港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約1分鐘
12:00 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
It was a Christmas Eve night and we would still fortunately walked in around 7:30pm. We ordered Australian Angus Beef Filet Mignon and Grilled Kingfish fillet. Both were so good!Definitely couldn't have this dinner with no wine. The service was nice too
男友最近見我辛苦,壓力大,所以說想好好替我減壓! 前一天還特地叫我穿漂亮一點哩!原來,他預訂了我想試很久的餐廳- Wooloomooloo!! 說真的,其實他有這顆心我已經很滿足,無論去那裏吃,我也很開心! 當然,來到這麼高級的餐廳,心情難免會比較興奮餐廳分室外、室內,以及上下兩層的! 但我們去的時候,上層並沒有開放,聽說是有特別EVENT 才開放的! 另外由於室外位置偏小,而且天氣有點熱,所以我們還是選擇了室內! 香港人嘛,還是喜歡嘆冷氣其實室內還有人即場演奏,但我們坐的位置較遠,根本看不到他們的表演,所以只能聽其聲而不見其人!先上場的當然是餐包,一個是原味,另一個則加進了一些粗糧,比較有口感! 但兩個包也沒有加熱,而且味道實屬普通; 牛油仍只是一般牛油,沒有特別香特別滑的感覺。有一點點失望的!再來的是Jumbo Crab Cake , $198 只有一小塊,價錢略有點貴! 雖然用料十足,但外層不夠香脆,沒有外脆內軟的感覺! 有點失望...終於到主角牛扒了! 我們點了16oz 200days 的Rib Eye ($680), 要五成熟! 牛扒煎得非常漂亮,每一個位置都受熱均勻,就算是旁邊位置,也是五成熟! 讚!牛扒很重牛味,而且很JUICY,若外層再煎香一點點,效果會更好!其實他們有另外附送4個醬汁的,有紅酒、磨菇和另外2個SAUCE ( 不記得什麼口味了)! 但因為我們喜歡吃原汁原味的牛扒,所以這4 個SAUCE 慘被成為了裝飾品!另外,我們還點了一個Wild Mushroom ($80), 是另一個失望的地方! 因為...實在太咸了! 是不是廚師將鹽看作了胡椒? 所以瘋狂加!? 我們吃了幾口便放棄了! 雖說服務好,裝潢漂亮,但食物的質素還需提升!
We have booked a private room for drinking on a Friday night. We requested to have few more tables outside the Terence as the room only can cater 15-16 people with seating, we are a group of 26 and they confirmed in the email.Only few tables were set in the room without any chairs when we arrived. No tables were reserved for us in the Terence! Cut cake fee was charged by pounds....They said they closed at 2am, but all lights were on at 130am.Ridiculous!!!
Wooloomooloo集團建立了 "Wooloomooloo Prime"、"Wooloomooloo Steakhouse" 及 "The Chop House" 三個以澳洲安格斯黑牛扒而聞名的品牌。在香港多個地方設有分店:尖沙咀,灣仔和銅鑼灣。最近到過位於Midtown的 “Wooloomooloo Prime” 。餐廳門口以黑色x紅色作主色調,非常時尚又型格。甫入餐廳,排列整齊的dry aged,wet aged 的牛扒、羊扒的肉櫃吸引筆者的眼球。這些熟成牛扒都是自家製,誠意十足。熟成牛扒可讓其水分流失,令肉味更濃郁,而肉中的天然酵素亦會將纖維分解,令肉質變得鬆軟。餐廳佔去兩層,下層已經放置好餐枱,餐枱被落地大玻璃包圍,陽光射入室內是多麼的和暖。午餐時段只有兩、三枱,部分位置可以眺望維港景色,餐廳環境相當舒適。Fine dining 的話,美酒絕不能少。門口有個大酒櫃,放了每式各樣的酒。以牛扒作招徠,紅酒當然不能少,在當眼位置放了幾支得獎紅酒,推介客人。可惜筆者不愛杯中物,只吃食。更加不太願意花錢在酒上。經過一條長木梯到達上層是個function room,可以讓客人包場搞party。用上不少木頭作裝飾,再用紅色的櫈襯托,效果出奇地好。餐廳的正中央有個非常開揚的open kitchen。每張枱都可以看到師傅預備食物。枱之間的距離足夠,用餐環境舒適,加上店員服務有善,fine dining 的格局及氣氛兼備。午餐有五款。款式不多,但有pasta、魚、雞及牛扒,每款都吸引。一份午餐雖然要二、三百元,但當食完回頭再看,依然覺得物有所值。下單後,店員呈上麵包盤,一人一個。麵包微暖,外脆內軟,略嫌款式不多。老公點了《mushroom soup》。湯面有層松露油,呈上時已經聞到那獨特的味道濃郁的磨菇味,稀洁度也是筆者的喜好。可惜少了份碎磨菇粒的質感。老公揀了磨菇湯作前菜,筆者就食蠔D,加 $38有3隻新鮮即開的澳洲生蠔,抵食!雖然抵食,但賣相絕不馬虎。3隻蠔雖然體積不太大,但是下面放了大量碎冰,令生蠔看起來不失禮。平時食生蠔只是簡單的唧些檸檬汁,可是感受到生蠔的鮮甜及海水的咸味。餐廳用上新鮮的西柚粒及橙粒配上生蠔,除了色彩鮮豔外,味道都多了一份甜,味道提升不少。《Grilled Australian Rib eye $258》澳洲牛永不及美國牛,因此沒有太大的期待。但是來到扒房不點份牛扒就說不過去Wet Aged是把牛肉放入真空袋,在攝氏零至三度中吊干,期間肉類會自行產生酵素,就像天然鬆肉粉,使肉身軟嫩,卻仍能保留肉汁,但要肉味香濃,則靠Dry Aged。這種方法不會用真空袋,而是將牛肉直接吊在攝氏零至三度的環境中十六天,因為水分流失了,味道反而更濃郁。雖然澳洲牛扒肉味不夠濃郁,餐廳正是以此兩法處理牛扒,所以這個牛扒有肉汁,肉味也不錯,質感都夠嫩滑。牛扒下放了不少磨菇片,牛扒跟磨菇是絕配,當磨菇吸盡牛肉汁非常美味!《Pan fried yellow chicken $228》食物的擺放見心思,顏色、份量、食材都十分balance。賣相給人一份平和、簡潔的感覺。原以為這個雞胸肉肉質嚡口,但事實完全相反。首先雞胸肉的表面煎到金黃香口。切下去雞肉容易切開,中間釀了由芝士及紅辣椒打成的饀料,味道不太濃味,似creamy的白汁沒有半分的辣味, 口感juicy令雞肉味道提升不少。另外雞肉下放了不少green spatzle,由麵粉做成,染上蔬菜汁,有些似菠菜意料。除此以外,一串三粒的紅卜卜蕃茄仔同樣搶眼,輕輕燒烤後蕃茄的甜度增加不少。甜品四選一,每款都不馬虎。單看這個tiramisu 的賣相已經相當吸引。通過玻璃杯可以看到mascarpone cheese 及 手指餅浸溶後的餅碎梅花間竹的效果。濕潤的質感,香濃的咖啡酒味道,味道不俗。另一款揀了雪糕拼雪芭, 見到送上來的雪糕,竟然有兩個雪糕球,以午市套餐的標準來說,簡直是喜出望外。 據餐廳侍應介紹,雪糕品牌是《i-scream》, 即是在金鐘太古廣場地庫的高級超市內的那間雪糕店。 兩款口味分別是 mixed berries 及 almond caramel。 其實餐廳揀選雪糕也很有心思, 一球雪糕加一球雪葩,不會太過 heavy。Mixed berries sorbet 微微帶酸,極配合夏日炎炎的季節。本來一向不太喜愛 almond caramel,因為很多品牌的這種口味雪糕的焦糖味道非常甜漏; 但今次卻覺得甜度適中, 焦糖的甜及杏仁的香味非常平衡。 除了兩球雪糕雪葩之外, 還有幾粒脆糖果仁, 整個甜品更加豐富。最後的餐飲也不馬虎,熱檸檬茶呈上的賣相有如酒店般的質素。環境、食物、服務都不錯,整個用餐經驗都不錯。
Since the new Openrice interface is too hard to use, I can't be bothered re-ordering the sequence of the photos as well as the captions. So let's get this straight right away. Wooloomooloo used to be a restaurant that I avoided, since my friends have decided to come to this Prime restaurant, might as well just give it another go. The first fish dish was surprisingly amazing! As a person who don't eat fish and tomato, I found this dish not fishy at all, and the cherry tomatoes sitting on top was at the right sweet and sour point! Then it comes to some oysters. We have ordered a few different kind of freshly shucked oysters and they were all unique and delicious with different level of sea water taste and creaminess. I personally liked to enjoy it as it is without adding any sauce to it, or just a tiny little bit of fresh lemon juice to bring out the extra sweetness. Mango smooth, didn't try it but my friend said it's not bad! Ravioli was creamy, still al denti with a very thin pasta skin which I really liked. I also preferred that the sauce was not overly thickened. As I said I can't be bothered putting the photos in order again because Openrice is not user-friendly anymore after they changed the interface, so there are some more photos of the juicy fatty oysters as well as their sexy steak counter! Moving on to some steak, their sirloin was over the top with its very powerful beef flavour! The aroma of the beef just rushed through directly to my nose once the dish was brought in front of us in this big table. The steak was cooked just right with a pink centre and almost crispy on the outside. Wooloomooloo is famous for its steak and oysters so you must order them!Creamy spinach was not bad also as a side dish, again, it was not overly creamy which made me not feeling too guilty about it. The caesar salad was just basic but still had a lot of work to it. Every ingredient was fresh, the savouriness, sweetness and smokiness from the bacon complimented in the dish beautifully. It's been a long time since we last met so it is a nice catching up with my old friends surrounded by good food, good drinks and tons of laughter!