港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B2 出口, 步行約5分鐘
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
三喜皇牌鹽酥併盤 $48我地呢個係特別的併盤🙈本身併盤有鹽酥雞、花枝丸、蕃薯條、麻糬波波、四季豆同小春卷🤔可能我地比較晏去😅 四季豆同小春卷都賣哂就轉左做薯條同台灣腸-全部都係即叫即炸😋 熱辣辣唔會太咸一次食到咁多款台灣小食好似去左台灣掃街咁😚最中意食蕃薯條同麻糬波波😋-叫小食併盤可以半價加飲品
個個都話👉🏻三喜家👈🏻既台式料理好好食➰我就梗係要去試下喇.點左”雞排便當” HK$47 , “肉躁飯” HK$18同 必食既台灣小食花枝丸 + 鹽酥雞🍗 全部食物都係即叫即整特別介紹 : 鹽酥雞超香脆,炸粉又唔厚,係好好食
鐘意去台北夜市掃街既人有福了~ 去唔到台灣旅行, 都可以試下呢間台式外賣小店既便當同小食拼盤。即叫即炸既鹽酥雞好香脆, 表層既粉漿唔會太厚, 上面既調味粉幾惹味。台式便當有四款可以揀, 肉燥飯既份量多, 男仔食都好夠飽。//三喜皇牌鹽酥拼盤//拼盤有鹽酥雞、花枝丸、番薯條、四季豆、小春卷、麻糬波波。//草莓藍莓奶昔// 有漸層效果, 粉紫色好有少女feel💕, 第一啖係微酸甜既莓味🍓, 底部既奶味偏重, 甜度低番少少就更好味。
It surprises me how high the turnover rate is for restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui. When I looked up Joyous House on Openrice, I was a bit confused as there were two listings, one of those belongs to a smoothie shop I tried a while ago. It all makes sense when I got to Joyous House to see that it has taken over from the smoothie shop, which lasted for less than half a year…I guess it’s hard to run a food and beverage business in Hong Kong, especially in districts like Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay. A less reckless business plan is definitely needed.Joyous House is a Taiwanese style bento shop that sells take-away bento like those you can get on trains in Taiwan. I ordered this Spicy Chicken Fillet with Minced Meat one for just HKD$47, and the portion is huge!I was thinking about eating it on the street, as there was no seating area in the shop. However, it’s too big to be enjoyed as street food. So happen I had my insulating lunch bag with me, so I put it in and took a 40 minutes journey home to eat it.The lunch bag did work its magic, the bento was still warm when I got home. The rice was so good! Half of it was flavoured with the minced meat, and the other half was flavoured with lemony sauce underneath the chicken fillet (the chicken fillet didn’t taste like that though).The chicken fillet was great, even though I didn’t eat it immediately upon purchase. However, I ordered a spicy one, but this one wasn’t spicy at all…I wonder why…The portion is huge. I only managed to finish ¾ of it, and left some rice and minced meat for lunch the next day. Definitely good value for portion and taste.