港鐵炮台山站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
現金 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (34)
等級1 2018-12-10
9478 瀏覽
之前聽及介紹及上網睇過評語, 已對Mori有所期待. 今晚決定一試但換來一肚氣。Mori San 全晚只和他前面數位熟客聊天,食物不停供應給他們。而我們這些新客就安排在角位,等很久才有一道食物供應。食物奉上時Mori San也只是草草講下一聲,沒有任何解釋或介紹。熟客們有源源不絕不同的壽司吃,大大聲談天說地,非常嘈吵. 巳我們坐在冷板凳等每5分鐘先有一口普通得很的壽司。食物方便,我個人覺得味道和層次不夠,起碼不值得這$2200 這價錢。表現唔到個人風格和技術。名過於實。總括來說,這次用餐體驗很差, 廚師只顧款待熟客,唔優做的態度,沒有服務和尊重客人的表現。幾好吃也不行,何況食物沒有特色。有種貼錢買難受的感覺! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-10-24
5547 瀏覽
sushi mori可以話係壽司風潮的首炮. 所以來之前也有少少期待. 期待在於可以食到餐滿足,飽,有素質的omakase. 我現在可以說:非常滿意. 壽司上之前就當然要上款熱野暖暖胃扮扮野先啦!食材其實很新鮮. 選擇的材料多數比較大路. 是普通香港人都期待食到的味道餐廳喜歡調理很多不同的醬油來帶給一些新味道到壽司裡. 一定要讚的是,餐廳很明顯有做功課,了解香港人喜歡什麼食物當然準備也很充足食omakase每個人追求的東西不一樣. 如果喜歡普遍的壽司,mori可以講話係高級化左成個體驗當然食材是有細心準備的同朋友一齊去最好,一定會開開心心吹下水總體而言,雖然味道不會很特別,但哪份滿足感真的是非常安樂. 所以要看你想找的是什麼. 不過我真係非常滿意.7/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-10-03
3609 瀏覽
呢間餐廳係我同男朋友會一而再再而三咁幫襯既日本餐廳。不但食物美味,賣相都好好,連老闆都好好傾。我每次黎食都會影到好多ig相😂😂黎到通常都係叫omakase Mori San (餐廳老闆)會預備當季或當日最好的食材俾我地食。有選擇困難的我係呢度根本不用煩惱點菜問題。我見有客人會自備酒水黎食 我地之後都有帶sake 黎飲有時隔離檯會遇到好好人的同檯客人share whiskey 或紅酒。用餐的氣氛超開心的。 建議隔一兩個月會黎食一次omakase你會試到不同季節的食材,超多驚喜的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-08-29
3214 瀏覽
🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰蒼海遺珠 - 細緻既味道 .☕️呢間位置北角既omakase 其實佢係業內有一定名氣阿肥最愛既中菜同日本菜Mori絕對可以成為我日本菜既頭三佢用料新鮮之外處理上亦都好細緻醬汁配搭或者食法亦有指導食客調味上亦岩岩好冇太重蓋過食材既鮮味亦無過輕令食物應有既味道更為昇華而食物既份量同順序亦恰道好處但回想當天到訪Mori先生係病住咁服務我地所以好似有小小趕住呢個位扣左小小分最尾既咖啡係令阿肥有d驚喜唔係話非常出眾但足以令阿肥感到滿意☕️ 總括而言非常值得到訪既推介好食指數:8.5 / 10抵食指數:5.0 / 10回頭指數 : 7.0 / 10Sushi Mori Tomoaki📍北角蜆殼街9-23號秀明中心地下D舖。。。。。。#drunklatte_尖沙咀#drunklatte_日本菜#drunklatte_飲食 繼續閱讀
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We dined here on May 15th and got hand, foot, mouth disease here 3 days later. Our friends dined here on May 19th and also got hand, foot, mouth disease here. How do we know that we got it from this restaurant? Why, we received a call on May 15th saying that Chef Mori was out ill and when we went to the restaurant the staff told us that Chef Mori got hand, foot, mouth disease from his daughter and was taking the day off. This should have been enough warning but the sushi bar was full that night and we didn't think much of it. The food was tasty but our entire party got hand, foot, mouth disease 3 days later as confirmed by the doctors in Hong Kong. How is this disease spread you ask? This virus is spread person to person through direct contact with unwashed hands or surfaces contaminated with feces. It can also be transmitted through contact with an infected person's saliva, stool, or respiratory secretions. The sushi there was infected and not only did our entire party get it but also our friends that dined there on May 19th. We reported this issue to the restaurant and they responded, "We are sorry, we will look into this matter and get back to you." They never did. Our friends reported this issue and they received the same response and also no follow up. We've also reported this incident to the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to which they responded, "If you aren't throwing up or have diarrhea, we will not be looking into this matter." Dine here but be forewarned. 繼續閱讀
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