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外賣咖喱牛腩飯,得兩舊細嘅牛腩仔,叫他多飯仲特登俾少啲,個盒就大,飯就得幾啖,唔想做就執咗佢啦,唔好害人害物。味道又差又唔入味,唔好話唔係泰國風味,連一般差嘅茶餐廳都比唔上,可能係最難食嘅餐廳。this is the most ridiculous experience I have ever had with a so called Thai restaurant, not only the attitude of kitchen staff is horribly poor, but the food portion is shamefully little, even not enough for a small kid. Taste-wise is also poor, not traditionally Thai as well.
this is the most ridiculous experience I have ever had with a so called Thai restaurant, not only the attitude of kitchen staff is horribly poor, but the food portion is shamefully little, even not enough for a small kid. Taste-wise is also poor, not traditionally Thai as well.