❍ Honey Yuza Ade $48蜜糖柚子梳打飲落好清爽帶柚子既微酸🍊 仲可以平衡返整體既油膩感 非常啱我口味😎Honey Yuza Ade was perfect for my liking😚 It’s sour, fresh and great to balance the whole flavour after having heavy food👍🏻評分: 9/10🌟❍ Mango Passion Iced Tea $48媽咪話係網上睇到其他foodies po呢杯飲品覺得好吸引 所以就叫咗🤣 飲落勁香芒果味反而熱情果味就淡啲同埋有少少甜🤏🏻 整體黎講都算唔錯😌Attracted by the appearance, mum ordered this mango passion iced tea🍹It had a rich mango flavour and slightly sweet🥭, quite good✨評分: 8/10🌟❍ Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago $213薯角炭燒雞肉芝加哥用上芝士條、忌廉芝士慕絲、雙倍馬蘇里拉芝士 難怪可以
❍ Honey Yuza Ade $48
蜜糖柚子梳打飲落好清爽帶柚子既微酸🍊 仲可以平衡返整體既油膩感 非常啱我口味😎
Honey Yuza Ade was perfect for my liking😚 It’s sour, fresh and great to balance the whole flavour after having heavy food👍🏻
評分: 9/10🌟

❍ Mango Passion Iced Tea $48
媽咪話係網上睇到其他foodies po呢杯飲品覺得好吸引 所以就叫咗🤣 飲落勁香芒果味反而熱情果味就淡啲同埋有少少甜🤏🏻 整體黎講都算唔錯😌
Attracted by the appearance, mum ordered this mango passion iced tea🍹It had a rich mango flavour and slightly sweet🥭, quite good✨
評分: 8/10🌟

❍ Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago $213
薯角炭燒雞肉芝加哥用上芝士條、忌廉芝士慕絲、雙倍馬蘇里拉芝士 難怪可以輕易拉絲🧀 蘑菇、薯角、番茄、炒洋蔥、BBQ醬、Maru香雞加上蜜糖杏仁,食落鹹甜兼備 味道好有層次感🤩 蜜糖同糖霜既甜味豐富咗整體味道🍯 加上成個份量頗大 令人非常飽肚又滿足🤎
Using string cheese, double mozzarella cheese, and cream cheese mousse, the chicago was super duper cheesy🫕 Tomato🍅, Sautéed Onion🧅, Fresh Mushroom🍄, Potato Wedges🥔, and Maru spiced chicken🐥 paired with the Honey Almond Edge was just savoury and divine🤤 Honey and Icing Sugar added a hint of sweetness to the whole flavour🥰 The huge portion size just made me super filling🤰🏻
評分: 8.5/10🌟

❍ Honey Butter Fried Chicken $118 for 6pcs
唔知你有冇試過韓國個款蜂蜜牛油薯片?呢個炸雞個味道其實同薯片係一樣的😍 炸雞炸得好脆 肉質嫩滑而且仲有黎自蜂蜜既微甜同埋牛油香🧈 最欣賞係宜家餐廳提供6件既選擇比客人 咁就唔洗叫太多食唔哂會浪費喇😛
Have you tried the honey butter potato chips before? It definitely has the same flavour!😆 Fried chicken was crispy, tender and sweet🍗 The option for ordering 6pcs only is quite friendly too🥳
評分: 9/10🌟
Pizza Maru (形點) (元朗)

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Mango Passion Iced Tea
20 瀏覽
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Honey Yuza Ade
3 瀏覽
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Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
48 瀏覽
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Honey Butter Fried Chicken
24 瀏覽
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15 瀏覽
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22 瀏覽
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Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
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Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
32 瀏覽
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Honey Butter Fried Chicken
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14 瀏覽
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Mango Passion Iced Tea
$ 48
Honey Yuza Ade
$ 48
Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
$ 213
Honey Butter Fried Chicken
$ 118
Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
$ 213
Grilled Potato Chicken Chicago
$ 213
Honey Butter Fried Chicken
$ 118