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Pepperoni Pizza (20% off - $35)評分 RATING:6/10.灣仔有條街好多呢啲二線冇乜人識但又開左好耐嘅外賣店,好多都係賣不kebab,呢間賣 pizza 嘅其實都留意到佢好耐,見到佢系 Eatigo 都幾多時段有折,之前終於去咗試吓佢哋嘅 pizza 🍕 餅底厚薄正常,但略嫌唔夠脆,同不Paisano's 嘅同款 pizza 比亦都冇人哋咁惹味 😶 佢哋嘅 pizza 系整好 reheat 番嘅,可能因為咁味道相對冇咁新鮮咁啦~明明佢嘅芝士望落都鋪得均勻,但味道上都係略嫌寡啲。😣 只能夠算係得過且過嘅貨色 😗 如果正價仲賣得貴過 Paisano's 嘅話實在唔抵食All in all an unimpressive pepperoni pizza, cheese looks scrumptious but tastes bland 😥 the slice is quite huge but isn't crispy enough either. Not really worth it's market price without the discou
評分 RATING:6/10.
灣仔有條街好多呢啲二線冇乜人識但又開左好耐嘅外賣店,好多都係賣不kebab,呢間賣 pizza 嘅其實都留意到佢好耐,見到佢系 Eatigo 都幾多時段有折,之前終於去咗試吓佢哋嘅 pizza 🍕 餅底厚薄正常,但略嫌唔夠脆,同不Paisano's 嘅同款 pizza 比亦都冇人哋咁惹味 😶 佢哋嘅 pizza 系整好 reheat 番嘅,可能因為咁味道相對冇咁新鮮咁啦~明明佢嘅芝士望落都鋪得均勻,但味道上都係略嫌寡啲。😣 只能夠算係得過且過嘅貨色 😗 如果正價仲賣得貴過 Paisano's 嘅話實在唔抵食
All in all an unimpressive pepperoni pizza, cheese looks scrumptious but tastes bland 😥 the slice is quite huge but isn't crispy enough either. Not really worth it's market price without the discount