港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (21)
等級3 2024-05-28
0 瀏覽
上朋友屋企玩,路過嗰時覺得呢間睇落唔錯,買埋外賣一齊食🤓1️⃣鮮芋泥肉鬆三文治($39)芋泥唔會太甜,軟糯口感加埋微脆嘅肉鬆,一人半份係秒殺😂2️⃣士林台式香酥蛋餅($41)饀料我哋叫咗拉絲芝士+鮮牛油果🥑比較少見有得揀牛油果,食落幾清新。個蛋餅係香酥、接近手抓餅咁,唔係想像中嘅蛋餅,但都好食。3️⃣招牌手撕雞飯($54)手撕雞好足料,飯量亦好足,日式芝麻醬有獨立包裝。套餐包埋熱飲,叫咗杯熱檸水。一個人食的話淨係呢個餐都夠晒🤓4️⃣香芋地瓜球(5粒)($16)外脆內軟!如果可以有埋梅粉就更好味😺5️⃣合共$150,咁多樣嘢食,而且好味!抵😼服務態度亦很好,店員好有耐性。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-20
107 瀏覽
📍 𝐆𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞, 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 @guzzlehk👉🏻 Satay beef & eggs sando 香濃沙爹牛肉滑蛋三文治 (HKD 37) - the bread was super fluffy and moist 🥪 satay was more on the sweet side, very rich flavours and i liked it! beef was tender (didn't taste any soda powder lol) scrambled eggs were creamy and smooth 😽- the sando is pretty big and it's a really good deal for lunch in central! 👉🏻 Jumbo luncheon meat & eggs sando 厚切餐肉滑蛋三文治 (HKD 32)- wow the luncheon meat was actually JUMBO size lol and not too salty surprisingly? tho i still like the satay beef more 😋👉🏻 Taiwanese crunchy eggs pancake with cheese and ham 火腿芝士蛋餅 (HKD 37) - size was big, the mozerella cheese was stretchyyy 😍rmb to come early as the wait was 30 mins~ fyi there're limited seats in the store so we walked all the way to IFC rooftop lol+++🗺️ Hong Kong 🇭🇰 📍 85-89 Wellington Street, Central 💸 ~HKD 50 pp 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-08
139 瀏覽
見到一面倒都係好嘅comment覺得好奇,今日即管試吓,滑蛋蝦仁飯好鹹,冇諗過蝦是椒鹽炸過的,或者濃味就似台灣風味。另外叫咗個滑蛋牛肉飯,牛肉非常之韌….同樣是鹹,雖然滑蛋好出色。手撕雞飯芝麻醬不錯,肯定係最好嘅選擇。另外試咗個期間限定肉鬆芋泥三文治,芋泥太甜,不合我口味。要加兩蚊先至有烘底,個人覺得貴咗啲⋯另外,個餐送熱飲,叫了一杯泡沫咖啡/一杯鴛鴦/一杯奶茶。三杯都唔好味,其實免費送嘅都冇咩期望,咖啡又酸又澀,奶茶是港式都好苦,鴛鴦係兩杯加埋,你想像到⋯ 繼續閱讀
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抱着懷疑嘅心態試吓「沙嗲牛肉肉滑蛋三文治」沙嗲醬係充滿花生醬味道嗰種,炒蛋嫩滑,整體份量都OK。麵包就普通白麵包冇咩特別。整體嚟講,味道都算有新鮮感,價錢合理。另外「芫荽滑蛋餐肉三文」,味道在預期中。唔會話好驚喜。但都係期待中嘅味道。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-17
133 瀏覽
Revisit to try their popular sandwiches, and it’s VERY GOOD! There’s a variety of Taiwanese and Hong Kongese inspired sandwiches and toasts. I picked the HK satay beef and scrambled egg sandwiches. The portion is HUGE as you can see there’s a generous amount of big beef slices. I didn’t choose to toast my bread and it’s fresh and fluffy. Big shoutout to the satay sauce: peanuty, rich and authentic! It’s very delicious with high quality. There’s a little bit of crunchy peanut bits within and I liked it a lot. The scrambled egg went very well with the sandwich overall. 繼續閱讀
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