11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:30
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:30
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大概18:45到門口 拎完飛大概20-30分鐘就到我地(等咗5枱) 入到去已經派到26號飛 所以大家想要最好早啲到 🏃🏻📍好近地鐵站 行1分鐘就到 💰埋單兩個人總共$502(連埋加一)我地兩個人叫咗一個2人餐 入面有:• 泰式炒通菜上到台熱辣辣 ♨️ 仲有小小辣 我個人覺得如果配飯會更正• 咖哩軟殼蟹 🦀咖哩同軟殼蟹有啲分開咗 好似單獨食咖哩同軟殼蟹咁 但個軟殼蟹炸得好脆 所以不過不失• 泰式薄餅 套餐可以揀飯或者薄餅。佢地嘅薄餅有啲韌,唔係酥脆個種,亦都冇煎到金黃色。建議會返飯好啲!• 炸魚餅炸蝦球 🍤炸魚餅同炸蝦球好結實,好大粒!同埋幾有咬口。兩個分別都會比三舊,分量都好多。我同朋友兩個都食唔晒 😂• 甜品 🥥Menu上面冇指明會送咩甜品。食到中途佢上兩件椰汁西米糕。好重嘅椰奶味!亦都有一粒粒嘅芋頭喺入邊!但明顯比坊間賣嘅椰汁西米糕細。• 泰奶個人覺得呢度嘅泰奶一般,出面會飲到更加好飲嘅。-• 冬陰功海鮮湯 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️嚟到泰國餐廳必嗌嘅一個餸!個湯係所有餸入邊最好食嗰個!個湯夠酸夠辣,但對我嚟講有啲太辣!海鮮分別有魷魚,青口,蝦,墨魚仔。仲有少少蘑菇同芫荽🌿!如果大家飲唔晒個湯,強烈建議大家Pack返屋企攞嚟煮公仔麵!!! 一定勁開胃勁好食!
Golden Prince Thai Restaurant is an unassuming gem where both locals and Thai nationals gather for a taste of authentic, casual Thai fare. The atmosphere is relaxed yet buzzing with diners eager to sample the dishes created by their talented Thai chefs. It’s the kind of place where the food does the talking, and the long queues outside—even in heavy rain—are proof of its popularity. If you’re lucky enough to snag a table after the typical 40-minute wait, you’re in for a satisfying meal with portions that can easily feed a crowd. 💬Tom Yum Mama Noodles with Mixed Seafood: The social media Star of the Menu 🍲It’s hard not to notice the star of Golden Prince's menu: the Mama Noodles with Mixed Seafood. This dish finds its way to nearly every table and for good reason. It's served in an eye-catching pot packed with prawns, clams, two large scallops, squids, eggs, and pork meatballs. While it doesn't carry the same fiery punch as the tom yum noodles you’d find on Bangkok’s streets, it’s still immensely appetizing with just the right balance of flavors. The portion is incredibly generous, making it perfect for sharing between 3-4 people, and offering great value for money. 🍤🥢Grilled Satay Skewers Among the satay skewers, it was the Pork Jowl that stood out. Crunchy, fragrant, and perfectly grilled, it delivers a burst of flavor with each bite. The skewers, featuring a mix of pork, pork jowl, and chicken, offer a delightful variety of textures and tastes. The homemade satay sauce was delicious and added extra fragrance and complexity to the meat!Thai-Style Stir Fried Morning GloryThe Thai style Stir-Fried Morning Glory might not be as dry as the street versions in Bangkok, but it's a comforting addition to the meal. Lightly seasoned and perfectly sautéed, it complements the heavier dishes on the table.Fresh Coconut WaterWhat’s a Thai meal without sipping on Fresh Coconut Water, the essential Thai beverage 🥥?Served well-chilled and freshly opened, it’s the ideal way to cool down after the rich and flavorful dishes. The only drink you’ll need while enjoying Thai food.Despite the long wait—40 minutes even on a rainy evening—Golden Prince Thai Restaurant delivers in every aspect. The food is hearty, authentic, and reasonably priced with portions that leave you stuffed and satisfied. For those craving genuine Thai flavors without needing a plane ticket, this spot should definitely be on your radar.
前排見到有foodie介紹呢間餐廳,一有機會就黎試下佢個冬陰功海鮮麵鍋😼🍽️冬陰功海鮮麵鍋冬陰功酸酸辣辣,超開胃!麵量夠我地3個人食有突,仲要有好多海鮮配料,食到最尾都仲有海鮮!超足料👍🏾🍽️炸皮蛋蝦餅呢個稍為有少少失望,上枱嘅時候已經唔熱🥲味道不過不失,但唔熱真係大扣分🥲🍽️炭燒豬頸肉 豬頸肉燒到好香,有少少燶邊嘅感覺,好食!🍽️生菜包🍽️馬拉盞炒通菜呢兩個味道都係不過不失,值得一試!In general,呢間餐廳嘅食物CP值幾高!你話味道係咪超好食,非食不可呢,佢未必係~但如果你想喺太子食到性價比高嘅泰菜,呢間餐廳絕對可以一試😻Revisit? : Yes🫧
||黃咖哩雞肉$75||咁多樣最鍾意呢個咖哩!超送飯!薯仔同雞肉都香&入味,但呢間嘅味道真係相對重口味🫣=🥗 ||柚子大蝦沙律$80||沙律調味很不錯!夏天好適合食😋 西柚都甜,隻蝦超好味但得一兩隻…… 少少失望🥹我地有另外叫大蝦刺身,都係一般般冇特別甜🫣唔特別建議=🍻||串燒拼盤 $90/6串||豬、牛、雞各兩串,牛係幾香但唔太嫩,整體真係好鹹😭😭,可能重手咗少少,不太建議叫🥹=🥥||椰青海鮮焗飯 $108||海鮮有蝦、魷魚同埋椰子肉,炒三色豆咁煮,有另上椰子味白汁,幾fresh但冇話特別入味😕,都唔太覺得係焗飯🤣但呢個設計好有心思~=晚市來說都好抵食嘅!服務都好好,職員好友善好有禮貌,食都食得開心啲!同埋開到夜可以同朋友傾耐啲都唔怕~👍🏻👍🏻只係重口味少少🤣🤣我朋友幾鍾意 我個人就覺得中規中矩😼(始終太重口味了)但晚市可以有間咁適合傾計嘅餐廳都唔易搵🫣😋