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食評 (5)
等級3 2023-03-20
479 瀏覽
今天去了一家餐廳品嘗了他們的招牌菜炸魚柳番茄意粉,真是讓人驚艷!魚柳外層酥脆,內裡卻保持了鮮嫩的口感,搭配番茄醬汁和意粉的細緻口感,讓人一口接一口,忍不住一直想品嘗。整道菜的味道非常平衡,沒有過於濃烈的味道,也不會太淡,非常適合一個人享用。這碗炸魚柳番茄意粉,真是讓我愛上這家餐廳的味道!😋😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-05-06
610 瀏覽
It was the weekend and boyfriend wanted to find some strange rock park in this area. But first food. As we were in the middle of public housing, there was not much choices so we came to this cha chan teng. It wasn't very big and but it was busy with all the residents in the area.Menu is in Chinese only. There is no English and no 10% service charge. They offered sets that include a drink. But it seemed a number of people just ordered whatever that wasn't on the menu and they made it for them!I had the French toast with chicken wings ($32) from the afternoon tea set. The tea set menu had a number of unusal combinations. Unlike most places, that bring you a jug of syrup, this place pours in on for you and they are generous. So much syrup! The French toast was fairly decent and there was peanut butter in the middle. So many don't do that now. The chicken wings were well seasoned and very crispy coating and juicy meat.Boyfriend had the Fried Chicken Steak with rice and Black Pepper Sauce ($46) also from the afternoon tea set menu. It was literally sizzling when it arrived. Portion was huge and there was so much sauce. They really do not skimp on the sauce. Lots of black pepper was in the sauce. The chicken was juicy and well seasoned.As we were leaving, we noticed a lot of people were buying pineapple buns. Not just one but bags of them. They had a counter of baked items from their kitchen. That is when we noticed a few newspaper clippings on the window. Apparently this cha chan teng once owned the Pineapple Canteen food truck. Apparently their pineapple buns are fairly popular. But from the display of bakery items, it was something called a Pineapple Cake that caught my eye.One slice of Pineapple Cake was only $6. It was a beautiful fluffy soft Taiwanese castella cake with a strong eggy taste. On top was a crunchy sweet layer of the topping that goes on a pineapple bun.  This was so good. The soft cake combined with the crunchy topping almost like a crumble was fantastic. Never had anything like it! Most likely not be back as it's quite  a walk but definitely one of the most interesting foodie finds in a long time! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-06-02
846 瀏覽
其實對於我這個居住在「西貢」,經常有機會乘坐小巴前往「彩雲邨」的人而言,前往鄰近「牛頭角」和「九龍灣」的公共屋邨「彩德邨」跟「彩德商場」,按道理本來應該不算困難。因為「彩雲邨」旁邊的「彩雲商場」,跟「彩德邨」旁邊的「彩德商場」區域之間,興建了一條連接行人天橋,行人經過行人天橋橫過「新清水灣道」後,再步行一段時間就可以到達「彩德商場」了。不過「彩德商場」裡面的實際店舖數目不多,「彩德商場」裡面的店舖選擇多元化程度,還是有待改善,雖然在「彩德商場」可以居高臨下俯瞰整個「九龍灣」跟「牛頭角」,偏偏「彩德商場」食店卻不算很多。因為「彩德商場」實際食店數目不多,就只有一間酒樓、一間連鎖快餐餐廳、兩間港式茶餐廳而已,再走遠一點去到「彩福邨」,「彩福邨」甚至連一間基本規模的商場都欠奉,居民只能徒步長時間才找到食店。至於「彩德商場」裡面剩下的兩間餐廳裡面,包括有一間在「牛頭角道」旁邊也有屬於自己分店的港式茶餐廳,茶餐廳的實際名稱叫做「天誠冰室」。雖然我在光顧「牛頭角」分店「天誠冰室」的時候,發現午餐價目表有味道偏辣的「川味牛腩飯」食品提供,令我以為「天誠冰室」有製作提供「牛腩飯」。但是我詢問冠「彩德商場」分店「天誠冰室」店員才發現原來「彩德商場」分店「天誠冰室」廚房,偏偏沒有製作任何跟「牛腩飯」有關的食品。命中注定我只能夠在「彩德商場」分店「天誠冰室」裡面享用其他食品,例如「咖喱雞扒飯」,然後在「彩德商場」其他食店享用「牛腩飯」,又或者到「彩福邨」乘坐巴士回到「新蒲崗」,才能享用到「牛腩飯」。結果我在「彩德商場」分店「天誠冰室」裡面,點了一客快餐雙併扒飯,包括「雞扒」跟「煎荷包蛋」在內的「咖喱雞扒蛋飯」,作為晚餐裡面的「雞肉」食品。「咖喱雞扒蛋飯」裡面的「咖喱」醬汁顏色偏向啡黑色,醬汁質地偏向有少許稠密,最重要的是「咖喱雞扒蛋飯」啡黑色「咖喱」汁實際味道感覺偏辣。即使「天誠冰室」的「凍奶茶」飲品實際紅茶味道裡面,也夾雜感覺頗為濃厚的淡奶甜味,但是甜味的「凍奶茶」始終無法一下子化解「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」「咖喱」汁裡面的濃厚辣味。另一方面,我在「天誠冰室」裡面享用「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」晚餐期間,無意中發現「天誠冰室」樓面原來還有電視機,電視機還有播放新聞報導,幸好聲浪不算很強,所以我選擇背向電視機享用晚餐。至於「彩德商場」分店「天誠冰室」製作晚餐實際上需要的時間,比我原本預期來得更快捷,令當時的我背向着電視機新聞報導,一言不發儘快享用完「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」跟「凍奶茶」,結賬後儘快坐巴士離開「彩德邨」。說回「天誠冰室」晚餐「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」裡面的「煎蛋」,「煎蛋」實際製成品其實是煎雙蛋,有兩個完整,味道感覺也很甜的雞蛋蛋黃。「天誠冰室」廚房裡面的人,把「煎荷包蛋」裡面的蛋黃煎到近乎保留原本形態,才把原隻完整「煎雙蛋」「荷包蛋」,鋪在白飯表面上。「煎雙蛋」實際製成品,雖然還未至於被煎到有香脆的微焦脆邊口感,但是看見「煎雙蛋」裡面雙個雞蛋「蛋黃」都能夠保持原狀,讓我能夠享用吸吮甜味蛋黃。所以實際份量被「天誠冰室」廚房師傅煎到變得很大份的「荷包蛋」「煎雙蛋」,令「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」食品的實際性價比感覺變得很高。至於「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」裡面的「雞扒」實際上就只有一塊而已,但是「雞扒」實際製成品外表頗長,估計把「雞扒」切成兩份處理,至少還有足足「兩塊」「雞扒」份量。加上原塊的「煎雞扒」,被「天誠冰室」廚房直接擺放在辣味深啡色「咖喱」汁的表面上,所以「雞扒」的實際香脆口感沒有被辣味「咖喱」汁浸到變腍,令我還食到外層香脆,內裡口感還算偏嫩的「雞肉」。即使「天誠冰室」「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」的白飯份量不多,但是大量辣味咖喱汁跟「雞扒」「荷包蛋」,還能彌補「咖喱雞扒煎蛋飯」白飯份量不算多的問題,只是餐牌沒有固定「牛腩飯」比較可惜而已,否則下次可以繼續光顧。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
之前有食過,食物都感覺都唔錯,有個年紀大嘅叔叔仲好好人。今日去買麪包 ,我係排第一嘅,阿姊叫我等等,我諗,係咪收左堂食嘅先呢?點知道收完堂食個位,就問我後邊個男人叫咩包,我就嬲到冇買走左啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-12-03
844 瀏覽
應該每個屋邨都要有一間茶記,而彩德就有呢一間,不浮誇,但絕對地道嘅茶記。仍然有自己焗製的麵包,菠蘿包只售$4,十分親民。早餐有大路的選擇,有餐包,有麵,有茶。不拆不扣的本地茶記。今天食了沙爹牛肉米缐,大大塊的牛肉,好難得。真心比讚。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)