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出發旅行前已計劃好要到 Lobster Bobo by Eddy · 龍蝦寶寶 一試,回來後便立即前來。Chef Eddy 以龍蝦作賣點,泡製一系列親民龍蝦美食。試了龍蝦喇沙和龍蝦蝦子腸粉,喇沙湯底香濃,黃酒半熟蛋又香又滑,龍蝦彈牙,最重要是真的有兩種麵底一起的,食過太多家只有油麵,總有點缺失,今次便滿足了。而且麵底剛剛好,連著湯底一起放入口,真的十分美味。Heard about Lobster Bobo by Eddy to be launched in Central before I headed to Europe. So I scheduled a visit right after I returned. Lobster is used as the signature of this new restaurant and Chef Eddy has well managed to use this ingredients to create a series of delicious lobster food at a reasonable price. Lobster
Heard about Lobster Bobo by Eddy to be launched in Central before I headed to Europe. So I scheduled a visit right after I returned. Lobster is used as the signature of this new restaurant and Chef Eddy has well managed to use this ingredients to create a series of delicious lobster food at a reasonable price. Lobster Laksa with rich and tasty soup was unbeatable while the soft-boiled egg on the side carried rice wine fragrance.
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Lobster and shrimp roe rice rolls are simply delicious with the lobster sauce. A small bottle of shrimp roe is even placed on the table and you may feel free to add more!
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