重新開幕的Hard Rock Cafe,面積達11,000平方呎,並有落地玻璃讓你盡覽繁華景致,餐廳更陳列出價值二佰萬的音樂收藏品,處處洋溢濃厚的音樂文化氣息。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 01:00
11:00 - 03:00
11:00 - 01:00
Visa Master 現金
Live Music
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (83)
等級4 2008-11-27
615 瀏覽
22/11(六) 7:30pm臨別送秋波,餞別硬石的一晚.要不是得悉其大限將至,我怕登門之意致未會此等濃厚;皆因數載前用膳於其泰國店,只屬乏善可陳,沒啥板斧.七時許店內人氣鼎沸,食客們紛紛視之為名勝,閃光燈的光芒從未休止過!告別宴菜式如下:Side Caesar Salad $40,Nachos $105,Lengendary Angus Burger $149及Vanilla Milkshake $49Side Caesar Salad--說是side,份量也夠體面;羅文生菜混進過多Caesar dressing,脆度打了折扣.Nachos --大堆頭製作的粟米片有點硬實實的;舖面的為黑水欖,蕃茄,洋蔥及青辣椒粒;此外,tartar醬及salsa醬缺一不可;酸忌廉還屬次要...Lengendary Angus Burger --柔軟的麵包,夾著10oz的安格斯漢堡扒,肉汁四溢的厚身牛肉漢堡,牛味尚有進度空間;還有鹹津津的煙肉,半溶的Swiss cheese及Cheddar cheese,跟去膩的蕃茄,生菜及洋蔥絲平衡有道!Vanilla Milkshake--奶昔稠密得宜,加入忌廉口感更為幼滑;以伴碟的粗脆薯條佐食之,僥有風味!菲籍服務生以不確定的口吻預計新店約在一年前重新啟業,縱使出品庸俗,也冀盼著一年後的這一天... 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-11-21
241 瀏覽
Herd that will close soon by the end of this month so i deceided to go there for another time, We ordered a starter platter, a bluecheese burger and a cheesecake. The starter platter is very good, it has spicy chicken wing, onion rings, chicken finger, springroll and potato skin. The spicy chicken wing's meat is very soft n juicy and has absorbed the taste of the spicy sauce n its not too spicy, just nice. The onion ring surface is very crispy n the onion in the middle is very soft just like the ones i had in aus, n its not oily at all. The chicken finger is very crispy too n the meat is very soft n juicy, goes well with the dressing on the side. Springroll is very good, its very cheesy n full of vegetable inside good goodgood. The potato skin is not that good, its a bit too dry n not much taste at all, too little bacon ontop. The bluecheese burger is very good, it has very strong blue cheese taste and the meat patty surface is crispy n middle is very soft n juicy, the bun is very nice n soft good good good. The cheese cake is very good, the biscuit crumb base has some nuts mixed inside with it, its the first time seein it. It has very rich cheese taste and the texture is very thick, the raspberry sauce ontop taste very good, i like it..... 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2008-11-04
102 瀏覽
尋晚少爺仔生日, 上星期打電話o黎 book 台要求窗口位. 尋日早到 7 點幾, 所以唔係好多人.小食 : 墨西哥 nachos $105-好好味不過都好肥下. 有好多芝士又有茄汁豆, 番茄溶等等中間仲有一 pat sour cream. 確係點少少 sour cream 好味 d. 兩口子食o左半碟因為好大碟我要o左份 caesar salad $95-乜都冇加(beef or chicken), 因為我知我實食唔晒, 好濃郁 ge 芝士味, d 菜好新鮮不過麵包粒就好似少o左 d壽星仔要o左份 new york strip $237-7成熟剛剛好冇血淋淋有肉味好 juicy飲品叫o左杯 long lsland iced tea $70- & long beach iced tea $70- 我o地都覺得 long beach 好飲 d真係好多外國人幫襯, 差不多佔九成 服務唔算差, 可以接受 繼續閱讀
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i went there with some girlfriends. we orders a few dishes jumbo combo $168legendary 10 oz burger around $ 120twisted mac, chicken and chesse around $ 100potato skins $??the food was fine. though the jumbo combo was unexpectedly spicy.the potato skins in ruby tuesday are WAYYYYY better than those in hard rock.i would recommend twisted mac, chicken and chesse the service of this cafe was baduring the dinner, i saw more than 2 waitress/waiter dropping things either on the floor or on the table...my friend was so unlucky that a sauce was almost splashed to her clothes...as we ordered the burger, we would like to cut it into pieces so that we could share, we asked a waitress for help. and she said YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF in a very bad attitude....>_< and when she gave us the bill, she never said thank you or smiled...yet, since halloween is coming soon, the decorations were cool and you could see a lot of foreigners chilling out there. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-10-03
71 瀏覽
五月廿日‧雨又與友人們午膳,是次選了這裡,純因為還記著這裡午市餐牌的牛肉漢堡。怎知漢堡不見了,換來的是柚子煙鴨胸沙律、菠菜雞肉卷、焗魚批等等西菜色,友人笑說,如進了椰林閣。因為還在戒口中,味味不是菠菜,就是鴨胸,又或是牛肉的,統統吃不得,就唯有從a la carte餐牌中選,要了在外地HR吃過的一味煙薰豬肉三文治。此品賣相不錯的,烘香的兩片包,夾上一大堆塗了煙薰醬的豬肉絲,加上在旁的炸薯條,友人們也在磨拳擦掌的。一吃煙薰豬肉絲,味道卻全不對勁,是酸得可以。加上豬肉絲很粗鞋,也沒有什麼味道,所以是越吃越酸。迫於無奈,將大堆的酸酸豬肉絲放在一旁,淨吃麵包及薯條算了。薯條有些是香脆的,但也有一部份油油又腍腍的,拉成平手。這個煙薰豬肉三文治,未及水準。友人們的食物也未見佳處,菠菜雞肉卷賣相很美,但據聞雞肉吃起來也是很粗鞋的。而另一邊箱的肉眼扒燒得火候剛好,但聽說也不好吃。最好的是,跟餐的有雪糕或夾花冰條附送,友人不吃甜,將雪糕送予給我,是HD的bailey's味道,一邊行一邊吃,很香甜。全餐最好吃的就是這個雪糕,你話弊唔弊?連解渴巨星一杯,埋單應是一百三十多,不便宜,是日選的食物也是水準以下,值得一個「淒涼面」! 繼續閱讀
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