
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 23:30
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今晚同男朋友兩個happy friday,想食間特別d 嘅餐廳,黎到圓方商場,金區頂樓有一層餐廳,感覺好chill,氣氛幾好,好多人嚟happy hour~ 呢間係食印度菜,我應該算係第一次食印度菜😋😋 我哋叫咗兩個main,食得印度菜就想試吓佢嘅Naan~ Chicken Kadai $238 呢個係成隻Queen size 新鮮雞肉整成,雞肉醃得好入味同埋炆得好腍,基本上一切就開,但同時又唔會令到成個雞肉煮得好鬆散👍 個人覺得佢個醬底都有幾多蔬菜,差唔多大半係蕃茄、洋蔥同埋青辣椒,減少油膩感! 佢個醬汁唔覺唔覺就令到我哋食咗好多Naan 🫣 Lamb Shank Rogan Josh $238 呢道菜係全晚嘅驚喜,佢個羊腿炆得好腍,幾大隻,又係一切開基本上就已經輕易脫骨,但係羊嘅肉質仍然保持嫩滑,廚師嘅烹調技巧好好,羊味好香;咖喱醬料方面,用咗唔少香料,偏微辣,又係用嚟送Naan 一流!Butter Naan $30 + Garlic Coriander Naan $30 個人最鍾意係butter naan,Garlic 就比較重口味~ Mango Lassi $68食得印度菜,一定要配返杯芒果乳酪,味道酸酸甜甜,佢呢杯芒果乳酪都幾真材實料,飲得出冇加水同埋冰去打,食Naan 一定要叫,中和返重口味!Strawberry Lassi $68 士多啤梨乳酪都唔錯!入口順滑,清涼解辣同埋油膩感😝 Sticky Toffee Pudding $138 最後叫咗個拖肥布甸做甜品,呢款屬於英式嘅甜品,個布甸蛋糕係軟綿綿嘅甜軟糯蛋糕,質地煙煙韌韌,彈彈地,上面係雲呢拿香草雪糕,一冷一熱嘅口感交融,仲可以淋上拖肥醬打卡,味道唔錯~ 整體嚟講,都係幾有驚喜嘅餐廳,價錢中上,可以用嚟慶祝紀念日或者生日都幾浪漫坐得幾舒服~
朋友慶祝生日揀咗喺圓方這間英印餐廳餐廳環境比較昏暗,非常有氣氛 牆壁有一些槍支裝飾餐牌選擇都幾多元化揀食物都需要啲時間,所以就先揀咗嘢飲食印度嘢一定就係飲奶昔芒果奶昔+士多啤梨奶昔Mango Lassi +Strawberry Lassi味道好香濃,重重果香與乳酪味嘅配合, 酸酸甜甜,又唔會好甜先叫一個前菜沙律Masala Garden Salad覺得真係好特別有士多啤梨、 青瓜、蔬菜…醬汁帶一點薄荷香味未試過咁樣配搭嘅沙律,又好食又特別Prawn Pakora Basket 炸蝦香脆大隻, 外皮鬆脆食印度嘢就一定要叫Masala同埋烤餅Chicken Tikka Masala Butter Naan Garlic Coriander Naan一份牛油烤餅+一份蒜蓉烤餅,熱辣辣好香口係要搣開用手食先至夠惹味睇落就唔係好大兜,但係食落份量都幾多,同埋雞肉都不少, 冇想像中咁鹹, 最尾係完全清曬成 兜瑪莎拉叫咗雞,卷餅就叫軟殼蟹Soft-shell Crab Roll 好精緻,裏面軟殼蟹係外脆內軟餐廳氣氛好,環境坐得好舒服,係慶祝生日嘅好地方
Sepoy Mess好受印度食客歡迎。餐廳環境走fancy浪漫得黎,裝潢帶印度風情。牆上掛左以前印度士兵既畫,及soldiers 常用的槍械,方便打卡,未食已經超興奮。⤱ 1. Tenderloin Skewers牛肩肉經過餐廳調配嘅肉香香料醃製,再加上芥末油、香草醬,肉串表面焦香,咬一口會感受到肉質的鮮嫩,超級好食。⤱ 2. Lamb Vindaloo Samosa金黃色的酥皮包住香濃的羊肉餡,羊肉經過正宗的印度Vindaloo醬汁燜煮,夠晒特別。⤱ 3. Chicken Tikka Masala 最Classic的印度主食,煙燻後的雞肉搭配印度Masala香料,雞肉稔軟又富有印度咖喱香味!一定要搭配多一份Butter Naan!⤱ 4. Butter Naan將熱辣辣的Naan印度薄餅,沾上剛才嘅Masala ,絕對可以還原出真正印度風味,真心滿分。⤱ 5. Monk Mojito Cocktail | Masala Chai Punch MocktailMonk Mojito用上Old Monk酒、芒果、薄荷和青檸調製。飲落味道較清新可口,有陣陣酒香和果香,好易入口。Mocktail就用左幾種莓果調製,飲落味道酸甜又帶茶香,after taste會飲出印度香料味。真心大推介Sepoy Mess,食物、環境、服務全都100分!
Sepoy Mess focuses on Indian British cuisine, creating a refined and comfortable dining environment. The restaurant features a transparent glass design that allows natural light to flood in, enhancing the open feel of the space. The walls are adorned with artwork themed around Indian soldiers, adding a cultural depth to the atmosphere. Additionally, the playful toy replicas of guns invite guests to take fun photos, enriching the dining experience with a touch of whimsy. The enthusiastic service from foreign staff ensures that every guest feels warmly welcomed.When it comes to food, Sepoy Mess offers dishes that are rich in flavor and complexity. The drink Ras Leela combines gin, raspberry, and lime for a refreshing treat that delights the palate. Meanwhile, the Masala Chai Punch presents a fruity concoction that is smooth and perfect for any occasion. The appetizer, Arancini Tikka Chaat, impresses with its crispy potato shell filled with creamy melted Brie cheese, complemented by rich chana masala and tangy tamarind and mint chutneys.Among the main dishes, the Grilled Salmon Tikka stands out as the salmon is marinated with a zesty blend of ginger and garlic, making it tender and flavorful, while the mint chutney adds a refreshing touch. The Nagpuri Fish Curry features Barramundi cooked in a unique coconut milk gravy with mustard seeds and garam masala, resulting in tender and aromatic fish. Paired with Garlic Coriander Naan, it perfectly absorbs the sauce, making every bite delicious.Finally, the meal concludes with the Pistachio Burnt Basque Cheesecake, which boasts a caramelized exterior and rich nutty flavor, providing a perfect ending to the dining experience. Overall, Sepoy Mess excels not only in its environment and service but also in showcasing the essence of Indian British cuisine in every dish.
今日喺附近行完街嚟食個晚飯🌙見到呢間餐廳好有特色❤️ 軍事風嘅裝修原來係反映返英國嘅印度軍隊既歷史🗡️呢度印度菜糅合咗英國菜嘅特色同風格🌍晚上黎個聚會好有Feel🌃⭐️ Arancini Tikki Chaat 🥔脆炸嘅薯蓉芝士波波有種歐陸嘅風味🇮🇹配上鷹嘴豆嘅咖喱惹味得黎好有Fusion的感覺🫘⭐️ Grilled Salmon Tikka 🐟烤過嘅三文魚保持咗嫩滑既口感好驚喜🔥用咗各種香料同香草調味☘️ 配上乳酪同埋Mint Chutney增添了一份清新💚⭐️ Chicken Kadai 🍗比起一般嘅咖喱雞多咗一份蔬菜嘅鮮味🫑用咗洋蔥蕃茄同埋青辣椒🍅帶上一份蔬菜嘅鮮甜味道溫和更加容易入口🥹⭐️ Garlic Coriander Naan 🫓鬆軟嘅Naan配上蒜蓉同埋芫荽嘅點綴充滿香氣🧄整體又唔會太重口味🤪⭐️ Sticky Toffee Pudding 🍮係我最愛嘅英式甜品嘅經典🇬🇧Pudding 煙煙韌韌Chewy既口感好Perfect🍡配上Toffee Sauce 帶點焦糖香好邪惡🍬⭐️ Mango Punjabi Lassi 🥭食印度嘢必備嘅Mango Lassi🧡 幼滑得來又帶芒果酸酸甜甜嘅口味🤪⭐️ Masala Chai Punch 🌾呢杯Mocktail口味比較清爽🥂但係配上Chai既香氣同埋肉桂棒Infuse更多異國的感覺🔮