港鐵鰂魚涌站 A 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
星期一至五: 08:00-20:00 星期六至日: 10:00 to 18:00 星期日休息
現金 八達通
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食評 (16)
等級1 2015-11-06
1155 瀏覽
很贊的乳酪~Very Tasty下午在鰂魚涌闖進一間不太起眼的Cafe,但原來入到去發現有很多令我意外喜歡的食物同特色,同時很享受裡面有種很自由的氣氛,意外驚喜是內裡很具特色, 有玩具的擺設及書本, 天花上放置真的樹枝,鳥巢的佈置都是第一次看到的格局, 最喜歡是Bar 枱上兩幅塗鴉牆,是供客人自由表達和創作的,就像坐在間咖啡藝術館,有的客人的畫工不錯呢! 塗牆時感覺置於遊樂場般放鬆自在, 相信店主是位很有heart 同熱愛咖啡室, 猜想遊樂場的名字Playground 是這樣來的。這裡的咖啡和意粉很合我個人的口味,意粉選了店的皇牌意粉-蒜香辡椒蜆肉抄意粉,辡度剛好,聽説不吃辡的可以走辡或少辡的,咖啡很醇香比起大牌子的好飲,最後當然要試試聽聞這裡很有口碑的乳酪,果然是超級美味!! 有時就會在些不起眼的餐廳找到你的心頭好,所以 Original Playground 放心, I'll be back again 因我已愛上你的乳酪和咖啡了♡♡♡♡♡ 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2015-08-11
600 瀏覽
What a GOOD service!It was a nice weather afternoon and honestly we were attracted by its good decoration. However, we can't stay even more than 2 mins, when we get in and we found just a man sitting next to door and of course I saw a man inside the kitchen. I believe he should be the staff or  a boss . Never mind we like quite, so I take the menu by myself, during that moment, he never come to us and even no eye contact. So I ask him can we order, he just gave me a sight and indicate someone there. I repeated is someone can serve us? He just turning his head and looking at his phone again.I do hope it's a single incident that happened to us. Hope he get happy soon and provide so called good service in future.Cheers. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-05-01
588 瀏覽
到太古坊原本想光顧一間集團式咖啡店,剛巧假期沒有營業,便嘗試在附近找一些小型咖啡店,因為相信在寫字樓區一定會有出色小店.其實本人對咖啡並不是十分講究,只想喝到有咖啡香味,較少牛奶,不太稀的咖啡,但當我看見我的 iced cappuccino 及 iced mocha 之後便有點失望,店員已在 iced cappuccino 加多一份 expresso但仍然很淡, iced mocha 沒有朱古力及cream, 最後還只好浪費了兩杯咖啡😔😔😔 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-08-17
1046 瀏覽
egg beneditEggs Benedict is an American breakfast dish that consists of English muffin, topped with ham or bacon, well in this case salmon, poached eggs, and Hollandaise sauce. it seems such a standard recipe but somehow every restaurant deliver this dish to its customers differently. There’s nothing more classic for brunch than Eggs Benedict on a sat afternoon. the muffin is alright, could of been slightly bigger and thicker tho, smoked salmon and poached egg are both good, but the most important thing is made wrong, hollandaise sauce that is not sour and salty at all, its too creamy and without the most important soury taste, one thing i like the most about hollandaise sauce is that it opens my appertise, sorry but this doesnt do that.coffee is avergae 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-04-03
1102 瀏覽
自問唔係跟潮流既人,所以有時食既野都會慢人幾拍,今日先食到呢幾年黎第一舊牛角包,在呢間小店裡時間係5點鐘,所以客人不多,O岩哂我.場內有麵包有乳酪,但他們說乳酪機已洗,唯有下次吧$10 牛角包,ORDER後店員番熱,食一口覺得牛油味中等,不會太OVER,面頭帶一點點微微脆皮甜甜地,麵粉香一般,鬆化度也是中等,不算差,十蚊食得過$28 ORIGINAL BLACK(個名好似係)咖啡味道都幾濃,但好在幾滑,AFTERTASTE持久,帶一丁點酸,重點係飲完之後睇埋歐聯曼聯對皇馬都唔太眼訓,多謝呢杯咖啡喔 繼續閱讀
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