碗碟絕對令這湯生色不少,席前傾進湯碟內除了可以瘋狂打卡之外最重要是龍蝦湯可以熱騰騰地享用。湯頭甘香濃郁內裏還有三件鮮爽的龍蝦肉,鹹度適中但如果可以再多一點酒香就更合我心意。Main Course我選上香煎茴香箭魚配車厘茄和石榴沙律小薯仔!厚厚的劍魚扒看上去極像雞胸,煎得夠香的魚扒口感紮實魚味不錯,但我更喜歡墊底的茴香加上車厘茄及石榴口味非常清新。車爸爸就品嚐餐廳招牌的Day-aged牛肉!乾式熟成牛脊里肉扒配小薯雜菜,Sirloin Steak色澤粉嫩聽聞肉味挺香濃質感亦佳,見到有人吃得津津有味非常滿意呢。最後甜品是經典的法式蒙布朗栗子蛋糕!香滑奶油搭配粉糯的栗子絕對是甜美迷人之物。最後還有咖啡或茶!小朋友口味的爸爸選了熱朱古力,香滑奶泡下是不過甜的熱朱古力,這天剛巧氣溫下降喝罷全身也溫暖起來。不喝甜的我就選了伯爵茶!吃一口Mont Blanc再呷啖濃郁香茶快樂就是這麽簡單。首次來Vivace品嚐美食感覺非常不錯,加上熱情到位的服務更分不少,這麼近便可以隨時再來用餐。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2025-02-03
98 瀏覽
I seldom write commentary on openrice, but I believe the food and services of this restaurant called Vivace is so great that it deserve a commentary so more people know this hidden gem in town. The retaurant serves Western dishes. The food is fresh, tasty and cooked with fine skill. Portion and price is reasonable and the ambience is great, worth every penny of it.  We had six people dining here in CNY public holiday (chor 3) and the bill was $2000. The hotel offers free shuttle bus from Tung Chung station to the restaurant.  Absolutely love it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-25
53 瀏覽
I had to stay in Regala Skycity hotel for one night, as I missed my flight, and the next available flight was very early in the next morning.As I was not in the best of mood, I preferred to stay away from the crowd and the Mediterranean restaurant on the 3rd floor, which I remembered I have tried before, look more intimate and less crowded of the Coffee shop on the ground floor. Moreover, I did try it before and I had a great experience.The deco is modern with traditional warm colours of Mediterranean culture.As the chef is Italian, I wanted to try the pasta and I ordered the "Spaghetti alle vongole" and I finished with a Tiramisu dessert. Not disappointed at all. The pasta with clams was fresh, light and full of flavour from the juice of the clams. You can feel the pasta is fresh homemade. And the tiramisu!? Wow, I can say it is the best tiramisu I have ever tried. The chef come to check on me and he told me it is his grandma recipe.The staff is very friendly and, as I was on my own, they spent a bit of time to speak with me, which I really appreciate it.After a very stressful day and been upset for missing my flight, it was refreshing to have some good food and nice chat with the so lovely staff of this venue. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-12
95 瀏覽
I have visited this venue once before and I had good memories about it. Not to be disappointed to be back.This time I came with friends, as we wetlre heading to a concert next door in Asia World Expo.We did not have much time, so we asked the staff to advice us on what to order to be able to finish within one hour.Gently, the waiter, advice us to take tapas, pasta and pizza, which are the fastest. Howover, even dry age steak can be suitable.So we order three tapas, Mussels catalana, chorizo al vino tinto and patata bravas.Then we share linguine pasta with lobster, pizza Vivace and Lomo a la plancha, dry aged sirloin steak.This time the place was busier, but the service was smooth and attentive.As promise from the waiter, the food came quite fast and we had plaintly of time to finish everything.This time I tried one of the signature cocktail from the menu and it was up to expectations.To sum up, great option for great food before a concert.Definitely worth to come back for more.I want to try the brunch. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-12-24
165 瀏覽
今日放假同朋友到訪,之前食過星期一至五的Sammi buffet,服務員介紹我星期六日一定要試吓,因為星期六日多咗海鮮吧!最緊要係龍蝦任食😍所以帶朋友一齊來,服務很好,服務人員很親切。食物美味,調酒特別又好喝。室內設計很有特色,讓人感覺舒適放鬆。整體來說餐廳很值得大家到訪!這一間無疑是我最喜愛的餐廳,菜單中所有所有菜式都十分優秀、令人驚嘆。 ...意大利麵絕對是我的最愛! ...龍蝦更是我吃過之中質素最高的,甜點種類不單多而且味道也十分好。酒吧的鸡尾酒口感独特,朋友叫咗杯latte coffee非常好飲,係即時磨豆制作,配合环境独特,音乐很棒。无论是闲聊还是约会,都是一个非常棒的选择。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)