來自東京的班戟專門店,供應60多款crepes,分為凍、熱、鹹及甜四大類,餅皮可選擇鬆脆或煙韌口感,雪糕由同一集團的麻布茶房供應。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:30
12:00 - 00:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (32)
等級4 2010-11-24
225 瀏覽
岩岩行過,原來已經搬左,而家已經變左百家姓利是封。十月中,幫襯過,水準真係大不如前。以前個crepe,邊位少少脆,cream都唔少,加埋d蕉丫雪糕丫,同側邊d圖差唔遠,今次食,crepe軟腍腍,料方面除左面果層,個底果一半係無料的,cream亦唔夠多,不太滿足,這樣收我$30蚊,我食乳酪好過。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-04-07
79 瀏覽
Bottom Line: You want good savory crepes go to the Jusco in Tai Koo. The difference is pretty much night and day. Otherwise if your crepes require ZERO preparation you could chance this one. IMO however, you're just better off with the other branch.ReviewSo I read the mixed reviews on here and decided to take a go. There were people on the other Marion Crepes page who raved about the Causeway bay branch and I decided to try it.Utter waste of $32 HKD. The servers were rude, basically demanded money without a thank you and slopped on the meat and the crepe and just rolled it up and sent you off. The wait was crappy and the surrounding people just smelled bad from BO and street crowding. Also the hygiene is definitely sub par. I feel funny after eating the COLD meat and insides of the crepe just did not taste fresh. Frankly I will never go to this branch again unless the servers changed. If the suggestions card was available next time I will go ahead and write my heated review.The ONLY saving grace was that the crepe was crispy and good. However, even that doesn't deserve an extra star and the one star rating is totally deserved. I attribute this to the fact that the other branch actually HEATED the insides of the savory crepe and made it a consistent and addictive mouth feel.VerdictObviously go to the one in Tai Koo and look for the happy and pleasant girl who is quite helpful. She makes the savory crepes absolutely addictive and delicious and the difference in quality is night and day. I highly recommend that you go get their $10 HKD waffle cone promotion.In short I will NEVER go to this branch again unless the servers change. Though even that may not convert me. I'm quite happy with the Taikoo branch and how pleasant and accomodating they are. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-03-31
61 瀏覽
行完街, 甜品時間又到了. 係銅鑼灣, 最受歡迎的, 始終是這些街邊檔. 貪佢快, 又乾淨, 又好食. 而且可以邊行邊食. 齋妹的選擇是薄餅. 曾經風靡一時的pancake熱潮也許因為我在外國的關係而錯過了. 所以, 第一次係香港嘗呢種薄餅, 應該是去年係葵芳既失望體驗. 齋妹每次一人來銅鑼灣都食, 而我初初就有少少拒於門外. 不是喊飽就是等佢食完先出現.這次, 沒有籍口了, 陪一陪兩位小妮子食甜品. 他們兩個都要蜜桃加雲呢拿雪糕pancake, 而我就覺得士多啤利會比較少出錯. 所以我就簡單地, 士多啤利加雲呢拿雪糕pancake.圖中有製作過程, 是排我們前面的人, order的朱古力pancake. Pancake 底, 即叫即拉. 若拉起時, 稍有少少破爛, 佢地都會成塊不要. 非常之專業. 當看看他們的佈置時, 才發現Marion Crepes 是麻布茶房的一份子.她們的水蜜桃先做起, 而且因為同工同種, 兩塊一齊做(當然煎餅時是分開煎的). 包好卷好, 好快手, 送到我們手上. 雪糕, 其實只是好普通, 不過pancake夠軟, 唔會好似上次咁變到脆脆地. 士多啤利味道甜如果醬. 整體上, 係塊pancake好, 才覺得份外的好味. 熱潮過後, 再係pancake界立到一個足. 必定是有口碑才能做得到. 不過覺得都係貴左少少. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$38呀! 呢個價錢響第二度已經可以食到一份晚餐, 但我只係來到食件pancake... 如果係好食抵食都算, 可惜連呢點都做唔到.先講份量真係嘩嘩聲, 少到丫 丁點雪糕加細細件cheese cake, 少少cream同細細件香蕉, 夾夾埋埋都唔大份, pancake皮包起來都只係佔頂部一角, 下面大部份pancake係乜都冇!至於味道亦唔係好, 雪糕係普通貨式, cheese cake質感差又唔香.$38我相信大部份係落入鋪租, 人工材料都係少之又少... 不過而家行行都係咁, 個個都係為地產佬打工, 唉, 香港地再係咁樣遲早玩完! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
First time i came to eat these was in 2008!First time was great. Had to queue up and waitWas about 5 ppl infront of me.Smell really good, n the display looked so attractive too!Many ppl chose the ice cream selectionI went for the tuna and cheese crepe as I like savory crepes.The crepe was freshly made from scratch.Was hot with cheese and tuna.It was delicious. very cheesy and tasty!Loved it so much, the next week went back to eat it.The quality was still the same.They gave you huge block of cream cheese! So yummy!!!!Then after a few weeks or a few months, went back, the quality was not as good!The crepes were not freshly made from scratch nomoreThere were crepes made alreadi, and they just heated it back up and added the topic u wanted.The tuna was very cold, the pancake was not that warmDid not taste as good.I was very disappointed.Maybe because, there were hardly anyone lining up for it, so pancakes were not made fresh.Next few times I have had it, the crepe was not as good.So I have stopped going now.I hope it woyld improve!The servioce should improve too!Not much smile, and blank reaction.Not good! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)