餐廳: Vivace
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國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後10個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
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12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
*22:30 Last order
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餐廳: Vivace
優惠: 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。
  • 國泰會員每次可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數之消費額上限為港幣10,000元。
  • 會員於國泰夥伴餐廳作合資格消費,每港幣4元可賺取1里數。而渣打國泰Mastercard®客戶憑卡消費可享每港幣4元賺取2里數,包括合作夥伴餐廳合資格消費之餐膳里賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)及基本餐飲類別之合資格簽賬獎賞(每港幣4元賺取1里數)。
  • 賺取之「亞洲萬里通」里數將根據餐飲與膳食消費,包括服務費、稅項及小費的總和而計算。
  • 惠顧特定推廣套餐或不可賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數。請預先向個別「賺里餐廳」查詢。
  • 賺取的「亞洲萬里通」里數將於認可餐膳消費交易後10個工作天內存入會員的賬戶。
食評 (24)
等級4 2024-07-10
523 瀏覽
I arrived at the hotel a bit too early as the restaurant I booked Jade(which is in another review) was not opened yet. Since I had an hour to spare, I decided to find a place to have a drink at this hotel. I saw the menu and saw that they offered complimentary fries with buy-1-get-1 free offer.First I admit it was my fault that I didn't remind them the complimentary fries and thought they would be served automatically as stated in the menu. I found it a bit strange when I got my second drink yet the fries were not available and I asked the server and then they realised they forgot about it. Also after the first drink despite I immediately informed them they can prepare the second drink, it took quite a long time before the second drink was prepared(almost 25minutes). Yet, there was only around 5 customers. However, they were extremely apologetic about it and stated they were a bit understaffed that day. I was also surprised by the amount of fries despite it was free. They were also sizzling hot a they were freshly prepared. Also for the discount, they really only counted the service fee (10%) of 1 drink only and didn't count another 10% for the complimentary drink/fries. Therefore, for a total of around $100, to have 2 cocktails and 1 bowl of large fries at a hotel is quite a bargain.For the drinks, Vivace Margarita was a bit too salty for my taste even if I avoided the side with salt.Not Your Ordinary Girl was definitely much better with a much fruity taste yet still packing a punch. Don't be fooled by its great taste and drink it too fast. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-29
150 瀏覽
九月中同同事去香港亞洲博覽館,參加香港珠寶首飾展覽會,同事話亞洲博覽館食飯一定好鬼多人,不如去對面麗豪航天城酒店3樓嘅VIVACE食飯試吓😆大家入到餐廳都話好新好靚👍 見到好多西裝人士因為都係去珠寶展。我地前菜叫咗炒辣肉腸伴紅酒汁同埋香草白酒煮青口,兩個都好野味!辣肉腸唔會太辣都好啱香港人口味嘅😜,叫埋香煎鵝肝伴洋蔥醬及奶油麵包,鵝肝的確好有水準,好香好好食🤤!主菜就叫左龍蝦🦞扁意大利麵 + 西班牙海鮮飯🥘,味道同賣相都唔錯,重點係出餐速度都幾快,值得一讚喎!最後就一人叫左一個甜品試吓,焦糖布丁🍮同埋果仁蜜餅,我覺得驚喜係果仁蜜餅因為唔係度度地方都有,呢度做得幾好,酥皮好好食!整體來說,VIVACE嘅裝潢設計、氣氛、食物質素都好高,值得推薦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-09-20
155 瀏覽
置身機場麗豪航天城的Vivace地中海餐廳,彷彿瞬間穿越到了愛琴海岸。餐廳臨近酒店泳池,透過落地玻璃窗可欣賞碧藍水景,營造出悠閒的度假氛圍。餐廳主打地中海菜式,以新鮮食材和健康烹調方法著稱。前菜的希臘沙拉色彩繽紛,配上香濃的羊奶芝士,口感豐富。主菜推薦西班牙海鮮飯,米飯吸收了海鮮的鮮美,香氣四溢。烤羊排則外酥內嫩,搭配薄荷醬別具風味。甜品方面,經典的提拉米蘇層次分明,口感濕潤不膩。配上一杯香醇的意大利特濃咖啡,為美meal畫上完美句點。整體而言,Vivace不僅提供美味的地中海美食,更讓人享受到悠閒的度假氛圍,是機場附近的優質用餐選擇。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-08-22
236 瀏覽
At first I was worry the price would be a bit too high for my budget, but as hotel guest, they made me a good discount.I love conformable food, but I like to keep healthy, so, I ordered a pizza 🤣, and a rocket and cherry tomatoes salad. I don't drink alcohol, so, the manager recommended me one of signature cocktail with no alcohol. Everything was perfect. Food very good and cocktail amazing.I have arrived around 7pm and it was white busy. The staff, very polite, told me there was a big concert at Asia Wold Expo, that why everybody left by 7.30pm.The experience was all around good and I will definitely re-book this hotel next time I pass by Hong Kong. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-08-19
131 瀏覽
The restaurant was not that busy, as we came on week day and the atmosphere quiet and chill. Staff is very polite and fairly knowledgeable.The range of food offer is quite big, from taps, pizza pasta, dry aged beef and seafood. I decided to try the Cotoletta alla Milanese and it was above the expectation.We had 2 glass of wine from the monthly promotion and it was very good too.To sum up it was a great experience.I will definitely come back and I want to try the weekend brunch. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)