港鐵美孚站 C1 出口, 步行約3分鐘
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
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hello everyone,This restaurant has had great improvements in it's tastes since the last time I went there. Last week I went to the restaurant of hanserang to have a bite of it's Korean cuisines to see if they have improved since my last review about the taste of this Korean restaurant. I have to say, this restaurant has improve loads upon it's taste and regained it's original taste in the items I have ordered. However, you would have to make the right order to really feel the taste which this restaurant has to offer. That being, asking for extra spice. 😋😋🌶️so, without further Ado, here are the items that I have ordered:first on our list is the spicy cheese pork, which I have tried last time. I ordered this with extra spice added to it, as I want to see the limits of this restaurant in terms of spice and if it can help recreate the original taste that it has. I was quite impressed by the level of spice which it has reached, being not only to tickle but a slight burn in the mouth which is ideal for a spicy dish. This has given it an added bonus of draining your entire ricebowl in seconds with the spice it offers😋😋however, the texture of the meat could be a little lacking and could be improved with better seasoning and less marinating time as it can get a little mushy if you eat it individually. there is also the question of the taste individually as the taste is not spread easily arround the edges. nonetheless, the experience is still there which makes this a must have for going to this resturantSecond on the dish is the beef ribsTo be fair, this dish has improved a lot after eating it, the texture of the beef and the meat itself has a better sinew than last time, which can indicate a sense of freshness. In addition to this, my previous critique of the taste of the beef has been resolved😄😄 with a newfound salt and umai taste found within the beef. This taste is a much better taste which lets there be a better experience. overall pretty good. of course, there is also the kimchi and the appetisers for the dish. The kimchi itself tastes a but weird with a slight hint of salt in the vegetable, though if you chew it long enough though, you can really taste the spice and the tingling that the Kimchi creates, even if it's a little faint. I think overall it's quite good for the appetisers. Lastly, I want to address a comment created by another user of not enough portions. I think the portions are actually enough currently if you are having a normal lunch, but if you are known to be a big eater, then it might be slightly less than what you normally eat, but that's fine usually.
🐮烤牛仔骨( $85 )🐮牛仔骨同埋洋蔥都好入味,洋蔥都炒得腍,好食。🐷烤辣豬肉( $73 )🐷看似好辣,紅卜卜咁,其實都唔算好辣,幾惹味,適合撈飯。肉唔算多,但係菜好多。🐮牛尾湯($68 )🍲飲落似味精湯🥴,牛嘅味道唔重,淨係得個咸字,令人失望😓。牛尾肉好實淨,唔似係煲完湯嘅牛尾,所以唔怪得個湯冇牛味。湯淨係佔外賣盒嘅一半,感覺好少,平時跟餐嘅湯仲多😅。總結份量偏小🫢,兩個人成要叫三個餐,加價誇張,烤牛仔骨貴咗$17😱,其他都加多個$10😰。
呢排食太多泰、日、中菜,好想睇吓屋企附近仲有咩好嘢食。見到美孚圖書館附近有韓國菜,即刻入去試吓先!價錢唔算太貴喎,晚餐嗌咗個什錦石鍋飯套餐$108,送牛骨蘿蔔湯,好有韓式風味!仲叫咗辣炒八爪魚$190 (有點貴) 同韓式炒粉絲$85,炒粉絲有少少輕微似乾炒牛河嘅味道哈哈~Overall嚟講都幾好食!整體感覺有一種韓式家庭的味道,唔Fancy但好地道嘅裝修,沒太多花樣但具傳統風味嘅韓國菜式。埋單同尖沙咀嗰啲韓國菜價錢差唔多吧,份量都足夠!