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食評 (19)
等級2 2019-02-24
904 瀏覽
今次叫左一碗什錦魚生飯。魚生款式都多樣, 而且仲有海膽。魚生新鮮程度可以接受,溶雪程度ok,不過魚生切工方面一般。魚生味道方面一般,最好食既係海膽同三文魚子,鮮甜加香濃海水味,如果份量再多d就好啦。 魚生份量適中,可以做到每一口飯都有魚生既效果。不過,魚生飯當天有d失誤,太酸同濕,扣左好多分。總體而言,食物味道平平。不過,當天店員態度非常好有禮,經常會倒茶,而且最後仲送左一碗小甜品,都係一個美好既用餐經驗。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2017-11-12
1561 瀏覽
今次係第二次食lunch,上次食完滑蛋豬扒飯,一直都想再黎一次試下其他菜,最主要原因係呢到嘅感覺好似去咗日本咁,餐廳細細,但好雅緻,我地去嘅時候,客人唔多,環境唔會太嘈,又唔使催催趕趕,感覺十分休閒今次食什錦壽司餐,都幾好食,最正係只蝦 同碗熱騰騰的喬麥麵,個湯好好飲 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2017-09-08
1089 瀏覽
冇機會試佢幾好食,我一入到去,乜嘢都未講,老闆就話冇位,但係我旁邊就有張吉檯!嗰老闆見我見到張檯,就行過來好串咁話冇位,趕咗我哋走。好嬲咯,以後點都唔會幫襯佢咯 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-09-21
3159 瀏覽
Went for lunch while in happy valley.This a small restaurant – probably 10 small tables, interior is quite aged, place could use a make-over. But as long as the food is good … so let’s see.There are 10 lunch offers between 84 and 111 HKD (plus 10% service). I went for the Beef Inaniwa udon for 99 HKD.The seasonal appetizer was a very small bowl of Wakame Seaweem salad, which tasted like the stuff you can buy ready made in the supermarket. Not a very impressive start of the meal.Next came three pieces of California roll. These were obviously fresh made and nicely arranged. The rice was a bit loose, making the roll a bit difficult to eat as it was immediately falling apart, but the taste was quite good and it came with a good portion of fish roe (and a bit too much mayo for my taste).Finally the beef udon. I have to admit that I wasn’t aware that Inaniwa udon are quite different from regular udon – they are flat and quite thin, more like linguine. What I got was a large bowl with a clear soup, the mentioned Inaniwa udon, a relatively small amount of very thin cut, very lean beef plus a bit of seaweed and scallions. Taste of the soup was very good, but could have been stronger for my taste. The noodles where good, but could have been a bit harder (honestly I would prefer regular udon). Beef was also good, but could have been a bit more. But a nice bowl of noodles overall.So overall: Quite good value for 109 HKD (including service), wouldn’t drive to Happy Valley to go there, but worth a try if in the area. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2015-02-09
2054 瀏覽
之前多次駕車經過店外都關門了, 還以為不會再開門了。今晚再來, 終於有開門, 只有數張枱的小店, 一個服務員, 但非常之熱情友善, 值得一讚!幾個月前來過一次, 說真的它的滑蛋豬扒飯的豬扒不算好吃, 頗"鞋"口, 再回來可能是為了這個小店寧靜的環境。三文魚刺身不錯, 比得上我們的飯堂灣仔大亞味。三文魚軟軟的, 易入口。蝦天婦羅, 炸得十分香脆, 讚! 牛肉豆腐鍋 - 牛肉份量很多, 湯底鮮甜。滑蛋豬扒飯, 其實不算太差, 飯的汁味道不錯, 加上洋蔥, 香香的, 如果豬扒可以滑一點更好。很舒服的一餐。 繼續閱讀
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