中英語食評 / Bilingual Review 🙆🏻‍♀️我再嚟到錦田高埔村梗係要發掘下仲有咩餐廳好去㗎啦 又比我見到依間好休閒 感覺舒適嘅西式餐廳 見到佢有素食就二話不說坐低叫野食 鍾意食西式野食嘅朋友 佢地仲有好多肉食同海鮮㗎 雖然我冇食過佢地嘅肉或海鮮 而係我食過佢嘅意大利飯口感好好 唔會太濕變成一舊舊咁 好好咬口 我相信佢其他意大利飯嘅水準都係好👍🏻 HOLA establishes an appealing comfortable and chill environment, it also provides a few vegetarian dishes which is a jackpot for me and my family!! For any vegetarian out there, here is a place we can go. For those who are seafood and meat lovers, it’s also a great place for you to go and explore the menu!😋🔸🍔素食漢堡 Vege
中英語食評 / Bilingual Review 🙆🏻‍♀️

我再嚟到錦田高埔村梗係要發掘下仲有咩餐廳好去㗎啦 又比我見到依間好休閒 感覺舒適嘅西式餐廳 見到佢有素食就二話不說坐低叫野食 鍾意食西式野食嘅朋友 佢地仲有好多肉食同海鮮㗎 雖然我冇食過佢地嘅肉或海鮮 而係我食過佢嘅意大利飯口感好好 唔會太濕變成一舊舊咁 好好咬口 我相信佢其他意大利飯嘅水準都係好👍🏻
HOLA establishes an appealing comfortable and chill environment, it also provides a few vegetarian dishes which is a jackpot for me and my family!! For any vegetarian out there, here is a place we can go. For those who are seafood and meat lovers, it’s also a great place for you to go and explore the menu!😋

🔸🍔素食漢堡 Vegetarian Burger 🌱🔸
素食漢堡入面有沙律菜 蕃茄 沙律醬 仲有大啡菇 相信味道方面不太需要形容 大家一定估到 所以不過不失 會比3粒星 / The ingredients of Vegetarian Burger are Salad dressing with vegetables, tomatoes and portobello mushroom, some chopped onions and cucumbers aside. I would say that it’s a classic vegetarian burger, and the ingredients are fresh. It’s 3/5 for me.😉

🔸🌱素食全天早餐 Vegetarian Classic All-Day Breakfast☀️🔸
素食全天早餐份量食到約七成飽 而男士就應該唔夠飽嘅😂另外嘅全天早餐加埋煙肉 肉腸 相信會飽啲 而依份全天早餐有牛乳蛋 白蘑菇 茄汁豆 煎蕃茄 牛油粟米 大磨菇 沙律菜同小牛角飽 因爲有我鍾意嘅牛角飽仔同埋粟米 我係會加分嘅🙈3.8粒星 / This is also a classic vegetarian dish, a vegetarian All-Day Breakfast which includes baked beans, buttered corns, portobello mushroom, chestnut mushrooms, scrambled egg, salad vegetables, fried tomato and a mini croissant (which is my favourite 😂). A lovely all day breakfast
It’s a 3.8/5 for me.

🔸大啡菇菠菜汁意大利飯 Spinach Risotto with Portobello Mushroom 🍄🔸
依道菜正如我一開始所講咁 啲意大利飯嘅質感啱啱好 我個人比較喜歡乾身啲同有咬口嘅意大利飯 而唔係軟林林嗰種 再加埋菠菜汁同菇嘅香味 啲飯熱熱地 擺入口食 正👍🏻 係三樣中最鍾意嘅 亦比較特別 會再翻食😌 比個4.3分又點話 / This is the best dish among the three dishes. The risotto retain a little bite and the texture is slightly sloppy, it is just right for me!! Plus the spinach flavour and the delicate flavour of portobello mushroom, you should definitely give it a try😆 a 4.3/5 for this dish!!

依度食物需時製作,有充足時間同朋友 屋企人去傾偈 仲可以帶埋狗狗去🐶 / Bring your friends and family with you, to spend some quality time and talk with them as it takes longer time for them to prepare the dishes HAHA quality time always makes time go faster;)
素食漢堡  Begetarian  Burger
32 瀏覽
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素食全天早餐  Vegetarian  Classic  All-Day  Breakfast
62 瀏覽
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大啡菇菠菜汁意大利飯  Spinach  Risotto  with  Portobello  Mushroom 
31 瀏覽
0 讚好
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
素食漢堡  Begetarian  Burger
$ 78
素食全天早餐  Vegetarian  Classic  All-Day  Breakfast
$ 78
大啡菇菠菜汁意大利飯  Spinach  Risotto  with  Portobello  Mushroom 
$ 78