港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 P3 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
營業時間: 每日中午12時至下午3時; 晚上6時至11時30分
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (54)
等級2 2018-06-28
1390 瀏覽
一入去就唔覺得係去食印度菜感覺似去咗西餐廳,好有情調侍應們都好nicekeep 住自動添水俾客人,真細心有50% off 優惠,真心覺得抵食野食不錯,特別推介「大力菜羊肉」,正😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-04-19
1046 瀏覽
位置黎講 係喺一間樓底低既舊小商場既最入係街見到個大招牌 但入到去完全冇頭緒點樣行看間叔叔好好人我問佢點去佢仲要帶埋我行原來係最入 仲要行樓梯落一層本身一個女仔去搵先 朋友後到 搞到我係商場搵緊果時都幾驚兩個女仔食唔到幾多一坐低會有三種配料比你配薄脆餅食👍🏻叫左兩個咖哩 兩款薄餅薄餅:香蒜薄餅: 好食 點完咖哩一齊食 包既香咪都冇蓋過牛油薄餅: 就咁聞超香 齋食好正 配埋咖喱食就變咗一好普通嘅薄餅叫咗個咖喱雞同咖喱羊咖喱雞: 雞好多 冇雪藏味咖喱羊: 個羊好淋 都唔so 極推薦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-03-28
786 瀏覽
It was a Friday night around 19:00 as I was able to be seated immediately.I ordered the garlic naan, Goan fish curry, palak paneer, and vegetable samosas. Goan fish curry: Tender pieces of white meat fish, the curry actually reminded me more so of a gravy. The curry itself was a little more bland than what I thought it should be. It didn’t even have a hint of coconut flavor which I was really hoping for. The white fish was cooked to perfection. Vegetable samosa: The filling was again slightly bland as it had too many peas and potatoes and not enough herbs and spices. The wrapper was slightly soggy as opposed to crunchy and fresh. Palak paneer: The best dish out of them all. This was really enjoyable. Very thick and hearty compared to others I have had, which I found to really enjoy. The spinach is the predominant flavor until you get a bite of that beautiful paneer cheese. The cheese was very soft and decedent. I found scooping this up with the garlic naan to be very good.Garlic naan: Intense garlic flavor. Didn’t have a fresh doughy chew like I find so enjoyable with naan but it just felt like the naan was a little overworked and tough. It wasn’t bad, but wasn’t the best I’ve ever had. Free dips and sauce: These were awesome! Each one was very flavorful and enjoyable which helped increase my overall experience. The staff was friendly.Overall: 8.2/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-12-25
1279 瀏覽
我同男朋友都係一個鍾意周圍搵嘢食嘅人,今日係平安夜我哋就揀咗呢一間餐廳嚟食啦首先講一個的間餐廳嘅位置 ,都唔係難搵嘅餐廳係位於地牢下,咁所以電話信息收得唔係咁好當你一就坐嘅時候服務員,就會主動送上傳統嘅印度小食我哋兩個人就嗌咗三碟餸😎上菜速度都好快同埋熱喇喇🤣本身我淨係得一張二人枱嘅,咁因為我哋呀啲嘢食都比較大碟,所以個服務員就好主動幫我拍埋兩張枱等我哋有大d個位可以用極力推介嗰個咖哩羊肉真係好好食,再加埋個印度傳統薄餅真係perfect 😍😍雞肉沙律都係值得一試,因為佢啲雞真係好有鮮味環境同埋食物質素都唔錯介,大家一定可以去試下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
餐廳地方比較難揾,但裏面環境不錯。食物更加冇得頂。個人最喜歡的係鐵板燒雞chicken tikka。講真平時去印度餐廳都係叫咖哩食多,好少叫其他嘢食,但呢個鐵板燒雞真係好香,搞到我都叫埋一份,鐵板上的燒雞雞肉好嫩滑,加埋檸檬汁落去食簡直冇得彈。除燒雞外,咖哩角Samosa同咖哩蝦都好好食,價錢又唔貴,比起其他印度餐廳真係抵食好多。可能係餐廳比較難揾,唔多人發現,但都依然有不少外籍人士幫襯,可見食物真係有返一定嘅水準,下次必定會再去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)